good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1480 steps today (remembering that like 880 of those steps were plodded last night); secondly, joni's devotional topic from last night's 'thinking the best and thirdly, TWFT topic's 'make your children proud of you'. righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
~after a quick loo trip, the parents tootled me off to aunty jenny's for SHINE's CNY dinner!
-aunty jenny herself welcomed us into her house; after that, carmen held era and i walked well into the house, where mikey kindly got me a seat.
-aunty jenny came and offered me a drink, i chose lemon tea.
-other people arrived; uncle stephen introduced me to some pastor guy visiting, who'll speak @ ESS toms. uncle wallace the OT wandered over and randomly asked me to raise ela into the air; dunno why, i did as he bid.
-dinnertime! thanks to carmen who got me one plateful of yummy food~ i sat besides uncle stephen and opposite some visiting pastor dude. lol, uncle stephen told me @ least twice to eat slowly; thus i munched away in my usual slow pace. XD
-aunty jenny was the best! when everyone was about finished eating, she wandered over and asked me, "would you like some more food, em?' surprised, i asked her, 'can i?' aunty jenny laughed. "what would you like?" i considered, then said, 'my favourite tonight's the chicken wings! did you cook them?" aunty jenny laughed. "i sure did! here, have some more!' then she piles not one, not two, but THREE more chicken wings onto my plate! meaning all up, i gobbled 2.5 chickens worth of chicken wings last night. XD
-whilst i was still munching, thomas called everyone else to order and started a game! he stuck a four-word new year's saying onto everyone's back, then we had to go around asking everyone else yes/no questions to figure out what it was! i raised era and asked, "thomas, can you please gimme an easy one? coz i only know a handful.' thomas laughed, "don't worry, i've made one especially for you!'
-after i finished munching, i made a beeline for the only armchair available (blessed safety), then thomas stuck my saying onto my back for me. a boy and a girl helped me guess mine. i was offered the clue, 'you see it when you enter the house." i laughed. "take your shoes off!" unsurprisingly, that was incorrect. XD what it really was: "peace wherever you go."
-game over, vicky led us in singing one worship song, then alfee shared about her studies @ bible college. actually, she said, "if you can speak canto, call me mei yee."
-final activity for the night: eating fruit. kathy kindly bought me over one small plateful of some, then vicky got me some mango and evaporated milk (jelly milk! XD)
-michael wandered over and said he was driving me home~ aunty jenny walked with me over to michael's car, and i thanked her sincerely for opening her house up to SHINE for dinner tonight.
-michael was also driving some other guy home; i've forgotten his name, sorry, but says 'twas eli who brought him to BCAC. lol, i asked michael, 'who are you driving home first?" he laughed, then replied, "you. him i'm just gonna push off a bridge.' ><" XD also, michael says i'm an editor for his company! and that his blog name's pronounced 'we LIVE' in brisbane, not 'LIVE animals for sale'. also, michael reminded me to blog about our recent roadtrip! after i post about the CODA australia day party, i will~
-back home, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk down the hallway to kiss dearest dad goodnight before she booted me off to bed, after the usual nightly routine.
-saturday: woohoo, awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:20am, and after a pot :P trip, i spent the ten minutes till 6:30am having a mostly silent chat to percy the
saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience,
perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day,
giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just
suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy
and/or satisfied.
-happy snorings with dearest bear bear follow; me waking to kiss PIG mum bye and use the pot :P once more when she leaves for work around 7:45am. after she leaves, i spend another ten minutes continuing my mostly
silent conversation to percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help
me get through today okay.
-bear bear and i cuddle and snore happily together, me waking once more to use the pot :P @ 9:45pm.
-then, ding dong! tessa suddenly arrives @ 9:50am!
-anyways, she lets me cuddle bear bear in bed till about 10;40 before getting me up. the first thing she tells me is, 'i bought you some pizza.' oh, cool!
-after one more pot :P trip and two tinkles, tess gets me kitted and we walk over to the bathroom together, where i brush my teeth. thanks to tess who's already prepared everything for me.
-after teeth brushing, i drink one mug of water holding the cup 'incorrectly', then go and do a stinky unspeakable, also leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-that all done, tess and i walk out arm-in-arm to the gobbling :P table for breakfast. thanks to dad who's made some ham and eggs, and thanks to tess who's added a slice of cheese for me. the major disappointment's that tessa's forgotten the pizza! XD the mug of tea, white and two, is the second for today that i can hold 'incorrectly'. to make up for no pizza, tess feeds me this little tiramisu cake she got from somewhere.
-after i finish, i try to play with tessa's iphone, but with the internet for some reason not working today, i instead read the ghost boy. it's a really good book! while i read, tess massages ela for about thirty-five minutes.
-at midday, tess takes me again to the loo for three tinkles. back @ the gobbling :P table, i drink one mug of horlicks holding the mug 'incorrectly' then ring aunty lai. we talk for ten minutes exactly.
-next, i try ringing aunty nga. annie jie jie answers, passes me onto mickey, who tells me, 'dad's not home right now." so i ask him, 'then where's your mum?' when he replies, 'she's not home either," i tell him, 'when your mum gets home, can you please ask her to ring me, please?' mickey says, 'okay. bye.' and hangs up on me! the small brat! ><" XD
-before she leaves, tess takes me once more to the loo for two tinkles. PIG mum arrives home, says hello to tess then heads upstairs to shower. when she comes back downstairs, she feeds me almost (but not quite) one bowl of yummy fried rice and one mug of plain water for lunch.
-after lunch, i walk myself slowly and safely online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-at first, i thought i had to do some editing for michael, but there was nothing in my inbox waiting for me!
-instead, PIG mum takes me once more to the loo @ 3pm, before taking elf's shoe to fix sth.
-anyways, annette should come and supervise my shower soon. fingers crossed i can bbl, else:
-just church toms, nothing special.
-fingers crossed i can have some lunch @ plaza afterwards, and that i'll get some visitors in the arvo!
em. ^^
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