Wednesday, December 2, 2009

wednesday post

good evening! TWFT topic was 'look up and live!' and no plodding total from em, coz PIG mum, for whatever so reason that pleases her, refuses to buy me anew pedometer. >< anyways, i didn't toodle online till 8:25pm; dunno if PIG mum will allow me to stay online till 10:25pm, but let's hope so! righteo, today's events?
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, em swung herself around to use the pot :P once. when she swung back to bed, dad having removed that bloody annoying splint that prevents ela from tucking in at night like hoe era gets to, bear bear huddled over. "yay, today you're holding paws with me!" lol, i try to explain to him that humans have hands, but he reckons that they're all paws. :P
-PIG mum dug me up awhile later. em swung herself around to use the pot :P once more, but then felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who rolled me in, gave me a glass of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and helped me to wipe afterwards. i washed and dried both hands, went for one more tinkle, then PIG mum rolled me back into my room and got me kitted for the day.
-PIG mum made ! (whenever you see the ! it means PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-two yummy weetbix, with half a dab of honey.
-PIG mum made ! me walk to the 4WD. after forcing me to buckle my own seatbelt (sth she gleefully forced poor em to do all day), off she tootled us off to vedelago, listening to my car CD(what we listened to all day).
-but uh oh. lesley wasn't here! helen came out and told us that lesley was away.
-so PIG mum tootled us off to dong fong/sunnybank oriental instead.
-she made ! me walk inside. i ordered a warm horlicks (sadly, mean PIG mum only allowed me to tip one shake of sugar into the mug before shemoved it out of reach) and a bowl of pasta with ham and egg. PIG mum got some thousand-year-old egg with pork? congee. i handed her a pea, thanks to PIG mum who passed me a slice of her egg.
-i asked PIG mum if she could please drive us home so i could go pee before i went to be tortured by vincent the physio. she meanly refused. instead, she made ! me walk to the toilet, gleefully forced me to dak myself, made ! me walk over to wash and dry both hands as she used the bathroom herself, then gleefully forced (3rd time) me to walk over to sunni bakery where i picked up a chocolate bun for my arvo tea.
-PIG mum made ! me walk back to the 4WD, then tootled us off to unique physiotherapy.
-she made ! me walk in. i sat down with a new idea magazine until vincent the physio came for me and Forced me to walk in.
-whatever, i survived. he Forced me to walk out at the end; handed me back to PIG mum, who made! me walk back to the 4WD and tootled us home.
-aunty wendy took me to the loo once, then i settled down with the paper.
-daniel wan came visiting! so, today: piano playing for ten? fifteen? mins. it acored a 7 out of 10 and it was frustrating coz stupid ela kept supernating on me. maybe toms will be better. :)
-daniel and i also played pictionary! forgot how long we played for, and it was only a 1 out of 10 coz pictionary's a game, not an exercise. :P
-daniel also Forced me to walk down to the television, down the hallway and back up again. once more, sorry, i didn't keep track of how long that took, and scored an 11 out of 10 coz i can't really explain to you how hard walking is for me. you guys just get up and walk whenever you feel like it, i can't. :s
-daniel left a note for PIG mum, then left.
-aunty wendy served me lunch: one yummy nashi, the remainder of my yummy chicken katsudon thing i had with lisa last night.
-off to get the swine flu jab. oww! ><
-but we had a yak to dr. lin! her first name's qing, pronounced 'chin'. :p
-home, shower with chrissy, arvo tea, a massage for ela, dinner, more laps of forced walking, computer, toilet. sorry, PIG mum's not giving me enough time to finish.
-toms: physio at UQ. fingers crossed that we can go to naz for a kebab! then, mariana's coming in the arvo, and book club toms night! must remember to write xmas cards!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

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