Saturday, December 19, 2009

saturday post

good evening! TWFT topic was 'how to handle temptation', but still no plodding total from em. ><>< anyways, i've got til 10:10pm tonight! awesome~~ so i'll just say good evening to all my online MSN buddies, then come back to blog about today!
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself around to use the pot :P once last night without falling to her death! o_O :P
-this morning, when PIG mum got up for work, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once more. then i swung myself back to bed, tucked ela's thumb back gently inside for some sleep, and sang/counted myself back into some heavy duty snoring. :P rainbow was sulking, first, coz ela didn't wanna hold onto her tail, but cheered up immensely when era tucked her under ela's arm. :)
-dad poked me awake some hours later, with "tess's here soon. ten more mins."
-when she did arrive, the first thing she told dad was that she'd brought me some breakfast.
-so she got me up, kitted (lucky i was watching, she almost forgot my AFO!) and Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. i enjoyed my once a week opportunity to just balance the toothbrush on the cup and just squirt out the toothpaste, JUST LIKE I USED TO DO BEFORE GOD SMOTE/SMITED ME DOWN WITH A BRAIN TUMOUR.
-tess Forced me to walk to the loo. two tinkles afterwards, she forced me to pull my own daks up, Forced me to walk overand flush the loo. i clung to the towel rack, sidestepped to wash and dry my right hand, before tess Forced me to walk to the gobbling :p table.
-thanks to tess for breakfast! she had made some sorta chicken with rice? i drank a cup of tea, white and two, my first cup i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-tess forced me to play scrabble with her for roughly half an hour, then let me write my letter to eri! somehow, i doubt that she'll receive it before christmas or even the new year, but oh well.
-before she left, tess took me once more to the bathroom.
-when PIG mum came home, lunch was: mushy rice, lotsa greens (lol, i've forgotten which type, sorry! ><") and a few chunks of beef. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well. lunch was washed down with a mug of plain milk, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'
-after flicking on the computer switch, i tootled on the computer to continue writing leanne's birthday fic - and i finished it! so i've only got her song to go~~
-joshels had just said heylo to me on MSN, when dad wandered over and decided that he was forcing me to take an afternoon nap. sadly, somehow, i pissed him off, and he dragged me around, forcing poor em on countless laps of the hallway. he dropped me once, too. >< luckily, only a bum plop! but when i finally managed to collapse into bed, i used the pot :p once, then sat and sang my favourite and second favourite songs in my head once, opening my right eye for all the important numbers. dad came to sit by me; think he wasn't very happy, or sth ...
-so like that we stayed until chrissy arrived. yes, late. :P i introduced rainbow to her; she sat on my bed and we had a chat until dad wandered in and asked whether i was ever going for my shower.
-so chrissy wheeled me into the laundry, then forced me to swap to the wheeless showerchair.
-but a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before i sat down, one more when i was drying myself, and one more when i was creaming myself. i got rekited, chrissy Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :p table.
-arvo tea was some sultana thing that tess had made ... tasted alright. i also drank a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of sugar, 'incorrectly', my last cup of the day i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-we both read our twilight novels! i've just started the fourth, hey, wonder if PIG mum will take me to watch it at the cinemas on monday? let's hope so, seeing as NAB clinic's over for the year~~
-as always, i asked chrissy to give ela a massage at 5:40, as always, she refused till after 5:45. i was being painted dark blue with light green spots today, BTW.
-chrissy rocked off promptly at 6pm, she'll be back on monday. her and jason are going out to some turkish restaurant for dinner tonight! i wonder what the turks eat ..?
-PIG mum lathered aloe vera all over my face (aparently, sylvia jie jie says it's good for your pimples, then took me to the loo to wash it all off. i sat for two tinkles; no guesses as to who forced who to do everything.
-back at the table, PIG mum gleefully forced poor em on 50+ mins of arm exercises. i couldn't do the soccer exercises at the end, coz the string broke! hopefully, dad'll reattach the string for me soon. anyways: just the piano exercises, for twenty odd mins, and it scored an eight out of ten, and was mostly frustrating coz PIG mum kept nagging at my posture.
-dinner tonight; rice, lotsa cos lettuce, and a few wee chunks of yummy chicken. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, whatever. dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-i tootled online.
-toms: church. i'm not looking forward to the loo trip afterwards, coz mean PIG mum will surely force poor ela to hang onto the rail before, during and after my tinkle while she forces era to do all the dakking and un-dakking. but really, fingers crossed for a two piece feed from KFC for lunch! it's honestly been THIRTEEN WEEKS!!!! maybe i should put it on my xmas wishlist: i want a two piece feed from KFC this year for christmas, please santa. :P hope to see everyone at church toms! as for me, i'm off to check, then to get my naruto fix for this week. :)
em. ^^

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