Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday Post 292e

Good evening again! Even though I’ve been allowed to remain in Sparkless2 this arvo and tonight, I may have an updated plodding total to note down when post one more time after I visit the loo one more time @ 9am, because I’m a pivot transfer and I’ve pivoted myself once more to the loo before dinner. Ideally I can holdout till bedtime… we’ll see. In case I’m able to hold on, my final, final plodding total for Friday’s 1096. Score, I’m just over one grand. XD Righteo, probable final, final events for today?
  • When the parents called dinner, I awkwardly used the loo for one tinkle first before joining them @ the gobbling :P table.
  • Dinner tonight: rice, lotsa tasty chives, lotsa yummy wombok, a tiny slice of yummy egg and tomato and one small slice of tasty pork. Oh, and two tiny slices of ham.
  • Again, I skipped soup and was gonna wheel myself back online, but for dad demanding I wait for thirty minutes first. He had the television on SBS to watch that train show he likes and refused to lemme change the channel, but I had absolutely zero interest and didn’t even stare @ the television but instead started counting down 900 seconds, giving minute updates, like, “Twenty-nine minutes left” then, “Twenty-seven minutes left.” Lol, dad could only stand three minutes of that before he told me where he’d put the remote! XD Then I happily watched two/three Linkin Park videos and one Evanescence one. Dad suggested how about a Westlife one, and I obligingly dug one up for him, but by the time it appeared onscreen, ‘twas already 8:30pm! In that case, I left him happily singing along to Seasons in The Sun and wheeled myself back online.
  • Toms: expect a super-pissy plodding total from me, coz I’m not going out. Besta’s coming to mind me from 10am till 2pm (will shower @ 12:30pm then have lunch with her before she leaves @ 2pm. Hoping to spend my most important two hours of the day online; also hoping PIG mum’ll leave out some arvo tea for me that I can grab once my most important two hours of the day are up. Will use the loo once more then before hopefully reading for another hour; it’s only Saturdays I get the chance to spend three hours reading! Again, fingers crossed that dearest dad will take PIG mum and I out for dinner toms night; like I’ve said before, it’s always really dangerous to leave that till Sunday! If sth comes up, that’ll mean I haven’t had the chance for a dinner out with my dearest dad this week! *sigh*
  • Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead!
Em. ^^
Tee hee, tonight I've managed FIVE posts! XD Don't think that's ever happened Friday before~

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