Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tuesday Post 337e

Good evening! Since I've already logged in Tuesday's plodding total @ 1670, lemme just now note down that Joni's devotional topic's "God's Clean Slate' and continue with tonight's events?
At 5:45pm I started logging outta things, @ 5:50pm I used the loo for one more tinkle and by 6pm I was happily ensconced on the sofa with Carnival to watch Nine's 6pm news bulletin: the 68TH time I've watched it! :D Even better, since I'd brought along my smartphone with me, I could note down all the interesting surnames I saw: Buddle, Arvier, Daish, Palka, Arvier Chauvin (heard),Calcutt, Palaszczuk, Bunyoung, Frecklington, Wegener, Heinke, Kimba (first name), Wheeler, Whyte, Creswick, Hintz, Cavallaro, Felsman, Pullar, Earner, Hegarty, Seibold,  Niu (heard), T'eo (heard), Radley, Gottlieb, Moylan, Holbrook (heard),  Beard and Costello.

68.37 US c =1AUD Sarv, Howel, Cout and,Nalvarte, Brisbane today was 15-21. Tomorrow 7-21 Mt  Gravatt

  • Once the news had finished, I headed over to the gobbling :P table for dinner: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable, lotsa soup carrot and maybe one slice of tasteless soup pork?
  • Dinner was spooned down with one bowl of soup, after which I took my bowl over to the sink, used the loo for one tinkle and then sat online waiting for Zoom link to start small group tonight!
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl after one more loo trip @ 9pm with the final, final events for tonight plus what's happening toms else hope everyone has a smashing week ahead!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. Tee hee, I've already managed FIVE posts tonight! XD

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