Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunday Post 497c

 Good afternoon and potentially one final greeting for today! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Sunday now stands @ only 858. Lol, hopefully I'll have one grand before today ends! Righteo, potential final, final events for today?

  • Today Peter Pie gave another sermon from his Hero/Zero series. Only Rosanna and I joined the livestream with him and Yu Lam (presume everyone else took the prerecorded option but after service ended and we were just chatting, I shared my frustrations about Alfred delaying my birthday celebrations and I think Rosanna said she'd make me a CHEESECAKE for my birthday!! <3
  • Suddenly the parents summoned me over for lunch very early @ only 11:40am?
  • For lunch I had one tiny slice of leftover pizza and a tiny serve of the pasta bake I'd cooked with Peggy three days ago, all smothered under a bed of lettuce. Oh, and one yummy slice of tinned peach. Hence why I told PIG mum I already had fruit and wouldn't need more for arvo  tea this arvo. XD
  • Hmm, where have the bullet points vanished to? o_O XD
  • After lunch I happily read The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest for one hour, finishing pg. 100 @ exactly 12:22pm, reaching pg. 111 @ exactly 12:45pm and reaching pg. @ exactly 1:10.
  • One more tinkle for me before I returned online.
  • Tonight: hope dad takes us out for dinner somewhere and I can FINALLY begin my belated birthday MONTH celebrations! Thankfully Di's said my birthday dinner out after book club's still going ahead/are we actually meeting @ the restaurant for book club?
  • Toms: 11am appointment to see Ray, weather permitting. Bet PIG mum's simply DYING to yap unceasingly @ him. XD
  • Fingers crossed she'll take me grocery shopping and aisle walking afterwards, else expect a super-pissy plodding total from me.
  • Faith's minding me from 4-6pm. Looking forward to reading for one hour and watching the 6pm news for the 39TH time after she leaves!
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl else wishing everyone a smashing week ahead!
    Em. ^^

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