Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday Post 482b

 Heylo  again and good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Friday now stands @ 2891 and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's "The Enemy's Strategy". Righteo,  continuing tonight's events?

  • INCREDIBLE movie; I can't believe all the lions were made with CGI and not real! Will hopefully write a special blog post about it~ Thankfully I'd asked for seats without stairs but while I knew you climbed stairs to reach seats, today was the first time I saw you could also climb DOWN for seats!
  • Peggy was a legend who brought popcorn; before leaving I had to apologise to the staff woman waiting for our exit for scattering popcorn kernels EVERYWHERE; seriously, is there any way  to eat popcorn neatly?? XD
  • After one more loo trip, Peggy tootled me home for a nice warm shower - hairwash today. Also thanks to her who helped me rinse out my hair, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly  shut. Actually, she pulled over on Gaskell Rd. and we both  played phone games for like ten minutes; I passed two  more  levels! XD

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