Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday Post 487d

 Good evening again! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 3916 (so hopefully I've have cracked four grand before the night's out); secondly, John Piper's devotional topic from last night's 'How To Repent'; thirdly, Joni's devotional topic from last night's 'Explanations'; fourthly, TWFT topic's 'Getting Beyond It'; fifthly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'Becoming Holy' and sixthly,  Joni's devotional topic's 'Worry' but seventhly and way most importantly, I'm really still owed TWENTY-ONE  MINUTES online after I visit the loo once more @ 8:55pm!! That's the first time this year I've not enjoyed all of my MOST IMPORTANT two hours of the day online; @ 9pm I'm gonna watch Jelena Dokic's story! Anyways, just briefly, yesterday's events first?

  • After enjoying my most important two hours of the day online, after one tinkle, I headed over to the gobbling :P table to read for one hour and wait for PIG mum to gimme some arvo tea.
  • Nisha came @ 5:30pm and took me to the first Toastmasters for 2025! Seven attended last night, hence why the meeting ended thirteen minutes early and I had plenty of time to enjoy all my chips from the Unhappy Meal I had for dinner from Maccas with an orange juice.
  • Today: yay, 9th consecutive awesome sleep last night! Nature didn't call until 6:50am~
  • Went grocery shopping with dearest dad @ Rochedale Coles since PIG mum was out playing badminton with her mates.
  • Came home for lunch, had a group Whatsapp videochat with dad's side of the family to bai leen and then Deb took me to play table tennis; there was cake again! :D
  • Got  home and showered - hairwash today. Also thanks to Deb who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
  • Dried, creamed  and rekitted, arvo tea was some delicious passionfruit from passionfruit Judy with one dollop of vanilla yoghurt and one mug of white tea, although unfortunately PIG mum couldn't find where PIG mum had hidden the sweetener. *sigh*
  • Happily watched the 6pm news bulletin for  the 19TH time. All the things I like recording are in the previous post.
  • Signed Deb off with my thanks and byes. Unsure when she's next back.
  • Had a fancy CNY dinner with the parents:  rice, lotsa dearest dad's homegrown hairy melon, some snow fungus, three little but delicious Chinese mushrooms and one delicious chunk of leftover chicken from dad's birthday dinner with Aunty A!
  • Drank soup, took bowl to sink and returned online.
  • Using loo for one more tinkle @ 8:55pm since @ 9pm I'm gonna watch Dokic's story!
  • Toms: PIG mum has said she'll take me walkies somewhere else expect a super-pissy plodding total from me.
  • Some new carer called  Gabrielle's minding me from 4-6pm. Hope she's nice~
  • Also hope I'll watch  the 6pm news bulletin for the 20TH time this year!
  • Best of all, it's ice cream night toms night; like I always say, a very little's better than none @ all! 
  • Righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
    Em. ^^

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