Monday, January 27, 2025

Tuesday Post 486b

Heylo again, good afternoon again and prolly one final greeting for today! Em's probable final, final plodding total for Tuesday now stands @ 3790. Wonder if I'll've reached 4000 before the night ends? Righteo, probable final, final events for today?

  • After publishing the previous post, I read and shared my Facebook memories.
  • After using up my most important two hours of the day I was  gonna  use the loo for one tinkle and then head over to the gobbling :P table too read for oone hour and wait for PIG mum to gimme some arvo tea, but once PIG mum heard me scrape the chair back, she screeched don't  come over, I'm still baking! When I protested I need to use the looo and then I'm coming over for arvo tea, she replied use the loo then  go back to the computer. I'll bring your arvo tea over.
  • Meaning I'm enjoying some mango and about half a plain cracker.  Have a big mug of peppermint tea awaiting me.
  • Suppose I'll watch some YouTube now? PIG mum forgot to bring my book over~
  • Righteo, prolly won't bbl tonight so hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^

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