Thursday, December 31, 2009

new year's eve post 2

good evening!
well, there's roughly fifty-five mins till the new year ...oh yeah. i'd better say that today, i was hard at work plodding 2617 steps. anyways, events for the rest of the night:
-PIG mum took me once to the loo before dad tootled us off to uncle chi wah's house. of course, no guesses as to who forced who to do everything. sadly, dad also refused to let me listen to the news on 96.5FM or 94.9FM while he was driving. :( dunno why, but oh well.
-anyways, the parents gleefully FORCED :(first time) me to walk in. i apologised for not being able to take my shoes off (well, i could, but it'd just mean i'd have to be in my manual wheelchair, and goodness knows that PIG mum would rather EAT ME ALIVE :P o_O then allow that to happen!) then took a seat at their dining table, saying hello to aunty connie and uncle simon, and refusing to give uncle chi wah his bday card until he promised to stop stomping on my poor dad. :P
-dinner tonight: roughly 3/4 plate (dunno why they don't use bowls?) of rice, lotsa lettuce, three yummy mushrooms, and a few spoonfuls of aunty po yee's yummy 'meat biscuit'! lol, she's got no idea what that's called in english either, so 'meat biscuit' it'll haveta remain until i can find out what it's really called in english.
-PIG mum made me walk to the lounge room, where lik/ying directed me to an armchair. blessed safety, for a little while. :)
-they have this really cool wii sports game! only it's not called wii sports, and i can't call PIG mum down and ask her (i think she's too busy snoring her head off :P) but you can do bike riding, ping pong with this HUGE bat, and bowling - not ten pins, but A HUNDRED pins! and swordfighting. :) so i had awesome fun with that!
-PIG mum came, took me to the loo once. i got her to try the sword fighting too, and we tried our skill at a game of 100-pin bowling. i won. :p
-time to leave, we said our byes, thankyous and see you next tootled us home, and i let erf sit sideways, coz this was my last car trip for the day. almost forgot! lik had made yummy cheesecake for desert! i congratulated him on his cooking prowess. "don't thank me, you haven't tasted it yet!" he laughed." 'well, if i eat your cake and die of food poisioning, you won't see me at church!" i told him. "but i don't go to the same church as you!" he protested. "fair enough, then. if you don't see me on facebook for an entire month after tonight, you can surmise your culinary skills (or there lackof) killed :P me." i got two ultra-thin slices; actually, i noticed that when ying carved himself up a slice, it was bigger than both my slices combined! but i knew better than to grouse at PIG mum. also much thanks to ying who poured me half a mug of plain milk. and yeah, i drank some ... multi V, i think it's called? juice for dinner. i think i held both those cups 'incorrectly', too... guess PIG mum didn't notice.
-i think tonight's post and this afternoon's post sums up another year for me ... it's been a struggle to get through the day sometimes, but one of the first things i do after i wake up each morning is ask percy the angel/saint to please help me, to please give me the patience and perserverance to endure another day. to help me remember that almost everything i do is for the pleasure/satisfaction of my parents, but that i'll earn two hours of internet time for myself if i manage to struggle and suffer through the day. of course, there are easier and harder days to get through, but i've managed that, so far.
so yeah, just wishing everyone a safe and prosperous new year. hope you'll all enjoy this new decade as much as you've enjoyed this one that's just about to end!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year's eve post

good afternoon! let's reflect on the year that was:
uni-wise: well, sadly, i wasn't able to make it back to uni this year. :( i did see the UQ disability officer about me returning, but she said i needed some neuro-psych test done. i did the test; obviously, i failed it, coz i wasn't at university for the second semester, either. :( who knows if i'll ever make it back to uni. :( ah well, maybe next year. :(
sporting wise: again, this year, my sport has been basically limited to wii sports and wii boxing. parents did gleefully force me to go to griffith uni, mt gravatt campus, to play baddy with them; by 'play', i mean dad throws me shuttles and i wave my racquet uselessly around trying to hit them back, PIG mum standing behind me, ready to catch me if i suddenly lose my balance.
politically-wise: 2007 was kevin 07, 2008 was 'i hate kevin 08', and 2009 was 'slime kevin 09'. the new year, 2010 ... umm ... zen zen kevin 10? :P
spiritually wise: again, i spent much of this year angry with god. like, i still don't honestly know what i did to piss him off so much that he almost killed me with a brain tumour! >< but i started praying to him again at the end of may, well, to both him and percy the angel/saint. i have no idea if what i'm doing is a chat (PIG mum often tells me that you can only pray to god, and that i can only have a 'chat' to percy), a prayer, a chat-prayer or a prayer-chat, but that's what i've been doing. i think i'll continue doing this, too, but i'll revise it come mid 2010. one thing i said i'd try stop was singing a nasty song to god every night before i went to sleep. this song is currently my second-favourite song. do you know the song "i love you god, did i tell you that today, i love you god, and that's all i wanna say. when i just can't think of the words, and as i begin to pray, then i say, i love you god, really love you god, i love you today. i love you god today, even when i pray, when words won't come, my heart will say, i love you god today." well, i sing myself to sleep every night with this song, but i replace the word 'love' with another four-letter word beginning with the letter 'h'. but like i said at the end of may this year, i'd try stop this habit by the end of the year. and since it's the end of the year now, i'll try to replace that line with 'you are my god'. i know it's not as good as 'i love you god', but it's an improvement on what i'm currently singing ATM, so i'll give that a try.
work-wise: me still unemployed. >< do you know how aggravating it is to need to rely on your parents for every single cent you want/need to spend? well, hopefully, i'm seeing phil at centacare right now, so hopefully he'll be able to help me find a job.
relationship-wise: well, i'm still single. enough said. :P
everything-else wise: awesome, i've no dandruff to report this year! coz last year, i was bemoaning that i had an entire HEADFUL of it! o_O :P well, the end of this year also marks FIVE years since i've graduated high school! but even more frighteningly, it marks TEN years since i've graduated primary school! lol, i feel like an old fart now, dunno about you guys. :P well, i've also recently gotten into using facebook :P anything else? oh, mum reminds me that dad recently bought me a treadmill. i've used it twice, and it has a safety cord. :) and it goes nice and slowly. :) also, PIG mum reminds me that ying introduced me to a new anime! bleach ... i've only watched one episode so far, but it's pretty good. :) anything else? oh, yeah. whenever i put in a P.S.~!@#$% i mean that i've wanted to write something in that post, but PIG mum was nearby, read it, and forced me to delete it. oh yeah, and i better stick up what i used to put up every thursday but couldn't anymore coz my copy and paste function bombed out on me. >< so, i'll put it up once tonight, the 31st december; but i'll be in hong kong for the 31st januarry, so i'll haveta save that for when i return from hong kong, mid-feb.:
-whenever i had to walk, i'd type that PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to. when she banned me from using all capitals, i used Forced until she somehow decided that the entire word offended her sensibilities, and banned it altogether. so i switched to the word contort, only it wasn't long before PIG mum decided that even this word somehow offended her and banned it also, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use the word made. anyways, i complied and used MADE. did it really surprise me when PIG mum stepped in and demanded that it had to be ALL in lowercase? so i complied again, only now i typed that PIG mum 'gleefully' made me walk. that was until charlsy left me a comment on this blog, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use made without any words before or after it. dunno really know why i listen to him, afterall, it's MY blog, but i guess i do coz i have heaps and heaps of respect for him as a friend. and, regarding last night:
1.PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk from the computer desk to the kitchen benchtop to drink my nightly half cuppa of milk. *sigh* i've said before, how in the past she just used to bring me my milk, in her eagerness to boot me off to bed, but now it seems that she somehow derives FAR GREATER PLEASURE at being able to force her poor daughter to walk more. ah well, i'll survive.
2. after saying goodnight to dearest dad, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk to the bathroom for my nightly routine.
3.poor em was forced to stand to brush her teeth, and PIG mum also forced my poor left hand to do the three after-brush rinses with my right hand. i forgot to add, same with the kitchen benchtop, it is somehow a HUGE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN if you were to lean against the basin and rest your aching self.
4. after flossing and washing both hands, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them.
5. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the toilet.
6. PIG mum forced me to dak myself for a tinkle or two.
7. when i stood back up, PIG mum forced me to pull my own trousers back up.
8. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over and bend awkwardly to flush the loo. i reached over to wash and dry my right hand.
9. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed. remember, i'm not allowed to hobble/stagger/limp in and grasp the handrail that was installed up there FOR THAT SPECIFIC PURPOSE, because PIG mum has recently discovered that it somehow, again, gives her FAR GREATER PLEASURE to force her poor daughter to walk to the middle of the bed, turn around and bend awkwardly to finally sigh with relief that she has, indeed, endured through another day.
10. no pull-up pants. >< no teds, either. argh. i thought that maybe i could wear them once a week, every friday, just like how it gives PIG mum that much pleasure to restrict poor em to a truly miniscule bowl of icecream once a week, but apparently not. tough luck, em. ><
-finally, if i don't mention any of this till next thursday, it just means that it's ALL the same as what i typed out today, okay? no difference. ><
hmm ... anything else? oh! visitors this year!
1. cousin teresa, uncle dick and franco all came over in late january. of course, useless me chose to land myself in hospital. ><
2. at the beginning of may, first and second aunties, cousin karry and uncle all came over too! and yes, uncle bought himself half a cheesecake for breakfast again. :P
3. lol, unless you count leanne coming up from canberra every now and again to visit us, i think that's all this year! coz uncle toby, aunty tammy, aunty winnie, uncle william and wend-jasmine :P all came last year!
anyways, i'll be back tonight to post my final reflections for year 2009!
em. ^^

wednesday post

good evening!
sorry i didn't come back online to post my final plodding total; see, lisa and i had a bit of a disagreement at the bowling. she drove us home, and PIG mum got shirty with me so wouldn't allow me back online ... :( but i didn't reset my pedometer, so i can note down, that for each day, i was hard at work plodding 3336 steps. anyways, today's events?
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once.
-back in bed, rainbow scampered up to me. "good morning, ela!" she said brightly. "how about you hold my tail?" so ela obediently opened up to hold onto rainbow's tail, while i cuddled my new teddy from uncle wallace (i keep forgetting his name, i'm so sorry! >< oh! EMPEROR!!) but it's sth powerful...) and snored my head off. :P
-when PIG mum dug me up a few hours later, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once, got kitted, then was made to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-phew, l;ucky i didn't eat my packet of sustain! it has almonds! (remember, em's allergic to nuts ><) so i had the pack of nutri-grain instead.
-daniel wan came over! firstly, sorry, i forgot to time all my activities, but:first, i practised sit-to-stands. that scored a five out of ten, and was difficult coz daniel didn't want me clinging to the table to push myself up. then i walked to the television then to the piano. that, as always, scored an eleven out of ten, coz walking's just so damned difficult for me. :( piano playing scored an eight out of ten, and was ouchies >< coz my stupid left shoulder decided to be sore! oww ... >< lastly, pictionary playing scored a one out of ten, coz goodness knows it isn't hard to play a game!
-when daniel left, PIG mum microwaved me my lunch. the milk i drank was a struggle, though. PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the carton, then after era had unlidded the carton, gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the cup's ear before i poured it. else, she ordered era to hang onto the cup then forced poor ela to pour it. either way, i chose to hold that cup 'incorrectly'.
-PIG mum forced me on five mins of the treadmill. luckily, i feel safe, wearing the safety strap. :)
-then i watched the first twilight movie! PIG mum was a wimp, of course. :P me, i liked it. but edward's just too pasty. go jacob! :P
-chrissy came, late (duh. :P) forced me to walk into the laundry for my shower - i washed my hair today. i had a tinkle before she flipped the water off, one while i was drying myself, and one more when chrissy was jamming my AFO on.
-arvo tea: a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar - my official cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly', and a toasted cheese - too bad, only one slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin >< - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into two triangles.
-i sat and read my book club novel. thanks to chrissy who shared with me a pink nims svie lolly.
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage at 5:40; as always, she refused till after 5:45. i was being painted chocolate brown today, BTW. and she was amazed that i was still sucking my lolly! i don't chew, see. :)
-i signed chrissy off, said my "see you next year!"s.
-after passing me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly' this time, PIG mum made me walk to the loo, of course also forcing me to dak myself.
-so i did a stinky unspeakable, and dearest dad came home! actually, i'd rung him while watching twilight (i've said before, right? chrissy's so cute, she says 'twEEElight'. :P) and he told us he was at brighton.
-lol, i actually skipped dinner tonight! bet i'll be hungry toms!
-toms: new year's eve! (lol, i'd actually written 'christmas' eve! luckily PIG mum was reading over my shoulder!) we haveta mail mrs. court's letter to her toms, hopefully we can grab lunch at the fish and chip shop! and we also haveta buy a bday card for uncle chi wah, coz we're going to their place for dinner tonight! and karen'll be coming from 1pm - 3pm.
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. we're going to aunty po yee's house for dinner toms night! i wonder if she'll make my favourite 'meat biscuit'? (say that in canto). let's hope so!

Monday, December 28, 2009


heylo again!
perhaps i misunderstood what leanne had said to PIG mum, coz it's now 2:45, and she's not here! in that case, i guess i'll just post about my day, then come back online for a few more mins tonight to post up my final plodding total.
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot :P once last night without falling to her death. o_O :P
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself over to use the pot :P again, then, back in bed, tucked in ela's thumb for a bit more beauty sleep and snored my head off with my two teddies. :P
-when aunty frances arrived, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once more. she got me kitted, then Forced me to walk out to the gobbling table for breakfast.
-i munched the most boring box from my fun pack cereal, special K, i think it was. lol, it got all stuck in my teeth and i had to pick it all out with a toothpick! :P
-then i sat down and wrote the court family a lovely long letter. much thanks to joshels who e-mailed me mrs. court's home address! aunty frances gave ela a massage; her son's twenty-one years old; her daughter's three months younger than me, i think. and her surname is 'fong', like aunty joanne. her son works at the airport right now, and her daughter's a dietician. "she keeps na
-aunty joanne took me
-ooh! natalie and LEANNE- are here! bbl~~
em. ^^




good evening! i can log in my final plodding total now! so, on monday, em was hard at work plodding 1991 steps today. sorry if i can't be bothered to get off my lazy butt and amble nine more steps to make my final plodding total an even two grand. :P anyways, what happened after chrissy arrived?
-she Forced to walk into the laundry for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today. that means i've washed my hair/had my hair washed EVERYDAY FOR ONE WEEK. lol, i remember my previous record was two weeks and six days!
-i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped thje water off, one more when i was drying myself, and one final one when chrissy was jamming my AFO on.
-she Forced me to walk out, and i made my arvo tea - a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly', and a toasted cheese - two slices, coz there wasn't any ham left - and mayo sandwhich, cut one way or another (meaning my memory's crap, okay? i forgot. >< :P)
-i read my bookclub novel out aloud, chrissy read sth else, until it was news time. chrissy Forced me to walk over to my television chair, flipped on seven's news, read out by patrick condren and talitha cummins, sport by rohan welsh, and weather again by talitha cummins. thanks to chrissy who quartered me a juicy pear. i like the juicy ones better than the crunchy ones, BTW.
-after the news, today tonight read out by samantha armytage began. i waited to see if chrissy would give ela a massage - surely she remembers by now! - but no, she seemed perfectly content to wait to watch today tonight, so i told her to please give ela a massage after the first story started.
-at 6:45, chrissy Forced me to walk to the toilet, forcing me to dak myself also. three tinkles later, she came for me, Forced me to walk around to flush the toilet. i clung to the towelrack, sidestepped to wash and dry era, then chrissy Forced me to walk back to my dining chair.
-i signed chrissy off, said my thanks and byes.
-so i read my book club novel out aloud until the parents returned from their walk/came downstairs.
-dinner: rice, no greens! just chunks of ham and pineapple. yummy. :) of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, oh well. i just eat at my normal pace, now. in the past, i'd eat as fast as i could, max. ten bites then i'd swallow, but i decided that it wasn't worth me choking and besides, it luckily doesn't hurt poor ela to grasp onto the bowl, anyway. dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. then, PIG mum made me walk back to the computer chair (*sigh* i honestly so miss my armchairs i wish i was seeing tamara again! ><) and i tootled back online.
-toms: aunty frances is coming over! hopefully, PIG mum will head off to garbo, come back with a nice, comfy massage. :) (actually, she says she won't, coz she's gotta go souvenir shopping for the family in hong kong). as for me, i'm planning to write a nice, long letter to mrs. court! thanks to joshels who emailed me her address :) oh yeah - one more thing: toms i'm gonna get started eating my fun pack of cereal! i plan to start with the most boring one first ... sustain or special k?
em. ^^
P.S. one last thing - did i mention already? mr. hall really did find me a teddy from russia! actually, in a sporting shop; i think the teddy is some mascot of some football club. i was just going to call him 'greg' - mr. hall just laughed and said he didn't mind - but dearest dad was super-smart - "why not call him peter? coz he's from st. petersbuirg! so, peter greg chan he is. nice name, doncha reckon? :P
P.P.S. ~!@#$%
P.P.P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

monday post

good afternoon! TWFT topic is 'be willing to start small', and no plodding total from em yet, coz i've still got one full HOUR of internet time after chrissy leaves tonight. at 6pm or 7pm, i'm not really sure. but hopefully 7pm, coz that'll mean i can watch the news, get ela a massage and have one more loo trip. anyways, chrissy's due to arrive in six minutes; hopefully she won't be late today! :P that's wishful thinking, i know ... but hey. :P anyways, i'm just gonna go read the news until chrissy comes, so bbl tonight with my final plodding total and the day's events, yeah?
em. ^^

sunday post

good evening! TWFT topic is 'the spirit-filled life', the spam count for the weekend is 43, and em was hard at work plodding 3924 steps today. anyways, today's events:
-firstly, yay em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot last night without falling to her death. o_O:P
-this morning, PIG mum poked me up. i used the pot :P once more, got kitted, then was made to walk to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was two weetbix with half a dab of honey. when PIG mum popped me my drugs :P i drank the cup of water to flush down the pills 'incorrectly', coz goodness knows i wouldn't get another chance to for the rest of the day.
-dad tootled us off to church. poor em was forced to buckle her own seatbelt, and we listened to ronan keating.
-PIG mum made me walk in; service soon started.
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to stand up for four songs; i sang the harmony for one.
-speaker today was him wong (lol, in canto we just call him 'him sook'), and he gave us a sermon on 'an overflowing life'. evan was the interpreter!
-after service, PIG mum took me to the loo once (no guesses as to who forced who to do everything) then i settled down to morning tea with a cup of cordial and a triangle of sandwhich with one slice of ham. i also yakked to a few randoms.
-leanne helped me hobble/stagger/limp up to her car, and off she tootled us to pick up peggy!
-peggy jumped into leanne's car - she was driving some hybrid toyota - and off she tootled us off to the fish and chip shop! turns out letty had lunch with her family, and couldn't come along. :( but leanne's car is honestly so cool - it had a 'power' button! so she was awesome and let me press it all day. and the car has the ability to park itself!
-but the fish and chip shop wasn't open! ><>< sorry, i'll put it back up after i ask leanne to please tell me again! something yucky with red bean and something else really yummy and a lil bit of green tea and sesame icecream.
-leanne and peggy helped me hobble/stagger/limp back to the car, and leanne tootled me home. only ... the parents weren't home yet! so leanne tootled us to kuraby park and we had a big wander around until leanne decided it was home time.
-PIG mum gave me a barely lukewarm shower. no complaints from me, coz it was really stinking hot today! a hairwash today, and PIG mum also forced poor ela to scrub various parts of my body 140+ times. even worse, PIG mum also gleefully forced poor ela to help me with my sock putting-on! lisa used to do that, too.
-i dried myself. we always forget the cream! then i rekitted myself. PIG mum finished with my left ted and laces, then made me walk out to the computer chair.
-i opened my christmas presents! when i get the time, i must put them up o my LJ!
-then i tootled online till all our guests arrived for dinner. the lam family and the chow family.
-dinner tonight: roughly almost a bowl of red pasta, some chicken, two sang choi bao, some yummy chicken. but dad ate my peking duck wrap! *wails* so i'll prolly haveta wait till my bday before i get another taste. :(
-dad walked me back to tootle online.
-lol, i dunno what's in store for me toms! hopefully, PIG mum will come up with sth for me, else i'm gonna stay in bed till chrissy arrives at 4pm! :P
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.
P.P.S. off for my naruto fix, now! :P
P.P.P.S. i've updated my final plodding total; it now stands at 3924 steps. but, from before:
-dad made me walk over to the table, where candles were lit and we sang the happy bday song for PIG mum again! then we lined up for photos - smoky jie jie even snapped one of me pretending to eat the cake! :P
-i got too really thin slices (dunno really know why there was two cakes); PIG mum poured me my half cuppa of milk, then took me to the loo once afterwards, of course she forced me to dak myself.
-we have plans for toms! mr. hall rang tonight, like he promised! he'll be taking PIG mum and i to meet mr. mendelle toms! i'm so excited - do you think it'd be alright if i gave him a hug to say thank-you so much for putting my tape into a DVD for me? and maybe, we'll get to meet his chinese wife too! i think she's canto.
em. ^^

Saturday, December 26, 2009

boxing day post

good evening! TWFT topic is 'jesus is the way', and em once more has a plodding total again! THANK-YOU, KWANY!!!!!!!! for my new pedometer! meaning, that from 6pm onwards, em was hard at work plodding ... lol. just 328 steps. haha, i'm pretty sure that toms's total will be bigger! righteo, lemmee just say that toms, i'm owed THREE HOURS online, coz i'll only have tootled online for one hour all up when PIG mum forces me off to bed. anyways, today's another 'event!' firstly, it's boxing day, and secondly, it's my PIG mum's bday today!!!!!!!!!!!!
this morning, when i got up, i used the pot :p once and PIG mum got me kitted, before she made me walk out to the car. after forcing me to buckle my own seatbelt, dad tootled us off to carindale! dad didn't wanna listen to anything, so i sang all of my favourite song in my head, and 90% of my second-favourite song, opening my eyes for all the important numbers. at carindale, i was immensely relieved/grateful when the parents got out sparkless for me! and luckily, unlike last year, no headache struck me this time, so i was able to push myself along just fine. first up, we headed over for breakfast! i chomped a bacon and egg wrap and half a hash brown from maccas. i drank milk, and also tried a few slurps of PIG mum's iced coffee - surprisingly, i liked it! then we just wandered carindale, PIG mum hitting all the clothes stores, etc. both dearest dad and i picked up a tee at giordano? and PIG mum bought a pair of shoes from somewhere. lunch was at foodcourt, i had one chicken sushi roll, drank orange juice (not really sure why mum wouldn't let me drink a shake, but oh well) and a little chicken and roughly ten small chippies from dad's red rooster meal. and we bumped into ppl! first, we saw all the chow family bar uncle sam (lol, aunty anne told me that uncle sam "didn't like shopping" :P), then we saw dora and jonathan, lastly, we saw charlsy, bernard and kwany! when we got home, i tootled online briefly until chrissy arrived, yes, late. :p so she Forced me to walk into the laundry for my shower - i washed my hair today. i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped the water off, one more when i was drying myself, and one last one while chrissy was jamming my AFO on. chrissy Forced me to walk out - but she'd brought me arvo tea! much thanks to her mum who baked really yummy cookies! so i had that and a cuppa, sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'. chrissy said to leave one for PIG mum as chrissy's bday present to her, so i left her the apricot one. i really enjoyed the chocolate one, but my favourite was the gingerbread one! then i read my book club novel until PIG mum, for some unknown reason, let chrissy run off early. PIG mum took me to the loo once - no guesses as to who forced who to do everything - and i actually ended up doing a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too. once all in the car, dad tootled us off to pole's! we met kwany and letty as PIG mum was making me walk in, and pole steered me to a plastic armchair. safe, for a few hours. :) people started coming out; joshels wandered over, and we had a yak. funny thing? it started raining. "rain, rain, go away, come again another day," i sang, then poked joshels (he's wildly ticklish :P) to do the same. so he did, and the second he stopped/finished? the rain suddenly poured HARDER. :P haha! we had a good laugh!
anyways, pole said grace for us, and much thanks to joshels tonight who helped me walk/hobble/stagger/limp around to pick up food. so i ate: two pastries made by janice and wilfreddy that contained cheese and fetta, quite a bit of fruit salad, a few sticks of sausage and pineapple (lol, back at my seat, joshels pinched one and just gobbled the pineapple, leaving me with only the sausage! then the cheeky poo pretended he hadn't even touched it! :p) two scoopfuls of my favourite stir fry beef ho fan (evan told me he'd cooked it himself, but then admitted that uncle patrick had stood behind him and growled stuff like, "that's too much!" :P), and a small slice of yummy mango pudding (thanks, hairy) for dessert. but argh, nature called. ><><) and dad tootled us home. oh, we listened to josh groban's disc all day! no, correction: we listened to ronan keating's new disc all day, bar the two trips to and from pole plop's house - that was josh groban. anyways, back home, we opened xmas presents! i think dearest dad likes his. :) PIG mum, however, was just about ready to murder me for drawing a pig on her card/envelope. :P anyways, i still haven't opened all my pressies yet - plan to do that toms before church! that way, if no-one does really buy me the new westlife disc, i can wail at leanne for it! :P anyways, just church toms - then afterwards, leanne, peggy, letty and i are all going out for fish and chips at st lucia! lol, joshels told me that shop has some really funny name ... batter and sth? lol, some criminal offence, anyways. hope to see everyone at church toms!
em. ^^
P.S. almost forgot! after chrissy left, dearest grandma and aunty nga rang to wish PIG mum a happy birthday! and even better, grandma says i can ring her toms. :)
P.P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Friday, December 25, 2009

christmas post

heylo everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways, TWFT topic is "quite a story, isn't it?" and still no plodding total from em. ><>
-a fun pack of cereal (you know, a package with little boxes of coco pops, fruit loops, etc.?)
-a pack of glow-in-the-dark stars (sorry, kwany, whichever op shop you got my pack last year from, they like don't. work. :p
-a kit kat cookies and cream! chrissy says her mum sends them over from germany, along with her perfume. hopefully, PIG mum won't need to send a mail order over to germany for one! :p
-a teddy bear. em loves teddy bears. :)
-the mission impossible movies? dad was watching the second one on television last night. tom cruise looks so young! :P
-oh, the first twilight movie!i've finished the second book, am about to start the third.
-two more goldfish, to replace poor silver and bronze, who passed away mid-last year. but i'll see them in heaven someday. :)
-oh, PIG mum says she'll buy me a really BIG present, if i stop asking her for my walking stick. hmm ... the biggest thing i can think of ... i want an i-phone! :p or whatever the google version's called ... the g-phone? :p
-a new novel! my favourite authors are raymond e. feist and janny wurts, but i'd also settle for a novel by david feintuch or learn hearn (sp?)
-i honestly don't ask for too much ... i think. santa, please be nice! righteo, what happened today?
-breakfast this morning was two weetbix with half a dab of honey. lol, i thought, it being christmas and all, PIG mum would gimmee a break, but no, i still copped a tirade this morning. ><><>
anyways, dad tootled us home after that. i let erf sit sideways, coz that was the last car trip for the day. back home, thanks to PIG mum for passing me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too. after washing and drying both hands and turning on the computer switch, i tootled online till lunchtime. lol, i had a chat with matt:"hey, why didn't i see you atchurch this morning?" i asked him. "umm ... i overslept." was his answer. haha!! lunch was some ham and a corn cob skewered on a chopstick. hen the parents forced me to take some ridiculously long nap, for like, what - more than three hours? i sang both my favourite and second-favourite songs in my head, actually, no, i sang all the important numbers out aloud, and the rest in my head. then i cuddled rainbow and snored my head off till chrissy came. when she arrived, i grouched at her, "geez, chrissy. for goodness sakes, it's CHRISTMAS DAY and you STILL have to come late?!" lol. :P so she rolled me to the laundry, forced me to switch to my wheeless showerchair, and gave me a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today. i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped the water off, one more while i was drying myself, and one last one while i was getting creamed. back outside, chrissy just made me a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'. chrissy, PIG mum and i all had a yak. chrissy rocked off more than an hour early, so i tootled back online until our guests started arriving. the cheung family, and ying's family. so after one more loo trip (no guesses as to who forced who to do everything), we settled down to dinner. i drank my orange juice in a wine glass :P had some ham, potatoes and lotsa wombok. i tootled back online. ying came over, taught me to use google chrome instead of internet explorer, and introduced me to watch bleach. aunty po yee helped me walk/stagger/hobble/limp back to the dining room, where we sang the happy bday song (i did the hip hips, of course) in both english and canto. then, PIG mum told uncle chi wah to cut me a wee thin slice of cake. :( everyone else got big fat slices! ><>
anyways, toms is boxing day! if i can wake up early enopugh, dad's promised to take me to maccas for breakfast! righteo, just gonna make one more bday present for PIG mum ... chrissy's coming in the arvo, and off to pole's for an xmas party toms night!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 mistakes in my post tonight.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

argh, my post wiped on me! ><>< well, let's just see how far i can get ...argh, and it's an 'event', too ... christmas eve!
TWFT topic is 'joseph' and still no plodding total from em. ><><
anyways, when dearest dad got up for work this morning, i swung myself over to use the pot :p once. back in bed, ela's thumb crept in for some more sleep, while i cuddled rainbow and snored my head off. :p when PIG mum poked me up later, i used the pot :p once more, and got kitted, before heading out to breakfast.
eep, 30 mins left! typetypetype!~~
i dunno what i did to piss PIG mum off; in retaliation, she fed me two weetbix without any honey. oh well. :( 'twas still yummy. :) anyways, after breakfast, PIG mum made me walk to the car. she forced me to buckle my own seatbelt (what she gleefully forced poor em to do all day) and we also listened to my christmas disc from kylie and mel all day.we went to coles to buy a block of cadbury's for karen! and i gave my card and choccies (sp?) to gloria, too. :) then, PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time) me to walk to the mailbox to post my letter to eri. back in the car, PIG mum kindly consented to buying us each a pork salad roll for lunch. at home, i settled down to my pork salad roll and a mug of plain milk, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. then i wrote an xmas card out to karen and read my bookclub novel until she arrived. karen gave me a nice hot shower - hairwash today. PIG mum had ordered that i was only to have a pear and a cuppa for arvo tea, me having only finished lunch about ten mins before karen arrived. :P so karen chopped me up a pear, and made me a cuppa, white and two, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'. then karen and i traded xmas presents. she laughed at the P.S. i wrote on her card:'matthew, behave!' :p and she really did get me a rasputin! so i'll haveta ask dad to please unscrew his bum :P and see what size batteries he takes. and he's already got a name! rasputin jnr. :)
anyways, karen gave ela a really long massage, like, over thirty mins. i was being painted green with red spots today, BTW. very xmassy. :p
after karen left, i went to the loo once before we headed out to watch a movie! of course, no guesses as to who forced who to do everything. dad drove us off to the garbo cinemas, first getting confused as to whether we were actually going there or the sunnybank ones. :p but we parked, and the parents gleefully FORCED :(first time) me to walk in. i took a seat; PIG mum went to buy tickets. for some reason, dad decided to gimmee my tirade of the week. ><>< ai, whatever. but i let erf sit sideways for the last trip home. back home, i tootled online till the parents called dinner. two min noodles tonight, with lotsa lettuce, and a few tiny and thin slices of ham. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced p[oor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well. dinner was washed down with a mug of plain water instead of yummy fruit and vegie juice; i think, ela let go of the mug PIG mum had gleefully forced her to hold a lil too enthusiastically, and PIG mum yanked it away and fed me a mug of plain water instead. in retaliation, i quickly drank that mug 'incorrectly'. after dinner, PIG mum didn't seem ready to walk me back to the computer yet, so i just tilted my head up and back (i think PIG mum has made it clear to me that i'm only allowed to drop it down for eight hours of sleep each night?) and sang 1/5 of my second favourite song in my head, opening my eyes for all the important numbers. actually, PIG mum designated dad to walk me back to the computer table, threatening me with no more computer time if i didn't dare to take a big right step over my left foot. so i tried my best, and made it, even though dad forced me to awkwardly fumble around for the chair before i got to sit down.
anyways, it's christmas toms! so we'll be attending church toms. dunno what's happening in the arvo, but i think dad's invited the cheung family over for dinner toms night. :) righteo, one more sleep till christmas!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

tuesday post

evening! anyways, where was i?
-some ppl rang, i just continued snoring my head off. :P when PIG mum poked me up, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more, only felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so thanks to PIG mum who rolled me in, passed me a mug of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course, and helped me wipe afterwards. yup, it works ... i stay for an extra tinkle before calling for PIG mum.
-i got kitted, then breakfast was two yummy weetbix with half a dab of honey.
-after threatening not to take me out for lunch (can't really remember why; guess i just pissed her off), PIG mum tootled us off to the hyperdome!
-well, firstly, PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time) me to walk into the toilets. of course, she forced me to dak myself, and, of course, she forced me to un-dak myself.
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED (first time) me to walk to grill'd. kylie was there! so PIG mum had a seat as we waited for mel; of course, PIG mum IMMEDIATELY jumped into her favourite topic - dissing me. oh well.
-when mel arrived, PIG mum kindly removed herself and we ordered! we shared a bowl of chips with some herb mayo - it's seriously yummy! i wanted to add herb mayo to my christmas wishlist, but kylie told me, "that's prolly too late for santa." :P
- i drank an orange juice and gobbled a caesar's palace:grilled chicken breast, crispy trim bacon, free range egg, shaved parmesan, baby cos and caesar dressing, for $11.50. kylie had a crispy bacon and cheese burger, while mel had a vegetarian feild of dreams burger. she's not vegetarian, though.
-so we yakked away, and traded xmas presents! i mean, i gave them a card and small cute mirror each; they gave me a new CD! the so fresh songs for christmas! kylie instructed me:" em, listen to that disc when your mum is driving you home." adds mel, "at the TOP of your lungs." :P
-PIG mum came to pick me up, we hugged, said our merry christmases and see you next years. kylie says next time, she'll find jess martin to come along too!
-PIG mum tootled us home. i put my new disc in, and sang along to it, though not at the top of my lungs. :P but since it was the last trip of the day for me, i let erf sit sideways.
-a stinky unspeakable when i got home. no guesses as to who forced who to do all the dakking, un-dakking and flushing, but thanks to PIG mum who passed me a mug of water, which i was extremely careful to hold 'correctly', of course.
-after a forced march to bend awkwardly to flick on the computer switch, i tootled online, until chrissy came. late, of course. :P but i wrote her an xmas card, and i also printed her outher sheet of arrival times. :p
-but a nice hot shower for me today - i washed my hair. actually, chrissy says i haveta ask PIG mum to ring CODA to see if anyone will come help me out on christmas and boxing day; i'll definitely remember to ask PIG mum please to tonight.
-arvo tea was just a nashi and a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-chrissy read some twilight novel; i read my new book club novel. as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage at 5:40, this time, she didn't start till after 5:50.
-when PIG mum came downstairs, she gleefully forced poor em on 40+mins of arm exercises, ending with the soccer and piano ones that daniel had taught. so, the soccer exercises for two mins - it seriously doesn't take long to kick a ball ten times with each foot! - but it scored an eleven out of ten because anything involving walking will never score anything less than a ten. :( then, the piano ones for ten mins, and that scored a seven out of ten, and was annoying coz PIG mum kept nagging meabout my posture.
-but a loo trip before dinner. no guesses as to who forced who to do everything again.
-dinner: rice, cool, no greens! just mushroom and egg, with some beef/pork, i think. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, whatever. dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-toms: we're going to post eri's letter and buy karen a chocolate bar! she's coming at 1pm, and then lee's going with us to watch the storm warrior in the arvo!
em. ^^
P.S. argh, PIG mum has captured ela's poor thumb. nevermind, she's already had her two hours of happiness today; she can wait for tomorrow's two hours.
P.P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

wednesday post

good afternoon! TWFT topic was 'serving god or money', and poor em's still without a plodding total. >< firstly, two more things i want to add to my christmas wishlist:
1. herb mayo! i tried some today, and it's really yummy!! lol, but kylie tells me that it's prolly too late to ask santa for any more presents now; it's too close to christmas. :P
2. a PEDOMETER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously, do you know how much it annoys me not to know how hard i've struggled during the day? every morning, i ask dad to please buy me a new one, every night, he just says, "PIG mum said you didn't need one." argh ... ><><
-well, it's just 4pm, dunno when chrissy's planning to arrive. :P
-hey, my SMS alert is going off. hmm ... think i've got two? three? new messages to read tonight. must remember to.
-lol, seeing as chrissy shows no signs of turning up, let's get started with my day:
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once, then back in bed, ela obediently opened up to grasp onto rainbow's tail, then i went back to my peaceful snorings. :P
-righteo, chrissy's here now. bbl later tonight~ time is now ... 4:11pm

tuesday post

good evening! TWFT topic was 'paying attention'! and still no plodding total from em. >< but, since it's a tuesday, here's my christmas wishlist!
-a fun pack of cereal
-a packet of glow in the dark stars for my room
-a kit kat cookies and cream
-a teddy bear! em loves teddy bears :)
-the mission impossible movies!
-the first twilight movie
-two more goldfish, to replace poor silver and bronze, who passed away mid last year.
-a new novel! my favourite authors are raymond e. feist and janny wurts; i also like david feintuch and lian (sp?) hearn
-lastly, PIG mum has PROMISED me a really BIG present if i stop asking her for my walking stick and walkbelt. well, the biggest thing i can think of ... i want an i-phone! :P or whatever the new google one is called ... the g-phone? :P
-so like i said, i don't really ask for that much, santa, so please be nice! :P anyways, today's events:
-again, go em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot :P once this morning without falling to her death. o_O :P back in bed, i saw that again, while the sky was much lighter, the sun still hadn't come up yet, so i thanked my lucky stars that rainbow was too busy snoring her head off to bounce over to me and beg me to take that bloody annoying splint off. :P
-when dearest dad got up for work, em swung herself around to use the pot :P again, then swung herself back to bed, tucked ela's little thumb in gently for some more sleep, and snored her head off with rainbow. :P
-when PIG mum dug me up, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more, only i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who rolled me in, passed me a mug of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and helped me wipe afterwards. i stayed for two tinkles before calling PIG mum, then got kitted for the day.
-i sat on the sofa outside and watched seven's morning news, read out by someone (not the usual lady, but i've forgotten the reader's name, sorry. :p) then i watched ABC's midday report. the most interesting surname i found watching the news was 'wharington', the surname of some skipper from some boat running the sydney to hobart.
-lunch was rice, lotsa bok choy and some chicken, with a glass of plain milk. PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the milk carton before ordering era to uncap the bottle, and did you know, there's a 'correct' way to do that too!
-sylvia jie jie came to look after me as PIG mum went to do some exercise test the doctor had ordered. so we just chatted away.
-i tootled online after sylvia jie jie left, until lisa arrived. earlier, i wrote out an xmas card to lisa and all her adjectives. :p
-a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle just before lisa flipped the water off, one more when i was drying myself. i rekitted myself, then had one more tinkle as lisa was jamming my AFO on.
-i made my arvo tea. a cheese - too bad, lisa only allowed one slice of cheese, so it was ENTIRELY too thin - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into four squares, and a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-a bit of trouble walking out to lisa's car. PIG mum grew pissed at me, i think, for touching the wall with my right hand, so she gleefully forced me to walk all the way in and back out. argh. ><
-but we finally left. at garbo, lisa plopped me into sparkless; she offered to wheel me, offered me a night to relax? dunno why, but i replied, "thanks, but no thanks, lisa. i'll help push too."
-so we hit lotsa different stores and picked up pressies for PIG mum and dearest dad! i'm almost certain that dad doesn't read my blog; so i can say i bought him the shrek 3 DVD (up wasn't out yet, too bad. i'll buy it for him for his bday then, i think.) but i'd better not write what i bought for PIG mum, coz she claims that she does read my blog from time to time.
-dinnertime! argh, meaniepoo PIG mum already told lisa that i wasn't to have a two piece feed for dinner; also, i was only to have ONE unhealthy thing, ie. chips or a shake. so i chose the low-fat shake, and had a BBQ bacon pocketful; lisa had a five fruits juice and a twister.
-after dinner, we continued wheeling around; this time, to pick up a bday card for PIG mum, and an xmas card for the parents. we stopped at a table in the lower foodcourt so i could write the cards. then we hit stacks to buy a bag to put the pressies in, and some lolly shop too, so i could gaze longingly at the sweets there. :P
-lisa took me to the loo once before tootling us home. i let erf sit sideways, firstly coz it was the last trip of the day and secondly, it was so dark lisa wouldn't have noticed even if she'd looked.
-i gave her a hug, thanked her lots for taking me out christmas shopping, and asked her for a pinkie promise that richard (her hubby) wouldn't kill me after reading out lisa's stepmum list. :p she gave me the pinky promise, and laughed, saying, "richard will LOVE the list! you'll be his new best friend!" :P
-i tootled back online; told PIG mum what i'd bought dearest dad for xmas. hope he'll like!
-anyways, toms: lunch with kylie and mel at grill'd! i've never been there before; hope it's yummy! and chrissy's coming in the arvo - hopefully not too late! :P
em. ^^

Monday, December 21, 2009


GOOD EVENING! twft TOPIC IS 'GOING ON ALONE' AND STILL NO PLODDING TOTAL FROM EM. sorry, shrieking ... >< anyways, i'd better make this quick; it's already 10:40pm!
-poor rainbow had a massive sulk this morning. see, i'd swung myself over to use the pot :p once; back in bed, rainbow nuzzled up to me, saying, take it off; take it off! i want ela to hold my tail!" only i could see that the sun wasn't up yet. PIG mum's told me before, that i'm not allowed to take the splint off till after the sun goes up, and while the sky was lighter, the sun hadn't actually risen. so i told rainbow, "sorry, not yet." she had a massive sulk, poor thing. :( hopefully she'll be in a better mood tonight. :p
-so i snored my head off :P, until dearest dad awoke for work.i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more; back in bed, rainbow was a happy chappy when ela obediently opened up to hold her tail. :)
-PIG mum dug me up awhile later. movie time! so i got kitted.
-breakfast was just a choc ice up and go.
-PIG mum tootled us off to the sunnybank plaza cinemas; she parked upstairs, then gleefully forced (3rd time) me to walk in.
-i was immensely grateful that the cinema showing the movie was the first to our left! it's just too bad that PIG mum decided to be a great big meaniepoo and make me walk two steps higher and sit somewhere else.
-the other incredibly annoying thing was, she wouldn't give poor ela's thumb a break! :(
-but i enjoyed the movie; PIG mum thought it was rubbish. o_O. only thing? fair enough, alex does look fairly hot; it's too bad that he's the colour of chalk! sorry, could i prefer my guys with a tan, please? :P
-PIG mum took me to the loo once, before we headed down into foodcourt for lunch.
-that in itself was a tough experience. like, i'd made it almost the whole way down when i must've done sth to piss PIG mum off; she gleefully forced me to walk all the way back up then down again! ><
-but finally i was seated; PIG mum went to the loo. KK came out, holding two menus! so i told him, "sorry KK,not today."
-i went to naz for my kebab, handing him my card. and PIG mum had gotten him a wee thin block of lindt chocolate too! "oh, but i didn't buy you anything!" he said, when i handed him my xmas card and present to him with a "merry christmas, mr. kebab guy!" lol, i just laughed, and said, "no problem. you can just stuff me up a nice fat kebab for my christmas present!" :P
-so he did; and i think he really remembers how i take my kebabs now! chicken, lotsa mayo, lettuce, tomato, no onion, cheese and pineapple. PIG mum took the same, only she had the onion but no cheese or pineapple. and she also brought a lipton's iced lemon tea for us to share. yumyum~
-back home, a stinky unspeakable, then i tootled online till chrissy came.
-a nice hot shower; i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped the water off; one more when i was drying myself, and one last one as chrissy was jamming my AFO on.
-arvo tea was a yummy sausage bun, plus a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my cup of the day i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-chrissy continued her twilight novel; i started my bookclub novel! sth about salmon fishing in the yemen? sorry, i only studied one semester's worth of geography back in year eight; i have no idea where yemen is! ^^"
-at 6pm, chrissy Forced me to walk to a seat near the television ... gosh, i really miss my armchairs. :(
-seven's news was read out by patrick condren and talitha cummins (i wonder, has the regular team of rod young and kay mcgrath gone on hols?), sport by ben davis, and weather again by talitha cummins. thanks to chrissy who chopped me up a juicy pear.
-after the news, i waited to see if chrissy would give ela a massage. surely she'd remember by now - she's over four days a week! bu no, she seemed perfectly content to watch today tonight read out by samantha armytage, so at 6:35 i told her to please give ela a masage. i didn't get spotted today, and was being painted purple. eww. :p
-chrissy took me once more to the loo, before i signed her off, said my thanks and byes. she'll be back come wednesday.
-PIG mum came downstairs, gleefully forced poor em on 40+ mins of hand exercises.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa, big bok choy and a yummy but wee small chunk of battered fish fillet with some mayo. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i tootled online. and wow, congrats to cousin carrie - she's pregnant!
-argh, the parents gleefully forced poor em to go see the christmas lights with them. we went to that one near joshel's place, the one that has their lights tuned to 91.7 FM. PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time; first time was last year) me to walk in. i flopped on the grass; thanks to dad who came, sat down also, then propped his knees up behind me so i could have a backrest.
-when we left, i told the parents that i was hungry and could we please hit the drive-thru at maccas for a cheeseburger - and they said yes! so i got roughly half a yummy c heeseburger and about seven chippies. i also snuck four slurps of dad's coke - yucky. :P
-one last stop before we headed home; PIG mum remembered fi telling her about a cul-de-sac near pole's home that also had lights; and dad found it! i loved the house - there's a fat santa stuck in the chimney, his legs kicking helplessly in the air. :P
-era got to sit sideways for the final leg home, for, what? two mins? :P
-i tootled back online.
-woah, it's already 11:30pm! dunno what the parents are doing; guess PIG mum must've forgotten to force me off to bed. lol, she says she was giving dad a massage, and eep! she just took a CHOMP! out of ela! >< (and denies it too! lol, trust her. :P)
-toms, i can sleep in till 10:45! i'll wake up and watch the news, eat brunch. sylvia jie jie's coming to mind me in the arvo, to mind me (and plkay wii, i guess) while PIGmum goes to do some stress test. hope she'll be okay! and toms night, fantastic! lisa's taking me out to garbo, and i'll be able to buy PIG mum a bday present (lisa and pole plop have helped me out on a gift idea, yeah!) and the parents xmas presents! i wonder if the cartoon movie 'up' is out yet; i'm sure dad would love that! oh yeah, toms i also gotta write out lisa's evil stepmum adjectives for her! she wants them handwritten, not printed out, BTW. "it's more personal, like that." says she. lol!
em. ^^

Sunday, December 20, 2009

good evening! em's still without a plodding total >< but TWFT topic is "it's time to face reality" and the spam count for the weekend is 37. righteo, today's events:
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself once over to use the pot :P this morning without plummeting to her death. :p back in bed, i considered taking my irritably annoying splint off, as the sky was already quite bright, but decided against it; i couldn't be bothered going through all the trouble of getting ela to open up and hang onto rainbow's tail. poor rainbow had a massive sulk, but cheered up when era tucked her under ela's arm. then i continued snoring my head off. :p
-PIG mum poked me up. i used the pot :P once more, got kitted. PIG mum made me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was two weetbix with half a dollop of honey.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the car. she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to 97.3 FM all day (my gratitude to dad who popped out the andy hui disc this morning :P)
-dad tootled us off to church; PIG mum made me walk in.
-thanks to hairy for the lyrics in print!
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to stand up for three songs; i sang the harmony for one.
-speaker today was shane mccarthy, and he gave us a sermon on 'the lights of christmas'. intrepreter was a lady called anna tai ... i dunno her.
-after the service (there was communion today), PIG mum took me to the loo once, then i walked down to the morning tea area, picked up some food, then sat down with the grannies. uncle cyras's mum is so cool! lol, she always calls me 'beautiful girl', my dad 'handsome guy' (dunno why PIG mum never gets a mention :P), and says she keeps me in her prayers nightly. :)
-PIG mum made me walk back up to the car, then dad tootled us home. originally, he was going to take us to rebel sport to look at the treadmills, but i told him i needed the bathroom.
-so a stinky unspeakable for me back home, then dad tootled us off to plaza.
-as PIG mum was making me walk in, she told me, "hey, em, there are chicken kebabs today!" but i didn't perk up until she told me, "and naz is here, too!" so of course i wandered over to him, and he stuffed me up a big fat kebab. :)
-PIG mum got me a japanese milk green tea with pearl; dad shared a two piece feed with PIG mum. i scored half the bread roll with some butter, and four little chippies.
-bernard and lee sat with us. :) bernard's almost all healed now! :)
-dad tootled us off to rebel sports to look at the treadmills. PIG mum gleefully Forced (second time) me to walk in. i actually picked up a new pair of shoes, too! strange, i've been a size five for years, did my foot suddenly grow half a size overnight? yeah, i bought a size 5 1/2. :p
-so while dearest dad and PIG mum were checking out treadmills for me; i browsed their catalogue. hey, when i get the time (sadly, which i rarely do), i wanna check out their website! i saw they were selling smiley face bounce balls for three bucks; sadly, they were all sold out when PIG mum asked a salesperson where they were, and also these broncos things! but PIG mum refused to even consider them. so, they're going onto my christmas wishlist. :)
-back home, one more loo trip (no guesses as to who forced who to do everything), i tootled onto the computer to continue leanne's bday fic/song. and i finished the fic today!
-PIG mum made me walk into the laundry for my nice warm shower - no hairwash today. but not only did she gleefully force poor ela to scrub me 140 times (i kept careful count), she also forced poor ela to put my socks on! >< actually, she poured me a mug of water to drink, and i quickly sculled that cup 'incorrectly' coz i knew i wouldn't get another chance to tonight.
-back outside, i flopped on the couch to watch seven's news, read out by talitha cummins, sport by ben davis, and weather by liz cantor.
-then, thanks to dad who set up the DVD the family from hong kong left behind for me of naruto episodes! i enjoyed watching the first one~
-afterwards, PIG mum made me walk to the gobbling :P table for dinner.
-rice tonight, with lotsa icky bitter vegetable, one chunk of tofu, and a few chunks of beef. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well. dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-one more loo trip (again, no guesses as to who forced who to do everything) then i tootled online.
-lol, i've honestly no idea what's in store for me toms! i think i'll go check out the movie times, see if i can beg PIG mum to take me out to see the second twilight movie toms. then, if i write naz an xmas card, i can have one more kebab before christmas! and i gotta remember to start reading my book club novel! hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

Saturday, December 19, 2009

saturday post

good evening! TWFT topic was 'how to handle temptation', but still no plodding total from em. ><>< anyways, i've got til 10:10pm tonight! awesome~~ so i'll just say good evening to all my online MSN buddies, then come back to blog about today!
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself around to use the pot :P once last night without falling to her death! o_O :P
-this morning, when PIG mum got up for work, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once more. then i swung myself back to bed, tucked ela's thumb back gently inside for some sleep, and sang/counted myself back into some heavy duty snoring. :P rainbow was sulking, first, coz ela didn't wanna hold onto her tail, but cheered up immensely when era tucked her under ela's arm. :)
-dad poked me awake some hours later, with "tess's here soon. ten more mins."
-when she did arrive, the first thing she told dad was that she'd brought me some breakfast.
-so she got me up, kitted (lucky i was watching, she almost forgot my AFO!) and Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. i enjoyed my once a week opportunity to just balance the toothbrush on the cup and just squirt out the toothpaste, JUST LIKE I USED TO DO BEFORE GOD SMOTE/SMITED ME DOWN WITH A BRAIN TUMOUR.
-tess Forced me to walk to the loo. two tinkles afterwards, she forced me to pull my own daks up, Forced me to walk overand flush the loo. i clung to the towel rack, sidestepped to wash and dry my right hand, before tess Forced me to walk to the gobbling :p table.
-thanks to tess for breakfast! she had made some sorta chicken with rice? i drank a cup of tea, white and two, my first cup i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-tess forced me to play scrabble with her for roughly half an hour, then let me write my letter to eri! somehow, i doubt that she'll receive it before christmas or even the new year, but oh well.
-before she left, tess took me once more to the bathroom.
-when PIG mum came home, lunch was: mushy rice, lotsa greens (lol, i've forgotten which type, sorry! ><") and a few chunks of beef. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well. lunch was washed down with a mug of plain milk, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'
-after flicking on the computer switch, i tootled on the computer to continue writing leanne's birthday fic - and i finished it! so i've only got her song to go~~
-joshels had just said heylo to me on MSN, when dad wandered over and decided that he was forcing me to take an afternoon nap. sadly, somehow, i pissed him off, and he dragged me around, forcing poor em on countless laps of the hallway. he dropped me once, too. >< luckily, only a bum plop! but when i finally managed to collapse into bed, i used the pot :p once, then sat and sang my favourite and second favourite songs in my head once, opening my right eye for all the important numbers. dad came to sit by me; think he wasn't very happy, or sth ...
-so like that we stayed until chrissy arrived. yes, late. :P i introduced rainbow to her; she sat on my bed and we had a chat until dad wandered in and asked whether i was ever going for my shower.
-so chrissy wheeled me into the laundry, then forced me to swap to the wheeless showerchair.
-but a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before i sat down, one more when i was drying myself, and one more when i was creaming myself. i got rekited, chrissy Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :p table.
-arvo tea was some sultana thing that tess had made ... tasted alright. i also drank a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, 'incorrectly', my last cup of the day i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-we both read our twilight novels! i've just started the fourth, hey, wonder if PIG mum will take me to watch it at the cinemas on monday? let's hope so, seeing as NAB clinic's over for the year~~
-as always, i asked chrissy to give ela a massage at 5:40, as always, she refused till after 5:45. i was being painted dark blue with light green spots today, BTW.
-chrissy rocked off promptly at 6pm, she'll be back on monday. her and jason are going out to some turkish restaurant for dinner tonight! i wonder what the turks eat ..?
-PIG mum lathered aloe vera all over my face (aparently, sylvia jie jie says it's good for your pimples, then took me to the loo to wash it all off. i sat for two tinkles; no guesses as to who forced who to do everything.
-back at the table, PIG mum gleefully forced poor em on 50+ mins of arm exercises. i couldn't do the soccer exercises at the end, coz the string broke! hopefully, dad'll reattach the string for me soon. anyways: just the piano exercises, for twenty odd mins, and it scored an eight out of ten, and was mostly frustrating coz PIG mum kept nagging at my posture.
-dinner tonight; rice, lotsa cos lettuce, and a few wee chunks of yummy chicken. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, whatever. dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i tootled online.
-toms: church. i'm not looking forward to the loo trip afterwards, coz mean PIG mum will surely force poor ela to hang onto the rail before, during and after my tinkle while she forces era to do all the dakking and un-dakking. but really, fingers crossed for a two piece feed from KFC for lunch! it's honestly been THIRTEEN WEEKS!!!! maybe i should put it on my xmas wishlist: i want a two piece feed from KFC this year for christmas, please santa. :P hope to see everyone at church toms! as for me, i'm off to check, then to get my naruto fix for this week. :)
em. ^^

Friday, December 18, 2009

good evening! hey, yesterday was the 444th post! wonder if i'll ever get to the 555th?anyways, sorry, i've forgotten the spam count for the week (but it was less than 100) TWFT topic was 'joseph principles' and still no plodding total from em. >< hmm ... i've got just over fifty mins to type everything out, i should be alright...
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, em swung herself over to use the pot :P once, then cuddled dear rainbow and continued snoring her head off. :P rainbow was super-happy coz ela obediently opened up to hold her tail.
-when PIG mum dug me up later, i swung myself over to use the pot :P again, only, i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so thanks to PIG mum who rolled me to the bathroom, passed me a mug of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and helped me wipe afterwards. this time, i was smart and stayed over the loo for an extra tinkle before i called for PIG mum. i washed and dried both hands, got kitted.
-breakfast was a yummy sausage bun and a mug of warm milo, which again, i was extremely careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; for the trip to your :p turn, we listened to the out-of-tune, nasally, wannabe singer, andy hui. :p
-i gave my xmas card to cara! and also to jenni, along with her choccies.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once first (no guesses as to who forced who to do everything) before jenni directed me to a plinth and we started working.
-yay, thanks to cara who came with morning tea! i was very careful to hold this cup 'correctly', too.
-i finished with fifteen? mins on the motomed.
-PIG mum tootled us home. i changed the music to 97.3FM. dunno why PIG mum said i wasn't allowed to change the disc ... oh well, doesn't matter.
-a loo trip, then kwany came! we exchanged xmas gifts, i also gave him his bday card and pressie.
-actually, no, sorry, mrs. dent came first. poor lady, she had the runs. >< but she told me that she and mr. dent had had a good chuckle at my facebook message to them. "of course i know who emily chan is!" mrs. dent mimicked his indignant response to my message. :P
-to be honest, i'm not really surprised that we couldn't have lunch at mokka with mrs. dent; after all, PIG mum has taught me that it is somehow a HUGE UNFORGIVEABLE SIN to eat lunch out more than once a week, and seeing as we already ate out with aunty joanne at sunni cafe on tuesday ...
-after she left, pole plop also came over! so i handed her that bottle of wine as her xmas present, "now, don't you run around getting drunk!" i teased her. :P
-so we yakked away. i nibbled on some snacks that mrs. dent had left us, also two? three? toffee time pods and half a mug of milk.
-when kwany and pole left, i used the bathroom once more, turned on the computer switch, then went on the computer to write leanne's story - i've almost finished!
-chrissy was only a lil late today.
-so a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-arvo tea was a cup of coloured water - my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly', and a yummy nashi.
-chrissy cleaned the bathroom, gave ela a massage for almost ten minutes before leaving.
-one more loo trip for me. but oh dear, this time, a messy, stinky unspeakable. ><
-so PIG mum suggested i skip dinner. fair enough. but i hope dad'll cook some ham and eggs toms - i'll be starving!
-well, tess is coming toms, like i've said before, i don't really like her, but that'sokay, i'm sure we'll be civil. mostly, i plan to write a christmas letter to eri; i received hers a few days ago! thankfully, vincent the physio's in hong kong, so he can't come torture me :) and, hopefully, chrissy'll come toms in a better mood.
em. ^^

Thursday, December 17, 2009

good evening! TWFT topic is 'never stop growing' and still no plodding total from em. >< i can only pray that santa will bring me a pedometer for christmas! righteo, what happened today?
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, she cuddled rainbow and snored her head off. :P(rainbow informs me that she's 'ladylike', and, as such, 'doesn't snore'.) :P
-when PIG mum poked me up a few hours later, em swung herself over to the pot :p once more. only, she felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who wheeled me in, gave me a cup of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and helped me wipe afterwards. i washed and dried both hands, then got kitted for the day.
-breakfast was two yummy weetbix with half a dab of honey. PIG mum popped me my drugs :p afterwards - one fish oil, one cranberry, one bilberry, one garlic and one glucosamine - and again, i was very careful to hold the cup 'correctly'. i also wrote an xmas card for ann.
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ for physio. she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we listened to lui fong for this trip. PIG mum spent most of the car trip threatening me to be good, coz she's got heart palpitations? and will die if i don't do everything that she demands.
-a loo trip first; no guesses as to who forced who to do everything.
-martina came for me, lent me a walkbelt then Forced me to walk in.
-first up, some work with a gym ball. then i lay on my tummy and let martina move my arm everywhere. we ended with Forced laps of walking around and around the parallel bars.
-i gave ann my xmas card and choccies. she wished both PIG mum and i a merry christmas, and said she'd be available for contact if an emergency came up and we needed her. and that i can come back to the NAB clinic next year, when i get back from hong kong. :)
-PIG mum tootled us home, still complaining of chest pain. i started worrying if she was having a heart attack, so i didn't bother to ask her if we could go out for lunch.
-a loo trip, then three wee chicken sushi slices for lunch! i got literally five drops of soya sauce, BTW. and thanks to PIG mum who poured me a plain glass of milk; i was extra careful to hold that 'correctly', too, of course.
-i tootled online to write leanne's story for her.,
-karen came; a nice hot shower - and no hairwash! lol, and i was afraid i'd haveta write that i'd washed my hair EVERYDAY for THREE WEEKS! lol, two weeks and six days sounds much better. :P
-arvo tea: thanks to karen for the perfect afternoon tea! i made myself an afternoon cuppa, white and two - my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'- and karen made me a toasted cheese - yay, two slices! - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into four squares.
-lol, must tell chrissy! karen started giving ela a massage at 5:30! :P some bright colour with white spots, pink? yellow?
-karen took me once to the loo before she left; i went on the computer to continue leanne's story - i've almost finished it! hopefully, the song won't take long~
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa bok choy (lol, actually, i've forgotten which vegie, sorry) and i've forgotten which meat too! >< gomen, gomen ... but i'm pretty sure there was a 'fish egg' to eat, too. of course, mean PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well.
-dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo before i tootled online, again, no guesses as to who forced who to do everything. also, PIG mum told me to shut up, coz she's feeling crook. fair enough. i'll remember to pray/chat to percy the angel/saint and god tonight and ask them to look after PIG mum.
-toms; physio at your :p turn. hope cara comes with morning tea and a banana! i wonder when physio there ends? then, we're off to lunch at mokka with mrs. dent! hopefully, PIG mum will allow me to eat/drink sth yummy! and finally, chrissy's coming in the arvo. wonder how late? :p
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

wednesday post

good evening! TWFT topic is 'being ready' and still no plodding total from em. >< i mean, every morning i ask dearest dad to please buy me a new one; every night, he comes home empty handed. well, a pedometer's at the top of my christmas wishlist right now! okies, what happened today?
-when dad got up for work this morning, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once. back in bed, rainbow happily ambled up to me. "good morning, ela!" she greeted cheerfully, "how about you hold my tail?" so ela obediently opened up.
-PIG mum poked me awake a couple of hours later. i got kitted, went to wash and dry both hands, then settled down to breakfast - two yummy weetbix with a dab of honey - oh, i wish times were as they used to be! i'd sleep in until aunty wendy arrived at 11am, and she'd feed me weetbix for breakfast with an ENTIRE spoonful of honey!
-PIG mum tootled us off to vedelago. she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to jacky cheung all day.
-i settled down with a gossip mag at vedelago, until it was my turn. i did my neuro feedback (i think that's what it's called?) in another room today, coz that fellow that's in a wheelchair needs my usual room coz his wheelchair doesn't fit in the other room).
-lesley stuck those things to my head with mashed potato (lol, i keep forgetting to ask her the real name; some sort of 'paste', i think) and i started dinging bells! lesley stuck some girl in my room to keep an eye on me, but said we weren't to chat; i was supposed to concentrate. so i sang all of my favourite song in my head and 90% of my second favourite song, opening my eyes for all the important numbers. oh, and i donged 1700+ bells, BTW.
-i needed the bathroom. >< so PIG mum tootled us off to the maccas there, gleefully Made (5th and last time) me walk in, forced me to dak myself for a tinkle, gleefully forced me to un-dak myself after a tinkle, made me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made me walk back to the car.
-off she tootled us off to sunni cafe for our lunchdate with aunty joanne! -lol, our lunch date actually ended up being not just PIG mum, aunty joanne and i, but also jessie, yancey and uncle cecil! uncle cecil told us how he'd made hash browns! yumyum ... dunno when PIG mum will ever let me have one again ...
-i decided to just stay seated and trust PIG mum to order me a yummy lunch. lol, whoops, bad judgement, em. mum ordered me a bowl of wontons! but em no eat prawns, remember? ><>< so i donated them to her; i also fed her a stalk of bok choy. we traded a dumpling for a tiny chunk of chicken and an equally miniscule slice of egg.
-thanks to aunty joanne who shouted me a bun from sunni bakery! i chose a yummy pork floss bun.
-PIG mum tootled us home. i let erf sit sideways coz it was my last car trip of the day.
-a loo trip when i got home. of course, PIG mum forced me to do everything.
-daniel wan came! and guess what? he bought me a kit kat cookies and cream!!!!! :) lol, i dunno if i'll haveta wait until boxing day to eat it ... no promises i'll last that long. :P
-so: soccer exercises for ... umm, sorry, i forgot to time the activity again ... maybe, five mins? but it scored a five out of ten and was a bit frustrating coz silly elf doesn't know how to kick to the left. ><
-then: the piano exercises, again, i forgot to time that, sorry, but that scored a seven out of ten coz ela still has a tendency to pronate whenever i lift her up to play.
-daniel played me a tune or two on the piano,before we played some pictionary. do i need to put that down? if you're reading this, daniel, please leave me a comment and tell me! but just in case, pictionary was for five? ten? mins, and only scored one out of ten, coz goodness it's not hard to play a game!
-when daniel left, aunty wendy carved me up a juicy nashi and gave me my pork floss bun for lunch - it had so much pork floss on it, i had to use a spoon to eat it all! aunty wendy laughed, "em, the person making these must've known you'd be eating one!" :P i also drunk a yummy chocolate nesquik 'incorrectly', BTW. it's just comfortable, that's all.
-aunty wendy gave both ela and era a massage! i kept reading my second twilight novel, and also took a phone call from phil, saying that he wasn't available to see us next week, but he'd see us again in the new year.
-aunty wendy took me once more to the loo. i thought i could tootle online afterwards, but sadly, no. PIG mum gleefully forced poor em on more than an HOUR'S worth of hand exercises! ><
-chrissy came more than ten mins late. i couldn't note the time down coz i wasn't on the computer at the time. even worse, PIG mum continued forcing poor em to do more exercises even AFTER chrissy arrived! ><
-but a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i made myself an afternoon cuppa sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, my official cup to hold 'incorrectly'. arvo tea was a toasted cheese - sadly, only one slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into two rectangles.
-i read the second twilight novel; chrissy read the third. as always, i asked her to please give ela a massage at 5:40, as always, she refused until after 5:45. i was being painted pink with yellow spots today, BTW.
-i signed her off. thanks to chrissy who flicked on seven's news for me so i could listen to it. i just stared at my twilight novel instead of turning my chair around to face the TV (no use bringing the wrath of PIG mum down on me).
-PIG mum came downstairs, took me to the loo once. thanks to her who passed me a mug of water - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too. PIG mum came back, forced me to do everything, then i tootled online as all our guests arrived for dinner (it's uncle tyrone's bday?)
-dinner: four little chicken sushi slices with a drop (literally) of soya sauce, quite a lot of yummy wombok, a few slices of 'fish egg', and almost two wee wraps of yummy peking duck. i'm just curious, though, why did dad only give half a dab of hoisin sauce (and i mean that quite literally) for mine, but gave himself an entire spoonful for his? i'd ask PIG mum, only i can already guess her answer:"dad moves around more than you, so he gets to eat more than you."
-PIG mum took me to the loo once more. again, no guesses as to who forced who to do everything, then i tootled online. ken wandered over to ask why we used such a long computer screen, and i explained to him coz my eyesight's so bad now.
-i went back to the table to sing happy bday to uncle tyrone (i did the hip hips, of course). he only cut the cake 1cm deep (which may have had sth to do with the fact that i told him, "if you touch the bottom, you've gotta kiss the closest girl next to you." :P (the closest girl to him was aunty anita! doubt uncle peter would've been very pleased with that! :P)
-so one small yummy slice for me; PIG mum also poured me a wee snoopy mug of milk, saying, "that's your bedtime cuppa." oh well. then dad walked me back online.
-toms: physio at UQ. fingers, toes and all other appendages crossed that PIG mum will take me to naz's for a kebab afterwards! i want to write him an xmas card! and karen's coming in the arvo - bet ela will get a massage for longer than fifteen mins. :p
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 3 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. off to go facebook now; i need to send a happy bday message!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

evening! well, lemme get started on today's events!
-this morning, when dearest dad took that splint off ela, her thumb tucked back in for some more sleep.
-when PIG mum dug me up, i got kitted, went to wash and dry both hands, then settled down to breakfast, a crunchy choc chip museli bar. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bar before she ordered era to open it. i also drank a mug of warm milo, 'correctly', of course.
-today, PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to jacky cheung today.
-PIG mum tootled us off to word so she could pick up a calendar for uncle tyrone's birthday, then she tootled us off to coles.
-we bought two packets of lollies for kwany! and other grocery items also. i pushed the trolley. and too bad, gloria wasn't working today. :( but for the short drive back home, i allowed erf to sit sideways; the last car trip of the day with PIG mum, see.
-back home, sylvia jie jie came over! she forced ela to do a range of exercises (ie opening, closing, that sort of thing), then watched me play wii music.
-i walked her to the door, then went to the loo for a stinky unspeakable
-then i tootled online for almost one hour, until lisa arrived.
-a nice hot shower, i washed my hair today. lisa forced poor ela to wash era and my hair.
-i made my arvo tea with lisa. a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly', and a toasted cheese - too bad, only a single slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into four squares.
-dearest dad returned home! he's out playing baddy; he should be home soon - it's 10pm!
-so lisa tootled us off to bowling, listening to triple M or J. well, whatever 104.5FM is.
-lol, she played under the name 'happy'. :P and wow, the guy obviously remembered us! "two size 5s, yes?" he asked lisa.
-i was lucky enough to win both games this time. but lol, i thought it was impossible to miss any pins on your first bowl with bumper bars! apparently not. :p poor lisa. :p
-lisa took me once to the loo after our games. of course, she forced me to dak and un-dak myself, then Forced me to go wash and dry both hands before i was allowed back into sparkless.
-we skipped the air hockey tonight; the machine's totally dud! so we played two whack the crocs game, i reckon it's really cute! i mean, each time you hit a crocodile, it goes "ow!!" :P
-we wheeled over to KFC for dinner; yummy, they've got wraps too. so i got a smokey BBQ toasted pocketful; too bad mean PIG mum had already denied me chips; lisa wouldn't even allow me a small potato and gravy! oh well ... ><
-back in lisa's car, she looked at the clock and said, "it's only 8pm!" so we decided to go window shopping at garbo, to buy xmas pressies for the parents. but nani? everything was shut! lisa thinks it'll all be open next tuesday, so close to christmas; i hope she's right!
-so instead lisa tootled us off to mt cootha! we went up to some lookout; in sparkless, i could enjoy the views of the CBD, all brightly lit up at night.
-lisa tootled us home. she took me once to the loo first; again, she forced me to do both the dakking and un-dakking. then she Forced me to walk over, wash and dry both hands, before she Forced me to walk over to the computer chair.
-i chose the two stickers ela had earned today, then lisa gave ela a quick massage before she left. actually, she left her notebook behind, so i sent her a message over facebook, telling her that.
-toms: off to ring the bells at lesley's! thankfully, no vincent the physio after that; but i think PIG mum said we're gonna have lunch with aunty vicky! or aunty someone, lol, i can't remember who. ><" finally, chrissy's coming in the arvo - hopefully, not too late! and best of all, ice-cream! :p
em. ^^
P.S. eep, i almost forgot - here's my christmas wishlist for this year!
-a fun pack of cereal
-a packet of glow in the dark stars for my room
-a kit kat cookies and cream
-a teddy bear! em loves teddies. :)
-the mission impossible movies!
-the first twilight movie
-two more goldfish, to replace poor silver and bronze.
-a new novel! my favourite authors are raymond e. feist and janny wurts; i also like david feintuch and lian hearn (sp?)
-lastly, PIG mum has promised me a really BIG present if i stop asking her for my walkbelt and stick. well, the biggest thing i can think of ... an i-phone! or whatever the new google phone is called ... the g-phone? :p
righteo, santa, please be nice! thanks!

Monday, December 14, 2009

tuesday post

good afternoon! TWFT topic was 'work on the inner you (3)' and still no plodding total from em yet. >< but lisa should arrive in five mins or so; lemmee just check i've got her new adjective for her this week. :p
yup, well the word's up; lisa's here, so i'll bbl tonight, okies? coz i've still got a full HOUR. cya tonight!
em. ^^


good evening! TWFT topic is 'work on the inner you (2)' and still no plodding total from em, although i was hard at work plodding 440 in hydro today. hey, i wonder if anyone's ever invented a waterproof pedometer? must google it, if i ever get the time! anyways, today's events:
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once. dad took off that bloody annoying splint; once back into bed, rainbow abled up to me. "good morning, ela!" she said cheerfully, 'let's hold ... um, appendages!" lol, bear bear calls them all paws, but i told her last night that we humans have hands. :p i guess she must've spent all last night thinking of a suitable word to use this morning. :P so ela obidently opened up to grasp rainbow's 'appendage' :P only it was way too big for her to grasp onto! so she tried rainbow's ear next. nup, too small. the perfect solution, rainbow's tail! so i happily snored away. :p
-PIG mum dug me up several hours later, got me kitted.
-breakfast was a crunchy choc chip museli bar and a mug of warm milo, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bar, then ordered era to unwrap it.
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ for physio. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to jacky cheung all day.
-phew, a park for us on arrival. :) a loo trip first - no guesses as to who forced who to do all the dakking, un-dakking, etc etc etc - then PIG mum rocked off to pay, leaving me with some women's mag.
-lol, i keep forgetting their names, sorry ... >< that girl from america came for me, lent me a walkbelt then Forced me to walk in.
-lotsa sit-to-stands. then she handed me over to a girl who also speaks canto! she's from mauritius (sp?) though.
-lotsa ambling along the parallel bars with this girl.
-almost forgot! ann told PIG mum and i that kat'd had her baby boy! congrats to the williams family! four kids now! or five? whatever the case, kat has all my respect!
-PIG mum tootled us home. unsurprisingly, she refused to take me out to lunch; honestly, i've lost count of the number of weeks where she's refused to take me out to lunch until thursday or friday. but she did stop at the bakery to pick us up a pork salad roll each. dunno why she refused to buy us drinks, though. oh well.
-a loo trip when i got back, again, no guesses as to who forced who to do all the dakking, un-dakking, etc.
-but aunty po yee came to visit! it's been, what? a year!
-so she shared half a pork salad roll with PIG mum. thanks to PIG mum who poured me a cup of milk, which, again, i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-we yakked away, thanks to aunty po yee who brought me my first xmas present! it's a lil bag of nice stinking lavender; i think PIG mum put it in my room for me. apparently, they're good to place beneath your pillow?
-i walked aunty po yee to the door, then went to the loo for a stinky unspeakable.
-after flicking the computer switch on, i tootled online till chrissy came - only one minute late, today! :p
-so she Forced me to walk to the bathroom to get kitted for hydro; i also had two tinkles over the loo. chrissy came back; Forced me to walk around to flush the loo. i sidestepped, clinging to the towelrack to wash and dry era, then chrissy Forced me to walk to her car, and tootled us off to hydro, listening to B105.
-chrissy Forced me to walk inside. the usual gang were already there! judith ambled over saying, "we missed you last week, where were you, emily?" i whispered to her, "monthlies..." and she laughed. "you're excused, then. wait till you're as old as me, then you won't haveta worry about that anymore!" :P
-judith (the hydrotherapist, not the lady) wandered over, stuck KAB onto elf, then plopped me into the water.
-hydro today - some work for ela, lotsa waterball, walking forwards and sideways, and three of my favourite head dunks at the end! :p and i'm proud to report that i got a 3/3 success rate on getting my bum down on the floor! :P
-judy let me walk out; chrissy wheeled me in for a nice hot shower - but eep! PIG mum forgot my washer! oh well.
-i dried and creamed myself, got rekitted, then went for two tinkles.
-funny thing? when i was over the loo, i heard sharon come in and say, "where's our favourite girl?" to which i replied, "if you're talking about me, i'm in here." "you decent?" was her next question. "yeah, i got a tee on. well, i guess the top half's decent, at least. you can come in, if you want." so sharon came in; she gave me a hug and we wished each other merry christmases. and i told her, "thanks, doctor sharon, but i think i'll not need your offer of a bottom amputation anymore." :P
-chrissy kindly dried the floor for me; Forced me to walk back out to her car. i called a bye to judith, "see you next year!" yeah, no more hydro for awhile!!~
-chrissy went to refuel her car before tootling us home.
-arvo tea was a yummy nashi - PIG mum had one of my slices, of course - and we watched some lucky woman win $100 000 on deal or no deal! i also drank a cup of coloured water, my cup of the day to hold 'incorrectly'.
-seven's news was read out by sharyn ghidella, sport by ben davis, and weather by talitha cummins. the most interesting surname i remember was 'applegate' and yay, telstra shares are up five cents!
-i was wondering if chrissy would remember to give ela a massage after the news; nope, she seemed perfectly content to watch today tonight. so i told her to please give ela a massage at 6:35.
-at 6:45, chrissy Forced me to walk to the loo. i had two tinkles; chrissy came back to Force me to walk around to flush the loo. i clung to the towel rack, sidestepped to wash and dry era, then chrissy Forced me to walk back to the gobbling :P table.
-i signed her off; she rocked off five mins early, and will be back on wednesday. she's often off to bowen hills after me, BTW.
-i gave ela the paintbrush to hold coz her thumb wanted to tuck back in; then i continued reading my twilight novel.
-PIG mum wandered downstairs to force me on 5+ mins of hand exercises; i was saved by dad bringing dinner over.
-pasta tonight (that bow shaped one), lotsa cabbage, and roughly four spoonfuls of dad's yummy mince, tomato and egg. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well. she's actually sitting next to me right now, tearing/wrenching it out of my loosely clenched fist. ah well, i'm waiting till when lisa gets here toms; ela will get a few hours of respite/happiness. :)
-PIG mum had me do those exercises daniel wan taught me; so, soccer drills for 1 min (it seriously doesn't take long to kick a ball ten times with each foot) and it scored a 7 out of 10 coz it's hard to remember to weightshift and walk and kick at the same time. also, the piano drills for ten minutes, that also scored a 7 out of 10 coz ela still doesn't have the best co-ordination.
-i tootled online.
-toms ... PIG mum says we might go see a movie? coz there's no physio at the princess alexandra or centacare toms! so i'll check, publish, then go see what movies are available. hope everyone has a great day toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. we rang the family last night! uncle fung answered, rang us back. poor grandma's still sick :S so she's wearing a facemask, doesn't want to get baby mickey sick too ... ohh, guess i should remember to call him 'little' mickey, not 'baby' mickey anymore, coz uncle fung calls him little mickey too! and grandma said i could ring her again on wednesday :)
P.P.S. one last thing, almost forgot! we rang leanne tonight! i told her i'm hard at work on her bday song, and she says that she and peggy plan to visit me on the 27th! yippee!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


good evening!
well, the drive to the cheung's residence took, what, one minute? :P i didn't even bother to flick the radio on!
mel let us in; i crashed on a couch. sam had just awoken from a nap and went to shower, while master chef aunty winnie was teaching her two apprentices, mel and uncle colbert, how to whip up dinner.
thanks to mel who passed me a fork and poured me a tiny bowl of soya sauce to dunk my dumplings in. i ate a bowl of yummy udon, lotsa bok choy, and around six dumplings, some pork, some chicken. funny ... but i think i prefer the pork ... chicken dumplings taste ... drier?
after dinner, PIG mum took me to the loo once; of course, she gleefully forced me to dak myself, saying that if mr. hall took me to visit mr. mendelle near new year's eve, i'd have to be able to do it all myself.
back outside, we tucked into some yummy fruit! thanks to aunty winnie who chopped up a mango for us; we also enjoyed some juicy green grapes. mel's starting grade eleven next year, at moreton bay bug :p college; i think she's doing english, biology, music, ancient history, art and maths B. did you know, she chose sam's name for him! coz, at the time, uncle colbert and aunty winnie had a habit of reading mel a bible story every night before bed; when sam was born, they were just reading the bible story of samuel, and that's how he got his name! melody got hers from uncle colbert; he explained that he chose the spelling; meloDIE was somewhat too morbid for him. :p
uncle colbert also made dearest dad and PIG mum a plastic cup of coffee; mel wandered around to take a gulp or two. as for sam, he came back to eat some fruit, and next year, he's beginning year eight at redeemer! lol, now i'm feeling old ... :p
anyways, we thanked the cheung's sincerely for inviting us over for dinner; i think dad may have invited them over to spend christmas dinner with us? if that's the case, aunty winnie said she'd bring over some turkey! yumyum~
dearest dad tootled us home; this really being the last trip of the day/night, i allowed erf to sit sideways; but, lol, the trip seriously only takes one minute!
a loo trip for me; of course, no guesses as to who forced who to do all the dakking, un-dakking and flushing of the toilet. then i popped back online.
anyways, toms it's physio at UQ for me; is this the last for the year? coz if so, i must remember to write kat a congrats card, and ann a merry christmas one! i really honestly hope that PIG mum will take me out to naz for a kebab toms ... did she say someone was coming to visit? lol, i can't remember, but chrissy's coming toms, then the hated hydro. argh, i think i'm melting with the very thought! >< :p but that letter that judith passed to chrissy to give to PIG mum; didn't it say there'd be no more hydro soon? golly gosh, let's hope so!
hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^
P.S. almost forgot - PIG mum gave me a nice warm (i'd be dreaming if i thought she'd ever give me a hot one! :P) shower before we went to the cheung's residence; i washed my hair. PIG mum also forced poor ela to scrub various body parts of me 130+ times. i dried and rekitted myself (lol, we always forget the cream!:P)