Sunday, May 31, 2009

sunday post

good evening! i think the spam count for the weekend was approx. 103, and em was hard at work plodding 3568 steps today. firstly, regarding last night:
-repeat everything i typed out yesterday. all the same. >< just one more thing to add:
-even before i fell sick, i used to fill up my cup with water, balance the toothbrush on top then squirt the teethpaste :P onto it. for whatever reason that pleases her now, PIG mum would rather force my left hand to hold the toothbrush while my right hand squirts out the toothpaste. ah well, no biggie. i can only comply *sigh*
righteo, spotty points :P time!
-em and bear bear were happy pigs this morning until PIG mum dug me up.
-i used the pot :p got kitted, then PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was a chunk of bread, which i jammed :P and buttered myself, plus a mug of hot milo.
-time to go, parents made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car, and PIG mum tootled us off, refusing me permission to listen to anything, coz she wants to 'prepare her heart to worship god'. oh well, no biggie.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in, and service soon started.
-PIG mum forced me to stand for 2 or 3 songs; i also sang the harmony to another one.
-speaker today was shane mc carthy, and he gave us a sermon on the parable of the persistent widow.
-rev. rod russell-brown took communion afterwards, which was followed by announcements.
-after service, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the toilet, forced me to pull my own daks down, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the morning tea area.
-thanks to dear dad for a cup of water-tea, and PIG mum for one small bikkie. i actually asked her if i could please have one more, but she just gleefully told me that there was none left. oh well.
-bible study time; PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the bible study room.
-uncle chong led us on another bible study. we all took turns reading out the questions and answering them.
-after bible study, PIG mum came to fetch me. i told her i wanted to pee again, so she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the toilet, forced me to dak myself, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the car.
-off she tootled us off to plaza, listening to rush of fools. i gotta remember to google them, if i ever have the time!
-PIG mum found a carpark, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk down, catcatching the escalator on the way.
-we bumped into kelvin leung and his brood! i think he's got 3 sons and 1 daughter (the youngest). we had a chat with him, and he told us that he'd just had lunch at cafe mi.
-we took a seat. i did ask PIG mum for a two piece feed, but that simple request got thrown back into my face. >< ai ... i have an idea! no, better not type it down coz PIG mum will read it. so, in the end, i got a hamburger and a few chippies. PIG mum had bought us a small fries to share, but i note that whereas i just ate one chip at a time, i note that PIG mum took at least 2 or 3 each go. oh well ... whatever.
-aunty anna and uncle henry popped along for a chat! aunty anna sent uncle henry away to buy cucumbers, i think it was. :P then she stayed to have a gossip with PIG mum, while i just looked mournfully at the small chocolate ice-cream sundae i dropped.
-whoops, my bad! 'twas WELLS PIG mum had been gossiping to, not aunty anna! wells works at the gold coast now, and lives there sunday-thurs. i wonder if he's driving down there now?
-phew. PIG mum went and bought another little chocolate sundae that i'd stupidly dropped, which we shared. yummy! i also slurped my favourite chocolate with pearl, and remembered to hand my cup over to PIG mum so she could have a pearl. oh, and i rang dearest dad! who was working somewhere. he just told me to tell PIG mum to ring him when we got home.
-time to go, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out catching the elevator back up. we bumped into fi so bao and christy jie briefly on the way!
-PIG mum tootled us home, still listening to rush of fools.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back into the house, and i tootled online for a few mins as ding dong! susan arrived! turns out she couldn't make it yesterday coz she had not one, not two, but THREE birthday parties to attend!
-susan (i keep typing 'evelyn', for whatever reason. >< guess PIG mum must've dropped me too many times on my head when i was a baby. :P) Forced me to walk to the laundry. she also forced me to pull my own daks down - i complied. then she started undressing me from the shoes, i started with the jumpers, and we met somewhere in the middle :P
-a nice warm shower - no hairwash today. i drip dried afterwards, got dried, redressed, then susan handed me my walking stick and Forced me to walk back out to the dining hall.
-arvo tea: i'd wanted a toastie, but PIG mum refused. so all i got was a cup of tea, a banana and 3 little round crackers. susan herself ate some almonds, but remembered not to offer me any :P
-i read my novel until susan decided that i was to play piano. first though, i went to the loo.
-my right hand played every major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale plus a few christmas carols, then supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 3-4 times.
- susan kindly gave my left hand a hand massage. i can feel the therabrush a bit now!
-at 6:45, susan Forced me to walk to the loo, also forcing me to pull my daks down again.
-i did a stinky unspeakable; susan rocked off while i was in the loo.
-PIG mum came, forced me to pull my own daks up, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of yesterday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the computer.
-i tootled online. not chatting tonight, though. just went to read a few news articles. oh dear - australia's got the swine flu! o_O
-well, i've got physio at UQ toms, and hydro in the afternoon. oh well. hopefully, i can meet up for lunch with julz at sunnybank oriental!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

saturday post

good evening! including UF last night, em was hard at work plodding 3064 steps. righteo, let's start with the spotty points :P for last night first!
-dinner time, amanda Forced me to walk to the dining room. we both had a bowl of rice with lotsa lettuce (amanda's first experience at 'cooked' lettuce! :P) and some duck meat, washed down with a cup of unwatered-down fruit and vegie juice (although, i think 'carrot' is the only 'vegie' in the juice, the rest is all fruit.)
-amanda Forced me to the toilet. i think i rang dear dad? or was that on thursday, with karen? then amanda Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it - and Forced me to walk out to barry.
-she tootled us off to UF, listening to B105.
-she Forced me to walk in, then rocked off like 20mins early.
-i had a chat to mel mel, who suggested me bringing along some props to tell the story to the little kids. cool, i can bring wendy and snowy! thanks to janice who helped me put on my walkbelt.
-i also had a chat to joey, who told me that dear pole plop was coming back on monday, and that she'd quarantine her sister in her grandparent's room downstairs for a whole week! o_O:P
-worship started. thankfully, we were given no call to stand up. i just sang in my head, as there weren't any opportunities for harmony.
-we split into our groups for our last bible study on daniel. janice and joey or hannah helped me to hobble in. i sat down next to tina, who very kindly lent me a purple pen.
-joshels had brought another friend to UF! anyways, we had our bible study on another chapter of daniel, and we all took turns reading out the bible passages, questions, and giving out our answers. and joshels also whooped me in a few games of noughts (sp?) and crosses. 'with god's help!' so he claims :P
-a prayer to end, then the girls helped me hobble/stagger/limp back to the main hall!
-birthdays to celebrate! we sang a big happy bday to joshels, BT, lams and dora. well, i prolly got all the names mixed up, but yeah. sth like that. :P
-i shared a small slice of the cake with fi so bao. yummy!
-dear dad came to pick me up. he tootled us home, listening to some chinese singer.
-the usual bedtime routine, as forced to do by PIG mum.
-but i rang aunty lai! it was her bday on the 28th, but when PIG mum tried ringing her on that day, grandma told her that aunty lai had gone out to celebrate her bday with some work mates. so i sang her a happy bday last night. :) then i cuddled my darling bear bear and we snored our respective heads off.
-firstly, i'm going to type everything out once. i usually do this every thursday, but i forgot to.
-whenever i had to walk, i used to type that PIG mum FORCED :( me to. when she barred me from using all capitals, i used Forced until she decided that the entire word somehow offended her and banned it entirely. so i switched to the word 'contort' until PIG mum decided that even this word offended her sensibilities and also banned it, saying that henceforth, i was only allowed to use the word 'made'. so i used MADE until she stipulated that it had to be ALL in lowercase. another thing i had no choice but to comply with. *sigh* but i would type that PIG mum 'gleefully made' me do it, until charlsy left me a comment on this blog saying i was only to use 'made' without any words before it. dunno really why i listen to him, after all, it's MY blog, so i guess it's just coz i have heaps and heaps of respect for him as a friend. eep, it's already 9:20pm, and i have an entire day's of spotty points :P to get through!
-PIG mum got up to go to work. i used the pot once, then cuddled my darling bear bear back to sleep.
-karol came around 10am? i asked her for 10 more mins of sleep, got 5, then she dug me up.
-i complied as she forced me to put on my own socks, etc. i also used the pot once more before she handed me my walking stick and Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. surprisingly, she didn't force my left hand to help rinse!
-i washed my hands, she kindly helped me dry them, before she Forced me to walk out to the gobbling :p table.
-breakfast was 2 yummy slices of bread that i spread margarine over myself with some ham and egg and a yummy mug of chocolate nesquik.
-we did a crossword together for awhile!
-then nature called. >< poo poo. so karol Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand, but kindly dried it for me, and Forced me to walk back to the TV chair.
-she made a mii! then it was already time for her to rock off, so i said my thanks and byes.
-dear dad came back to gimmee my weekly tirade on sth or another.
-PIG mum came home from work. she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to the gobbling :P table for lunch.
-lunch: a glass of plain milk, noodles, lotsa lettuce and some salmon.
-i read my novel until vincent the physio came. >< first session:PT
-he Forced me on laps and laps of walking.
-evelyn arrived soon after he left. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk into the laundry for my shower, also forcing me to dak myself before i took a seat.
-hairwash today - coz last night, PIG mum rubbed vaseline all over my itchy scalp!
-i got dried, rekitted, then evelyn handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to the dining room.
-arvo tea - a toasted cheese - poo poo, only one slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin >< - and ham sandwhich, cut into 4 triangles, and a cup of water-tea (ie sweetened only with one teaspoon of honey, not two.)
-i read my beka cooper novel for awhile, until nature called. >< evelyn Forced me to walk to the toilet, forced me to dak myself, forced me to pull my own pants back up afterwards, Forced me to go wash and dry my right hand, and Forced me to walk back to the dining room.
-she gave my left hand a massage. at 6:30, we watched some program, hosted by john schluter, celebrating queensland's 150th bday.
-at 6:45, evelyn Forced me to walk to the loo, Forced me to dak myself, forced me to pull my own daks back up after a tinkle, Forced me to walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and Forced me to walk back to thje dining hall.
-i signed her off; said my thanks and byes. she'll be back on wednesdfay.
-dinner: some swelling! :P and another glass of that fruit and vegetable juice. needless to say, PIG mum forced my poor left hand to hang onto the bowl as i ate.
-dinner done, PIG mum forced poor em on like 40+ mins of hand exercises, culminating in a forced march up to my room and back down. i needed to use the loo, so PIG mum also forced me to dak and un-dak myself.
phew, i finished! so, lemme type my nightly routine out once:
1. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk to the kitchen benchtop to drink my nightly half cuppa of milk. *sigh* but i do miss the nights when she'd bring over my milk in her eagerness to force me to bed. guess this way, she gets to make (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk more. oh well.
2. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the bathroom.
3. i was forced to stand to brush my teeth, and PIG mum also forced my poor left hand to do the 3 after-brush rinses with my right hand.
4. after flossing and washing both hands, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them both.
5. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the toilet.
6. PIG mum forced me to dak myself and sit for a tinkle or two.
7. after i stood back up, PIG mum forced me to pull my trousers back up.
7. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash my right hand. i leaned over to dry it, dunno why she refuses to help me?
8. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have been sadly TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed.
-lastly, if i don't write any of this till next thursday, it just means that it was ALL the same. >< okay?
anyways, hope to see everyone at church toms, and fingers crossed for some decent lunch!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

friday post

good afternoon! the spam count for the week is 287, and em was hard at work today plodding 2200 steps today.
look, there's no time for me to write out what i got up to today, amanda will arrive in like 10 mins or so, so, just briefly:
-PIG mum took me to watch the new star trek movie today! twas great! but i'll put up all my faviurite trivia and quotes toms. thanks also to PIG mum, who, however grudgingly, bought us a packet of cheese twisties to share. bad thing was, stupid me missed like 5-10mins of the flick coz i needed to pee! >< lastly, the soundtrack was okay, there wasn't too many great melodies coz it was an action movie, hence lotsa percussion banging around.
PIG mum consented to taking me for a late lunch at cafe mi. i had a western meal, pork chop in gravy with diced vegies and gravy and a cold milk tea. i only chewed 2 little ice cubes, not really sure what PIG mum has against ice cubes, but oh well. PIG mum claimed she wan't hungry, only then to take a chunk of my pork chop and an ENTIRE BOWL of spaghetti, well, i just haveta remind myself that i have no right, that whatever i consume, PIG mum MUST have some. hey, i wonder if i can give her my vegetables? hehe :P
anyways, i hope everyone has a great weekend! looking forward to seeing everyone at UF tonight! and toms, the irish karol will be coming! too bad, i enjoyed my last ever saturday sleep-in without ever realising it! oh well... ><
em. ^^
P.S. yup, amanda's here ... cya!

thursday post

good evening! sorry i didn't come back on last night to finish blogging about my day, stupid em must've somehow failed the PERFECT standards set up for her by the parents >< but according to my pedometer (i didn't reset it), for each day, i must've plodded 2190.5 :P dunno how i managed half a step each day, but huh. you go fifure :P anyways, i think PIG mum says she'll only allow me to sit online until 10pm (*sigh*) so let's get cracking into what i did today!
-actually, i'm going to start with the exciting things first!
-karen came, and took me to the library! i got a brand new library card, borrowed 4 books, and joined a book club!it's on a thursday night, so i can't wait!
-even better, karen took me to fasta pasta for dinner! she had a margarita pizza (and very kindly shared a lil with me) and a diet coke, while i had a yummy chicken fettucine cabonara with a lipton's iced lemon tea. oh, and we shared some garlic bread too! i had 1 slice; karen gobbled up the other 2. then she went and got herself a latte. she eats fast! :P
-this morning, i had physio at UQ. so i just had a choc chip museli bar and a mug of warm milo for breakfast.
-PIG mum tootled us off to UQ, listening to ... umm, can't remember his name, sorry. >< that christian singer guy. chris tomlin, i think?
-i went to the loo on arrival; ofb course PIG mum forced me to do the dakking and un-dakking.
-we went home listening to rush of fools.
-we had pork 'swelling' :P (PIG mum says i could've just written 'sticky rice' for lunch. 'swelling' sounds better. :P
-robert came to visit us! he's a brisbane city council disability officer. he gave me his email address. too bad he wasn't campbell newman :P
-an old man came to sell us a CD! it cost 7 bucks, and PIG mum had him sit down while she went to get the cash coz he had a walking stick, and PIG mum was afraid he'd topple over :P
-karen came, and Forced me to walk to the laundry for a shower.
-hairwash today. i drip dried, got creamed and redressed, before karen handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to the living room.
-arvo tea: a toasted cheese - 2 slices! thanks karen! - and ham cheese sandwhich, cut into 3rectangles, and a cup of tea sweetened with 2 teaspoonfuls of honey.
-karen forced me on 20mins of left hand exercises; mainly theraplaydough :P
-she Forced me to walk over and play piano. my right hand supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 4 times, then played every major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale plus all the christmas carols that i could think of.
-she Forced me to walk to the toilet, and i rang dear dad once to tell him that karen and i were going out, so he and PIG mum could go night shopping (they just went to plaza and had dinner at vietnam corner, and ate won tons, chicken rice, etc. ) then karen Forced me to go wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it -then Forced me to walk to her car.
-we listened to B105 all night, BTW.
-i just popped online, but PIG mum's already booting me off. i guess i've only been on for what, 20 mins? >< ah well.
-toms should be fun! PIG mum's taking me to watch star trek! hope it'll be good!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

wednesday post

heylo! no plodding total from me yet, poor em still has a session with vincent the physio to endure. >< ah, patience and perserverance, i'll get through. well, roughly half an hour till evelyn arrives, so i'll grab a few mins to say hi to online people on MSN, then i will get started on my spotty :P points for today!
-em and bear bear snored their heads off, until PIG mum spoiled the fun by digging her up. :( she made(PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash both hands as ding dong! aunty frances arrived!
-PIG mum then made made(PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry both hands, before she made made(PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-aunty frances fed me a cold milo as PIG mum rocked off to some DSQ talk, i think it was?
-i turned my chair around to watch the news, as aunty frances kindly gave my left arm a massage.
-poo. i needed to pee. so aunty frances Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand (but kindly helped me dry it, thanks) and Forced me to walk back to my chair.
-lunch was 2 yummy mashed up crumbed fish - thanks to aunty frances who gave me lotsa mayo! and a mug of cold chocolate nesquik.
-i answered 2 phone calls, one from mariana, the other from someone asking ehether or not we had a hot-water system installed (if we didn't, i wouldn't be having a shower every day! :P).
-PIG mum came home. i said my byes and thanks to aunty frances (who'll come back next fortnight) - did you know, her son is allergic to CHOCOLATE! the poor man ... ><
-PIG mum returned a few phone calls, while i read my novel.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the computer, and i popped online for awhile. evelyn should be here soon, so i'll come back on later tonight with my final plodding total. i wonder if evelyn remembered her promise to find me some waffles?
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected one error in my post this afternoon.
P.P.S. no house tonight, shame :( but i want to watch thank god you're here!
P.P.S. good timing - i was just about to hit 'publish' when ding dong! evelyn's here!

friday post

good evening! em was hard at work today, plodding 5678 steps. (now, gimmee a min or two to say hi to ppl on my MSN contact list :P) (okay, it was more like 5 mins. or 10. :P) anyways, spotty points :P for the day, incoming!
- em was a happy pig with my deartest bear bear this morning until PIG mum dug me up. i got a crunchy museli bar for breakfast, along with a mug of warm milo, then PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car.
-off she tootled us to the PA for physio, listening to chris tomlin.
-luckily, we found a park on arrival. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in. we bumped into and said hi to janelle on the way! :)
-actually, i wanted to pee first. of course, PIG mum forced me to yank my own daks down, forced me to pull them back up afterwards, made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way into the day hospital.
-physio started with dom dom at 9am. just lotsa walking today.
-karen the teabag came with morning tea! actually, she said she'd gimmee a cup of milo, but it turned out to be tea. :p
-dom dom returned me to PIG mum at 10am. she's pregnant again, congrats to her! and she told me dear bob got my card beforte he passed away peacefully. poor bob, RIP. i hope to see you in heaven someday!
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out. i wanted to use the looagain. of course, she forced me to pull my daks down, forced me to pull them back up after a tinkle, made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the 4WD.
-PIG mum tootled us home, still listening to chris tomlin.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back in. i settled down to watch ten's morning news. the most interesting surname i heard was 'bongiorno' (sp?)he's a reporter.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the gobbling table for lunch. i tucked into a plain glass of milk, and my hard-won for microwave meal! yummy money mustard chicken. PIG mum had some noodles,kindly sharing with me a strand.
-PIG mum snored her head off, as i read today's courier mail.
-poo poo. nature called. >< so PIG mum got to make (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo, force me to pull my own daks down, forced me to pull them back up after a tinkle, made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the table.
-ding dong! amanda arrived promptly at 2:30, and we started our cooking for the day - muffins!
-i cracked eggs, poured stuff into the mixing bowl, mixed and scooped out dollops of the batter into the baking tray. and yes, i couldn't resist and stuck a finger into the bowl and tried some batter 4 or so times :P
-once our muffins were baking in the oven, amanda Forced me to walk to the laundry and gave me a shower - hairwash today. and, for the first time, she put down a non-slip mat! so i could stand up for her to give my back bum a wash :P but she whipped away the mat the moment she flicked the water off.
-i got dried, creamed, rekitted. amanda handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back outside.
-arvo tea: a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, and 2 of our yummy muffins!
-i read my book until 6:45. amanda Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hanmd - but she helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to my chair.
-i signed her off, said my thanks and byes, and she left promptly at 6:30. she'll be back on friday, at 3:30, so she can take me to UF.
-PIG mum rushed back to force poor em on 55 mins of hand exercises, culminating in a forced march up to my room and back down.
-dear dad came home for dinner: rice tonight, lotsa bok choy and some of dear dad's delicious mince, tomato and egg, washed down with a plain glass of milk.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to write, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the computer, and i tootled online.
-well, aunty frances's is coming toms at 10:00, coz PIG mum's going to some talk somewhere. wonder what i'll get for lunch? also, vincent the physio toms. >cheers,
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 4 error in my post tonight.

Monday, May 25, 2009

monday post

good evening! including hydro, em was hard at work plodding 4691 steps today. i should have an hour left online, so without further ado, let's head right into the spotty:P points for today!
-em was a miserable sod this morning. >< i only woke up when dad closed the garage door to go to work! i yelled out for him, of course, but he didn't hear me. :( but my bear bear cuddled me and told me not to be sad, and i counted/sang myself back to sleep.
-PIG mum came, dug me up, got me kitted, fed me a crunchy choc chip museli bar and a mug of warm milo, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the 4WD.
-off she tootled us off to UQ for physio, listening to chris tomlin.
-PIG mum parked. i wanted to go to the loo, so she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way in, forced me to yank my own daks down, forced me to pull them back up after a long tinkle, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry both hands, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the waiting area.
-off she rocked off to pay, and chris (i think that was his name?) came with a walkbelt and Forced me to walk in.
-right arm reachy exercises, then standing exercises. we went for a plod along the parallel bars too. i told anne my stupid left ankle hurt >< and she had me lie down, and whipped everything off to confirm that, yes, it was rather red. :(
-chris and another student Forced me to walk back out to the car. i returned the walkbelt to them, and PIG mum tootled us home.
-dear dad was home! so after em got made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) to walk in, lunch was half a bowl of dad's yummy fried rice and a glass of plain milk.
-i wanted to pop online for about an hour before amanda arrived, but PIG mum snapped no and instead made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed.
-luckily, i nodded off while i was only up to my 200s!
-amanda came, got me kitted, then Forced me to walk to the toilet. my guess is that PIG mum told her of the 'no pot while sun's out' rule. but hey, today was overcast! go figure. :P
-amanda changed me for hydro, before Forcing me to walk over and wash my right hand (but she kindly helped me dry it, thanks), then Forcing me to walk over to barry.
-off she tootled us off to hydro, listening to an entire myriad of stations, e.g. NOVA, B105, triple M or J.
-no park available for us on arrival! so amanda Forced me to walk inside first, left me with her take 5 magazine, and went to park the car. then she came back to Force me to walk the rest of the way in.
-stupid lift was still out. >< james came, stuck KAB on my silly left ankle, then rolled me down on a showerchair, unceremoniously tipping me out at the end. ow! nah, i'm just kidding :P
-hydro today: walking forwards and sideways, squatting, some left arm work, sculling, kicking, 3 rolls, (2 going to my right and 1 to my left) and 2 of my favourite head dunks at the end! :P
-james and amanda gave me the manual hoist out, and amanda rolled me in for a nice hot shower. lol, there was only hot water on, and it was turned to the max! obviously, i had a hairwash.
-i went for a tinkle afterwards, drip-drying as i was over the loo.
-amanda got me rekitted, then Forced me to walk back out to barry. off she tootled us off to buy some flavoured milk.
-once home, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way back in.
-arvo tea was a slice of this yummy custard tart that amanda had kindly bought. it had nutmeg in it. and i drank a cup of the vanilla malt milk and half a cup of the strawberry.
-amanda Forced me to walk over to practise piano. my right hand supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 7 times, then played every major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale, plus a handful of christmas carols.
-at 6:15, amanda Forced me to walk to the loo. i did a stinky unspeakable and wiped myself too. then she came back to Force me to walk over and wash my right hand (but kindly helped me dry it) and Forced me back to the gobbling :p table.
-amanda rocked off promptly at 6:30, and will be back on friday.
-i told PIG mum that i was hungry, so she fed me dinner first: not quite a bowl of dad's yummy fried rice with lotsa her yummy tomato and mince meat. washed down with a yummy mug of un-watered-down OJ.
-aiya. then PIG mum forced me on at least half an hour's worth of arm exercises, culminating in a forced march up to my room and back down. must keep reminding myself first, though: RIGHT leg UP first, LEFT leg DOWN first.
-i tootled online. PIG mum came and stuck my feet in her footspa. my left leg doesn't like that - it hurts! >< but PIG mum said she'd give me another 10mins online if i left my feet in there. so hopefully i can stay on till 10pm.
-anyways, i'm all finished for the day! me just gonna send an email to a friend - make that 2 emails to 2 friends- then head off to read some news articles, if there's time.
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. hope PT at the PA goes well toms! i want morning tea, please? :Poh! and we'll be making muffins with amanda toms! we shouldn't burn the house down (i hope! :P)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

sunday post

good afternoon! no plodding total from me yet as the day is not finished. but let me just say, thanks to kwany for the comment congratulating me on my 150th post! i wonder how long i can keep this one going for? anyways, karen should be here in another 5 mins or so, i'll just start straight into my spotty :P points for today!
-too bad, i thought i could escape my weekly tirade from PIG mum this week. alas, sadly, that was not the case. PIG mum let me have it last night, getting her point across with a few slaps, that kinda thing, etc. don't worry, no marks to show for it by next morning.
-PIG mum dug me up this morning, got me kitted, and fed me a mug of milo for breakfast. then she made - aiya, PIG mum just ordered me to sit up straight. i complied, what else? *sigh*
-hey, karen just arrived, so i'll be back after 7pm tonight, ok? time is now ... 3:07pm.
-karen just showed PIG mum and I her teddy bear. It’s just called ‘bear’. Lol, that’s even more boring than my own ‘bear bear’! :P he’s grey (apparently, he looks just like matthew, her own cat) and has a pink sweater on, that says ‘love’ on it with blue. Very cute! i want one too, that i can scratch it's tummy when i'm itchy! i'm worried for my dear bear bear's tummy, see. how would i ever live with myself if i scratched his tummy fur off? :(
-heylo! it's 7:39pm now, but still no plodding total from me, coz i haven't had dinner yet! aunty a's just arrived, and i'm having a yak to joshels, who said he left bible study early to have lunch at kam koon with his extended family. anyways, what happened today?
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk out to the car. off she tootled us off to church, listening to jacky cheung's black CD. (that's what we listened to all day, so i won't mention it again).
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in, and service soon started. thanks to josh cham for the lyrics in big font! PIG mum forced me to stand for 2 or 3 songs; i also sang the harmony to another. - aunty marilyn came to have a yak with me, reminding me how she used to trade us memory verses for sweets. i do memory verse, i get lolly. see? :P
-speaker today was dear uncle derek, and he gave us a sermon on
-righteo! dinnertime! bbl~ time is now ... 8:03pm.
*burp* i'm back! and i can report now, my final plodding total for sunday now stands at 2804. and time is now ... 8:34, BTW. anyways, where was i? oh, and spam count for the weekend is 198.
-oh. uncle derek gave us a sermon on 'lord, please don't send me to
(insert place). i took notes.
-no communion afterwards, just PIG mum who made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo, forced me to pull my own daks down, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to take a seat at the morning tea area.
-i had a cup of cordial and a couple of crackers for morning tea. leanne wrote down the recipe(sp?) for yummy chicken katsudon for us, and i traded emails with i'll send him an email after i finish this post, if i have the time!
-bible study time, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to class.
-we split into 2 groups! one with aunty a, the other with uncle chong (he says it's fine i call him uncle, it doesn't haveta be 'pastor'.). sorry to charlsy, coz aunty a told me during dinner that he wasn't happy that i didn't stay with him! :( well, i dunno if we're meant to stay in the groups we split into today; but i'm happy in either. i just sat in uncle chong's group today coz it meant i didn't haveta move again.
-sfter PIG mum came to pick me up, she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo, forced me to pull my own daks down, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the car.
-dear dad had gone somewhere to work, so PIG mum tootled both of us to foodcourt. the rain meant that there were no disabled carparks left >< but PIG mum found a spot anyway. then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk all the way down into foodcourt, catching the escalator on the way. we bumped into uncle henry and little emma! they were just playing on the escalator, going up and down, and up, and down. :P aww, how cute. :P
-i asked for a two piece feed, and as usual, didn't get it. :( so i'll haveta try again next sunday. but hey, here's sth new i just learnt: according to PIG mum, it is a SIN to have chips more than once a week. nani? why? :( oh well. anyways, i got a KFC roller, the BBQ sauce type. no chips either. :( maybe next week ... actually, i asked for a pudding milk tea also; thanks to janice who went and bought it for us! but triple poo :( no pudding left! so i just had a plain milk tea, two little cubes of ice, and two small slurps of PIG mum's carrot and apple juice. it's actually quite yummy!
-time to go, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car, and she tootled us home.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk inside, and i tootled online for a few mins before karen arrived.
-she stuck my walkbelt on me, and Forced me to walk into the laundry for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. as usual, the water pressure died during the shower, but that's to be expected.
-i got dried, creamed/cremed (anyone know the correct spelling?) bandaged, and redressed. karen handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to the dining room.
-the PERFECT afternoon tea! a toasted cheese - 2 slices! thanks karen! - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into 4 triangles, and a cup of tea, sweetened with 2 teaspoonfuls of honey.
-i read the courier mail karen had kindly brought - she wanted me to read her the horoscopes :P- while she did a crossword. she's going out to dinner tonight with friends, and has already bought jamie 2 pizzas from pizza hut for his dinner, a meatlovers and some other one starting with 'm'.
-she fed me half a glass of milk and one of her gluten-free bikkies. apparently, gluten makes you fat, or sth? well, it tasted good.
-at 6:45, she Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to the gobbling table.
-i signed her off. dear dad had a yak to her about the quickest route to get here from her place (i think she lives at carina?), and she left promptly at 7pm. she'll be back next thurs.
-dad made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the computer desk, and i tootled online for a few mins as he whipped up dinner and aunty a arrived.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to the table for dinner. rice tonight, lotsa 'dul meel', and umm ... i forgot. >< some egg, and fish? washed down with a glass of orange juice. i told PIG mum i'd take juice if she wouldn't dilute it (like she used to do the pear juice) but milk if she would. surprisingly, she gave me a real cup of orange juice! actually, during dinner, aunty a told me charlsy wasn't happy coz i hadn't gone to his group for bible study. i'm sorry, charlsy! :( next week, if you still want me to be in your group, maybe i can walk over with you, or maybe you can stay with me. then PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of friday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back online.
-well, so ends my post for today. i hope everyone has a great week! i've got physio at UQ toms, and hydrotherapy in the arvo. plus, my last day of not being allowed to say my constant litany of things out aloud to claim my second microwave meal! i can do it, yeah!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.
P.P.S. i was very happy to talk to my beloved grandma tonight, who prayed with me! :) she, aunty nga and baby mickey didn't go to church today coz there was a 'yellow storm'? (it doesn't make sense in canto either, don't ask me!)
P.P.P.S. righteo, me off to send an email to lee (leanne's cousin) before PIG mum kicks me to bed! cya!

Friday, May 22, 2009

saturday post/150th post

heylo! welcome to the 150th post!no plodding total from me yet, as it's not even 3pm yet! but karol, my carer for today (it was supposed to be evelyn, but karol appeared instead)rocked up like at 2:40pm!not sure if she'll stay till 6;40 or until 7pm, but hey, we'll see.
anyways, i've decided that today is an 'event'! yeah, it's just an excuse for me to type everything out in full :P but yeah, today marks the day that i've been out from the hospital for a whole YEAR! :) fair enough, i had to go back in at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, but i'm just counting my release from BIRU, PA hospital. what has happened since then? well, hopefully, i'm now walking better than how i was one year ago. i think i've been told that my balance has improved, and while i'm still scared sh*tless of falling, i've been taught to only freak out inside my head, not to cause a commotion elsewhere. well, last week i already begged PIG mum if we could pretty pretty please go out to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for dinner to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for dinner, but PIG mum seemed rather disinclined. but she has promised she'd ring dear dad and ask him if we can go out for dinner. i really hope he agrees! anyways, showertime, so i'll bbl later tonight, ok? time is now ... 3:00pm
-good evening! time is now 7:46pm, and my final plodding total for saturday now stands at 2237. lol, and i just spent half an hour saying hi to everyone on my MSN contact list! :P
anyways, where was i?
so PIG mum gets herself up to go to work, and lets me use the pot once. i flop back into bed, say bye to her, then count all the way too 1000 (takes roughly half an hour, i think) before calling for dad coz i wanted to pee again. but he comes in, says, "mum's almost home, em," says he, "can you just wait until she gets back?" nani? how come it's suddenly past 12 midday? lol, i guess i must've counted, fallen asleep, then woken up to keep counting. :p
anyways, PIG mum returns home. i use the pot, she gets me kitted for the day, then she makes (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling table. breakfast was my hard-won-after microwave meal! can't really remember what it's called, sorry, but it was some chicken and hokkien noodle yummy thing, washed down with a plain glass of milk.
after lunch, vincent the physio came. >< first session:PT. i did lotsa left arm exercises, he forced me on laps and laps of walking. funny, he said if i can withstand 3 (or sth like that) sessions of him coming without getting teary, he'd buy me a prize! lol, actually, he was really nice when he came, coz he bought dad a magnum! and thanks to dearest dad who gave me a wee nibble. yummy. :)
when he left, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to the computer, and i tootled online for a few mins, until ding dong! it wasn't evelyn, it was karol! anyways, after she had a yak to PIG mum, she Forced me to walk to the laundry and gave me a nice hot shower - hairwash today. i got dried, creamed, bandaged and rekitted, before karol handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to the dining room. afternoon tea was a toasted cheese - yay, thanks karol! 2 slices! - sandwhich, cut into 4 squares/triangles. the ham was still defrosting, see. and a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of honey.
i read my book for awhile, before karol forced me on half an hour of hand exercises. i'm not sure ... i can't remember ... the theraplaydough :P exercises, are they for my left or my right hand? anyways, after that, karol Forced me to walk to the piano. my right hand supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 5 times, then my right hand played every single major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale plus all the christmas carols i could think of. i shared my naughty lyrics with karol, too :P
after piano practice was done, karol Forced me to walk back to the dining room, where she kindly fed me an un-watered-down cup of orange juice and 2 full crackers. she told me that she lives in parkinson, and for dinner tonight, here sister will be making them fish. anybody know, do all aussies cook their fish in the oven?anyways, we did a crossword together until 7:45, when karol Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly dried it for me, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to the dining room. PIG mum checked my ouchy ankle, and we said our thanks and byes to karol. i hope she comes back soon! anyways, PIG mum kindly gave my dumb left ankle a rub, lecturing me on how i wasn't supposed to twist it. hey, not like it's a conscious thing!
anyways, when dear dad came home, i did ask him if we could please please pretty please go to sunnybank oriental for dinner to celebrate me being out of the hospital for a year, but he didn't want to. :( oh well. so, dinner tonight: rice, lotsa bok choy, and a small slice of BBQ pork. oh! dad had made yummy chicken and egg fried rice, actually. think i got roughly half a bowl. washed down with a glass of plain milk. it used to be that, around 6pm, i'd ask my carer for a milky drink, then after dinner, i'd have a cup of juice, but i think i'm going to szwap that around now. juice at 6pm, and milk after dinner. after dinner, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back online, and i tootled back on.
anyways, so ends my post for today! me going to print out my bible study homework now, then go read a few news articles, if i find the time. fingers crossed for some yummy lunch toms, and hope to see everyone at church toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. oh! UF last night was a combined JUST and UF venture! JUST stands for Joint University Student Target, or Jesus and U Standing Together, BTW. anyways, amanda drove me to church, and Forced me to walk in. thanks to joey who helped me put on my walkbelt. lucky amanda got to rock off 20 mins early! anyways, letty sat next to me, and hauled me to stand up for a prayer and one song. after we split up into groups, julz and janice helped me to hobble/stagger/limp to our meeting room. we were doing a skit! we got a murder mystery. i got to play the queen! too bad, no-one listened to my demands of some maccas for supper :P but i got murdered by julz a.k.a. president shrub :P i died of his/her FARTING, BTW :P anyways, once UF was over, charlsy and julz helped me limp/stagger/hobble out, and they handed me back to my parents. dear dad tootled us home, repeat the usual nightly routine, then i hit the sack :P cuddling up to my darling bear bear. righteo, news time. bye!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

friday post

good afternoon! the spam count for the week is 195, and including hydro, em was hard at work plodding 2411 steps today. anyways, lemme type out what i usually do once every thursday, but had no time to last night. *sigh* that's what happens when your mother restricts you to a MEASELY two hours a day. :(
-whenever i had to walk, i used to type that PIG mum FORCED :( me to. when she barred me from using all capitals, i used Forced until she decided that the entire word offended her and banned that entirely. so i switched to the word 'contort'. it didn't take long until PIG mum decided that even this word was offensive and banned it also, declaring that henceforth, i was only allowed to use the word 'made'.so i used MADE until she put her foot down again and demanded that it ALL be in lowercase. *sigh* what else can i do but comply? only i put she 'gleefully' made me walk, until charlsy left me a comment on this blog, saying that i was only allowed to use made with no words before it. not really sure why i listen to him, except that i have heaps and heaps of respect for him as a friend. right, and about last night:
1. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the kitchen benchtop to drink my nightly half a cuppa of milk.
2. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the bathroom for my nightly routine.
3. i was forced to stand while brushing my teeth, and after my right hand took the first pre-brush rinse, PIG mum forced my left hand to do the 3 after-brush rinses with my right hand. i'm careful to take great big gulps now, ever since PIG mum stipulated that i had to at least half the cup. then my poor right hand gets the final rinse.
4. actually, PIG mum forced me to put the toothbrush in my left hand while my right hand did the toothpaste squeezing. not really sure why i'm not allowed to do it the way i used to EVEN BEFORE i got sick, ie balance the toothbrush on the cup then just squeeze out the toothpaste, but no biggie. *sigh*
5. after flossing, mouthwashing and washing both hands, PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them both.
6. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the toilet.
7. PIG mum forced me to dak myself for a tinkle.
8. when i stood back up, PIG mum forced me to pull my trousers back up.
9. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to wash and dry my right hand.
10. PIG mum made(PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to bed.
11. still no pull-up pants, argh. at least i've had a dry month so far!
-last thing: if i don't mention any of this till next thursday, it just means that the same thing happened every night. ><
-remember that constant litany i've been running through in my head whenever i'm forced to walk by PIG mum? well, if i can survive till tonight, i get my microwave meal! and if i can survive another three days, i get my second one! so i'm just asking percy the angel/saint to please give me patience and perserverance to endure, and not say a word till wed. i can do it! righteo, spotty :P points for the day, incoming!
-yay, go em! who managed to swing herself around to use the pot once this morning without falling to her death. :)
-PIG mum dug em up, got her kitted for hydro, fed her a yummy choc chip museli bar and a mug of milo for breakfast, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) her walk out to the 4WD.
-off she tootled us to hydro. we met a nice guy there, frank. his wife is doing some exercises in the pool.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way into the pool. i took a seat and waited for judith.
-she came, put me into a showerchair (the silly lift still isn't recovered.)then she put my silly left ankle into KAB, held together by a bit of sports tape, then wheeled me into the water.
-hydro today:walking only forwards (that was with the 4th year physio student, i've forgotten his name, sorry. >< chris?), left arm exercises, floating, sculling, 4 rolls, and 2 of my favourite head dunks at the end. :P
-judith and mum gave me the manual hoist out, and PIG mum rolled me in for a kinda-warm hosing down.
-i went for a tinkle afterwards, which turned out to be a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who helped me wipe.
-i got dried, rekitted, PIG mum for whatever absurd reason refusing my polite request to go have one more tinkle. oh well, i'll just hold it in till amanda gets here (she's here now - 5 mins early!).
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the car, and tootled us off to the maccas at sunnybank plaza.
-no disabled parking spaces left, but PIG mum still found a spot somewhere.
-she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way in. i had wanted to sit at the closest seat, but PIG mum for whatever reason refused and made me walk more to another seat.
-i got a yummy fish fillet wrap and an OJ. originally, i had asked PIG mum please for a milkshake, but that request was thrown back into my face. and she only got us a small fries to share, too. i mean, come on, if you couldn't get us a regular fries each, surely you could've gotten us a regular to share? but no, PIG mum was skungy. oh well. at least she remembered to get one packet of ketchup!
-i read one article of today's courier mail, before PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way back to the car, listening to jacky cheung on the drive home.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of today's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way back in. i tootled online at 1:37pm, so i'm going to try and stay online till 3:37pm, if amanda'll allow me. anyways, hope everyone has a SMASHING weekend, and see most of yous at UF tonight!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 4 errors in my post tonight.

thursday post

evening! for the record, em was hard at work today plodding 3277 steps. anyways, i'm going to get right into my spotty points :P coz my eyes are pretty tired tonight and i think PIG mum wants to kick me off to bed anyway. ><
-em was a happy pig who rang grandma last noght and had a yak with her!
-PIG mum dug em up, got her kitted for the day, and after feeding her a museli bar and a mug of warm milo for breakfast,made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) her walk out to the car.
-off she tootled us off to UQ for physio, listening to that dreadful, nasally, out-of-tune singer, andy hui :P i just tried to block my ears off to that sound. actually, he sang a duet with some woman who had this HORRIBLE schreechy voice >< - even PIG mum agreed!
-we arrived. PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo. she forced me to dak myself as she flounced off to the loo herself, then came back to force me to yank my own daks back up. then, she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to take a seat in the waiting area.
-PIG mum rocked off to pay. a guy named chris came for me. i asked him to please lend me a walkbelt, then he Forced me to walk in.
-just standing exercises, right arm reachy exercises, and walking today. i moaned that my stupid left ankle was hurting to chris, who whipped off my ;eft footwear to confirm that it had indeed gone a bit red.
-finished, chris Forced me to walk back down to the car. i changed the CD to sth else, then PIG mum tootled us home, snapping ano to my polite request of lunch at maccas. i want to try their new filet-o-fish wrap! ah well, better luck toms, maybe.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back in.
-lunch was a yummy tuna in tomato and onion toasted sandwhich, cut into 4 squares. i washed it down with a glass of orange juice, should it really be any surprise that PIG mum forced my poor left hand to hold onto the juice bottle, then the cup ear as my right hand did the pouring?
-ding dong! mariana came. PIG mum kindly fed me a mug of water-tea, i'm just curious, why was her mug sweeter than mine? i guess it's coz she stuck 1 teaspoonful of sugar into hers, but only half into mine.
-ding dong! karen came, so i excused myself for a shower - hairwash today.
-PIG mum and mariana were STILL yakking when i came back out! :P
-a perfect afternoon tea, thanks to karen! a mug of tea with 2 teaspoonfuls of honey, and a toasted cheese - yup, 2 slices! thanks karen! - ham and mayo! cut into 4 squares. karen and jamie will be having spag bol for tea tonight, BTW.
-karen forced me on roughly 15mins of left hand exercises. oh dear. i needed to pee. >< so karen Forced me to walk to the loo, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but she kindly helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to the piano.
-my right hand supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 5 times, then played every single major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale.
-at 6pm, karen Forced me to walk back to the gobbling table, where she had indeed kindly bought me the courier mail! and refused my offer to pay her back for it, too. thanks, karen :) so we read that until 6:45. oh, and i got a yummy cracker to munch on, too.
-karen Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to my chair.
-PIG mum let her rock off ten mins early; she'll be back on sunday.
-PIG mum immediately tore my poor left thumb out of it's socket :p as she fed me dinner, courtesy of aunty anne: rice tonight, with lotsa choko and some yummy slices of pork, washed down with a glass of plain milk. again, i chose just to hold the entire cup, lest PIG mum chew my head off for not sticking the 'incorrect' fingers in it.
-PIG mum forced meon approx. 35 mins of arm exercises, culminating in a forced walk up to my room and back down. dear dad was in the shower, so i yelled at him to remember to use soap. :P oh! funny thing i almost forgot to share! last night, as PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the bathroom for my nightly routine, i paused by at the mouth of the stairs, took a deep breath, then SCREAMED:"i'm going to bed now! GOODNITE, DADDY! I LOVE YOU!" then from the sofa (it was DOWNSTAIRS) came a sleepy voice, "em, i'm here ... nite nite ..." lol! somehow, PIG mum and i had walked all the way to the stairs so i could yell goodnite to my most beloved daddy, and he had been downstairs all along! lol, i guess we just weren't looking out for him. :P
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's poat to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the computer, and i tootled online.
-too bad, there's no time for me to write out what i usually do every thursday, so i guess i'll do it toms. no time for naruto, either. :( oh well ...
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

wednesday post

good afternoon! no plodding total from me yet, coz i still have a session with vincent the physio to endure. >< ah well, patience and perserverance, i'll survive.
i was just going to get started started into my spotty points :P for today, coz PIG mum just received a call saying evelyn would be late, but no, she's here - 7 mins early!
but they're just having a yak right now, so i'll just get started:
-em is proud to report that she managed to take herself to use the bedpot once this morning without killing herself!
-yup, PIG mum's ordered me to stop and go for a shower, so i'll bbl tonight after 7pm, okies? time is now ... 2:58pm.
-hmm … evelyn and PIG mum are still yakking …it’s 3:00pm now!
-aunty wendy arrived as I was counting my ten more mins from PIG mum. So I got a few mins extra of snore time :P
-PIG mum *dug me up, i used the bnedpot :P once more, then she and aunty wendy got me kitted.
- right, it's 8:20 now! only 5 mins for me to type out as much as i can before going to watch the finale of house!
-i watched 9's, then 7's news.
-lunch was another mug of cold milo plus a big bowl of yummy fried rice - with oyster sauce! usually, it's either with soya or tomato, but hey, oyster tasted great too!
-after aunty wendy left (i did a stinky unspeakable and wiped myself too), i popped online for awhile until evelyn came.
-shower first, hairwash today.
-arvo tea: a sausage bun + a cup of water-tea. it's not really that big a SIN to have 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar/honey with your tea, is it? :(
-physio with vincent. argh.
-but we sat in evelyn's car awhile to wait out the rain.
-got home, had another cuppa and a bit of polo bun - but clumsy me dropped it on the floor! ><*wails*
-dinner: rice, lotsa cos lettuce, 3 small but yummy chunks of pineapple, and some chicken and beef.
-PIG mum forced me on 23 mins of exercises, culminating in a walk up to my room and back down.
-righteo, house time! season finale tonight; yay!
em. ^^
P.S. no time to check, sorry.and my final plodding total for wed is now 1877.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

tuesday post

good evening! em was hard at work today and plodded 3571 steps. right, without further ado, let's get right into the spotty :P points for today!
-the alarm clock went off this morning; i yelled for PIG mum, who kindly turned it off for me and dug me up, kindly picking up my darling bear bear and tonie up from the floor. hey, don't blame me that they're such messy sleepers :P
-i got kitted, then PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk to the bathroom, spit out my mouth splint, and wash my hands. then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry them, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the 4WD.
-she fed me a fruity museli bar for breakfast and a mug of hot milo. originally, i had just intended to grasp the entire mug, but PIG mum snapped no and forced me to put my pointer and third fingers into the ear, saying the mug was too hot. i tried pressing the mug to my cheek, to test the level of hotness, it was only warm. not sure why PIG mum chose to LIE about that, but oh well. doesn't matter, really.
-PIG mum tootled us off to the PA, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-the traffic was HIDEOUS. >< PIG mum and i saw 4 or 5 broken-down cars as we crawled along the M1.
-at 8:50, i asked PIG mum to please pass me her mobile so i could ring day hospital to let them know that we were coming! just late. >< a nice lady answered, and told me to tell PIG mum to drive safely. :)
-we made it there at the end! i did try asking PIG mum if she could please get out sparkless and let me roll myself in, but she snapped no. ><
-anyways, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in to the loo, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk into the day hospital, saying hi to karen the teabag as we passed her by. she told us that her mum lives on underwood road!
-we passed the card and chocolates to dom dom to pass onto bob for us, she said someone called cathy/kathy would bring them to him.
-PIG mum rocked off, and PT with dom dom started. just walking around with an easy/ezy walker today. and some mat work. sadly, i was so late i missed arvo tea. ah well, better luck next week!
-dom dom Forced me to walk back to our car with the easy/ezy walker, and PIG mum tootled us back home, still listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in, and i settled down to watch 9's morning news. hey, it goes for a full hour! i thought it only went for half!
-lunch time, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to the gobbling :P table.
-lunch was a plain glass of milk and 2 crumbed fish fillets. i couldn't see any mayo, even though PIG mum loudly claimed that she'd put lots on coz dom dom told her that i worked hard at physio today.
-i read the courier mail as PIG mum snored her head off on the couch :p
-time to go to goodwill orthopaedics, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the toilet once, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car.
-off she tootled us to goodwill orthopaedics, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-PIG mum parked, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in. i settled down with an old edition (like, may 2008) edition of a who magazine.
-rod soon came out, and after i enquired after his extra toes :P he took my AFO off to do some fixing.
-all refitted, we asked him and the receptionist if they knew sharon - and they do! apparently, she's a doctor, wow. i wonder in what? :P
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the 4WD, and she tootled us home, still listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back in, and i plopped online for a few mins till amanda arrived.
-amanda came, Forced me to walk into the laundry, and gave me a nice hot shower - hairwash today.
-i got dried, creamed, redressed. then amanda handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back outside.
-pancake cooking time! i poured oil, poured batter and flipped the pancakes. dad's got a GINORMOUS spatula!
-so, 2 for me, 1 for amanda, and 1 for PIG mum. thanks to amanda who cut up one for me; PIG mum snapped that i had to cut up the other one myself, so i complied.
-so, 2 yummy pancakes and a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of honey. PIG mum was rather GREEDY, though. >< she pinched one of my slices and refused to gimmee one back! oh well ...
-PIG mum rocked off to some course thing. amanda gave my left hand/arm a massage, and fed me a cup of warm milk with a wee spoonful of honey. it's quite nice, actually!
-at 6:45, amanda Forced me to walk to the loo, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to my chair.
-i signed her off, said my thanks and byes when dear dad got home. dad rocked upstairs for a shower, so i read my new novel for awhile. it's pretty good! too bad i can't remember where i got it from. ><"
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa cos lettuce, some beef, and two small chunks of potatoes. washed down with a mug of plain milk; don't worry, i was very careful to hold the whole mug.
-dad Forced me to walk back to the computer table, and i tootled back online.
-aunty wendy's coming toms! and i've got physio in the arvo. >< ai, patience and perserverance, i'll manage. hope evelyn will take me out for dinner again! i wanted more of that chicken cabonara stuff with a low fat milkshake! ?*sigh* PIG mum's being a meaniepoo and says i'm not allowed it again coz last time i puked. :( ah well, i remember that there were other nice things on the menu!
em. ^^
P.S. aiya, PIG mum's taken my poor left thumb hostage again. nevermind, i already tucked it in for 4 hours when amanda was here. guess i gotta learn to be content.
P.P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.

Monday, May 18, 2009

monday post

good evening! including hydro, em was hard at work today plodding 3990 steps. sorry, don't mind me if i can't be bothered plodding the last ten steps needed to make my total for monday 4000. :P eep, it's almost 9pm, and PIG mum will come over to boot me off to bed very soon, so let's hurry up and get started on the spotty points :P for today!
-em and bear bear were mega-happy pigs this morning who slept till 9am this morning. :p the new thing was that PIG mum had set an alarm clock to jar us both out of slumber!
-so PIG mum dug em up, got her kitted, fed her a mug of hot milo, then made made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) her walk out to the 4WD.
-off she tootled us off to UQ for physio.
-when we arrived, i wanted to go to the bathroom, so PIG mum made made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk up to the toilet, forced me to dak myself, forced me to pull my daks up after a tinkle, made made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to wash my right hand, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to dry it, then mademade (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to take a seat in the waiting area. she rocked off to pay, while i browsed a gossip mag.
-a student came for me, kindly lent me a walkbelt, then Forced me to walk in.
-just standing, walking, and right arm reachy exercises today. i told them my stupid left ankle was sore; steph whipped it off to declare that PIG mum had stuck on the straps too tightly this morning.
-the students Forced me to walk back down, i retured the sexy belt :p to them, and PIG mum tootled us home, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1. actually, she had originally offered me a choice: willingly walk into garbo and have my glasses fixed, and she'd treat me to lunch at food court; but if i wanted sparkless, lunch would have to be had at home. after already having one ankle ouchy episode today, and not really wanting a second, i took the lunch at home option.
-so PIG mum tootled us back home. dear dad was home too! so PIG mum mademade (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way in.
-lunch was 5 yummy boiled dumplings, made for us by some aunty at the sister's fellowship. sadly, PIG mum refused me even a DROP of soya sauce to go with them, but they were yummy, regardless :)
-i kissed goodbye to dear dad, and PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back out to the 4WD, where she tootled us off to garbo.
-she parked, got out sparkless, then i wheeled myself in, PIG mum kindly providing some steering.
-first, i wheeled myself to see the new hanaichi place - i remember PIG mum telling me that hanaichi had opened a store upstairs, too, so i wanted to see it.
-then i wheeled myself to the glasses store, where a kind lady fixed my loose glasses. PIG mum ordered me to tell the lady why my glasses were loose in the first place, so i did. i promise, bear bear doesn't want to try my glasses again anymore! :P
- after buying 2 cos lettuce for dinner and a bun from baker's delight for arvo tea, i wheeled myself back to the car, and PIG mum tootled us home.
-PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back inside, and i tootled online for a couple of mins until amanda got here.
-arvo tea was a cup of tea sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, and a chunk ofthat ham and pineapple pizza slice bread that PIG mum had kindly bought.
-amanda Forced me to walk to the bathroom to get changed for hydro. i ended up doing a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to amanda who helped me wipe. then she got me changed for hydro, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but kindly dried it for me - then Forced me to walk to barry.
-off she tootled us off to hydro, listening to B105.
-amanda Forced me to walk in. yup, silly lift was still dead. so much thanks to the lady who rolled me over a showerchair.
-judith wrapped my silly left ankle with KAB, and rolled me down into the pool.
-hydro today: walking forwards and sideways, some left arm exercises, squatting, 2 head dunks and 4 rolls!
-there was a new physio student here today - james. he's in 3rd or 4th year.
-judith and amanda gave me the manual hoist out, and amanda rolled me in for a nice hot shower - obviously, hairwash today.
-i had a bit of a chat to sharon, the malaysian(? i think) girl who'd finally got herself an AFO from goodwill orthopaedics, too.
-i got dried, redressed, went for a tinkle. then amanda Forced me to walk back out to barry.
-she tootled us home, listening to B105, then NOVA, then some sea FM. 101.9, i think it may have been?
-amanda Forcedme to walk back inside, where she fed me another small chunk of that ham and pineapple pizza slice - it cost $4 - and half a glass of cold milk.
-amanda and PIG mum ganged upon me, Forcing me to walk up the stairs then back down. i was then set to practising the piano. my right hand played every major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale plus a few christmas carols, then supported my left hand to thunk out twinkle twinkjle 5 - 10x. which reminds me, i gotta email christy jie soon.
-at 6:45, amanda Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it - then Forced me to walk back to the gobbling :P table.
-i signed her off and said my thanks and byes at 7pm. lol, we're so sophisticated - toms we'll be cooking add water and shake pancakes :p and listen to PIG mum boast about what an excellent chef she is. excuse me while i go splutter my head off. :P
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa cos lettuce, some beef, some snapper, and 2 slices of tofu from aunty tiffany. washed down with just a mug of cold milk. i actually drink everything just by holding the entire cup now, rather than risk PIG mum's wrath for sticking the 'incorrect' fingers in.
-PIG mum made made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back to the computer, and i tootled online, after sticking my ugg boots on. they're so warm! :)
-righteo, so ends my spotty points for today! hope physio with dom dom goes well toms! and that habib or some other tea man/lady will come with miorning tea!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.
P.P.S. and sorry, no time to check my post tonight, coz PIG mum's whinging and whining about how tired she is. oh well, i hope most of it's okay!
P.P.P.S. PIG mum bought me a yummy microwaveable meal today, in return that i'm not allowed to say my usual litany of steps she forces me to walk for three days. so i'll remember. i can last till friday, no probs. guess it'll just have to be a CONSTANT LITANY in my head. goodnite!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

sunday post

good evening! the spam count for the weekend is 80 and em was hard at work plodding 5368 steps today. righteo, let's get straight into the spotty :p points for today!
-PIG mum dug em up from her slumber, got her kitted, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the bathroom to wash both hands. she then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to dry them both, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-so, a mug of warm milo for breakfast, and a slice of toast, which i buttered and jammed :P myself, complying with dad's order.
-church time, parents made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the car, where dad tootled us off to church, in silence. i couldn't be bothered to ask for permission to flick on the CD player; usually, PIG mum'll snap she's preparing her heart for church.
-at church, dear dad rocked off to the canto serice, leaving PIG mum to make (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk all the way in.
-i took a seat next to letty, and worship soon started. thanks to bee for the words in large print! so i sang the harmony to one song, and sang 1/4 of my 2nd favourite song in my head. PIG mum also forced me to stand up for 2-4 songs.
-can't remember who/if someone shared today, but speaker was shane mccarthy, who gave us a sermon on the parable of the servant who was getting fired and went to all his master's debtors and drastically reduced their debt. a funny thing from the sermon: 25% of ppl interviewed said they'd abandon their family for $10 million, 3% said they'd give their own kids up for $10 million. naughty shane said he was tempted to do the same thing! :p
-no communion afterwards, just PIG mum who made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo, forced me to yank my own daks down, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to take a seat in the morning tea area.
-i was fed a cup of water-tea and a couple of bikkies, and had a chat with a few people.
-bible study time, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk into the classroom, and bible study with uncle/pastor chong soon started.
-we took turns reading out/answering the questions. i also got fed 2 of my favourite lemon cream bikkies, thanks to clo. :) we continued our bible study on anger.
-after bible study, PIG mum came to pick me up. i told her i wanted to go to the loo once more, so she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the toilet, forced me to yank my own daks down, made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to wash and dry my right hand, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the car.
-off she tootled us off to plaza, listening to westlife's unbreakable volume 1.
-PIG mum found a park downstairs, then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me catch the escalator up and walk in.
-i got the western style meal today, with a cold milk tea. it was a chicken chop :P in gravy with mixed vegies and spaghetti. dear dad got the asian style meal, yummy fish fillet in corn sauce with rice, and we traded bits. PIG mum just contented herself with stealing gulps of my milk tea :P i don't have the right to refuse her, remember? :( and she'll NEVER gimme any of hers; it's either swap, or not at all.
-PIG mum went to buy the movie tickets, then made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the toilet, of course forcing me to dak myself. then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk oer to wash and dry my right hand, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the long line of patrons queuing (sp?) for the movie.
-much thanks to uncle slam who went ahead and asked if i could be let inside first, me the gimp. :P so PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk in, and i took a seat.
-the movie was only 1 1/2hrs long, but here are all my favourite quotes/trivia!:
-This will be the first time the popular mutant, Gambit will appear in any of the X-Men movies. He was rumored to be X2 (2003) and originally slated to make an appearance in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) but was cut from the story.
-Liev Schreiber got involved when Hugh Jackman, his good friend, asked him to be a part of the movie. Liev was originally intended to play Stryker, but he was more interested in Sabertooth/Victor Creed.
-Gambit was set to appear in X2 in a non-speaking cameo as one of the mutants Professor X hurts with Cerebro.
-Originally, Liev Schreiber was given a muscle suit to wear for his role as Victor Creed, in an effort to make his physique look comparable to Hugh Jackman's 220lb figure. The suit, similar to that worn by Vinnie Jones in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), made Schreiber feel "humiliated." Schreiber then requested he be given a chance to gain real muscle by putting work in the gym and changing his diet. He trained for 3 months while on the set of Defiance (2008) in Lithuania, and eventually trained with Jackman on the set of X-Men Origins: Wolverine in Australia. Jackman also got Schreiber to alter his diet further by adding a great deal of protein which Schreiber called "The genocide of chickens." In the end Schreiber gained 35 lbs and had to buy several new suits due to his back gaining several inches in width. "I can't fit into my favorite suit now! But I felt like I owed it to the genre to be big."
-With this film, Hugh Jackman emerges as the first actor to play a comic book hero in four consecutive films since Christopher Reeve as Superman.
-A bootleg copy of the film, missing many of the SFX and a finalized score, but nevertheless a complete cinematic unit, was leaked online a month before the movie's official theatrical release. Despite frantic efforts of Fox to squelch the leaked version, reportedly thousands of downloads occurred. columnist Roger Friedman was fired from his job as a result of downloading and reviewing the leaked, but incomplete copy of the movie.
-Gambit's real last name, LeBeau, translated from French to English means "the handsome", a clever reference to the character's well known good looks and charm.
-In the film, William Stryker says to Wade Wilson: "Wilson, if it weren't for that mouth you'd be the perfect soldier." This is a reference to Wilson's alter ego, Deadpool, as his nickname in the comics is "The merc with the mouth."
-In the rear window of the old couple's truck is a sticker reading "Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost" quoting Aragon's verse from "The Lord of the Rings".
-Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart are the only two cast members to appear in all four X-Men films. Scott Summers/Cyclops appears in all four as well but portrayed by two different actors.
-The brown-and-yellow motorcycle jacket worn by Wolverine throughout the movie is a clear homage to the brown-and-yellow costume worn by Wolverine in the Marvel comics.
-This is the second film where Hugh Jackman plays a title character who is an unusually long-lived warrior with no memory of his past. The first was Van Helsing (2004).
-The home that James Howlett (aka Wolverine, aka Logan) grew up in as a child, is the same mansion that Professor Xavier converts into his School and Training Facility for the future X-Men.
-The Marvel character Emma Frost makes a brief appearance towards the end of the movie. Kayla's sister is named Emma and has the ability to change her skin to diamond. Emma Frost has telepathic powers including reading minds and controlling other's thoughts.The ability to transform into a diamond like state is a secondary mutation, unrelated to her telepathy. She is unable to use her telepathy in the diamond form.

-Victor Creed is never referred to as "Sabretooth" throughout the entire film.
-SPOILER: The scene after the credits shows Wolverine drinking in a bar, possibly in Japan, trying to remember what happened to him. This scene is likely set not too long before X-Men (2000).
and here are my favourite quotes!
-William Stryker: [from trailer] You were sentenced to death for decapitating a Senior Officer. Your sentence was carried out by a firing squad at ten hundred hours. How'd that go?
Logan: It tickled.
-Logan: We didn't sign up for this.
Victor Creed: Who do you think you are? This is what we do!
Logan: I'm done.
Victor Creed: We can't just let you walk away!
[Logan rips off his dog tags and walks away]
-from trailer]
Logan: I'm coming for blood, no code of conduct, no law.
-Dog: Keep on running, don't look back! We're brothers, Jimmy! We stick together no matter what. We'll take care of anyone who gets in our way.
-Travis Hudson: We all got a choice, Son.
Logan: Mine got taken. That will never happen again.
Wade Wilson: Great, stuck in an elevator with 5 guys on a high protein diet.
Wade Wilson: Oh Wade!
Wade Wilson: Dreams really do come true.
William Stryker: Now just shut it! You're up next.
Wade Wilson: Thank you sir, you look really nice today. It's the green, it brings out the seriousness in your eyes.
Logan: Oh my God, do you ever shut up, pal?
Wade Wilson: No, not while I'm awake.
William Stryker: [Wade Wilson has just taken out a group of soldiers] Wilson, if it weren't for that mouth you'd be the perfect soldier.
[from TV Spot]
Wade Wilson: All I ever wanted was to travel to far off exotic places, meet new exciting people and then kill them. So I become a mercenary. My name is Wade Wilson. And I love what I do.
Remy LeBeau: If I learned anything about life, it's this: always play the hand your dealt. My name is Gambit... and I play for keeps.
Wade Wilson: I love this weapon more than any other thing in the whole wide world, and you wanna know why?
Victor Creed: No.
Wade Wilson: It's memorable. Sure it's a little bulky, tough to get on a plane. You whip out a couple of swords at your ex-girlfriends wedding. They will never, ever forget it.
Logan: Are you Remy LeBeau?
Remy LeBeau: Does he owe you money?
Logan: No.
Remy LeBeau: Then Remy LeBeau, I am.
[first lines]
Young Victor Creed: You're always sick.
Young James Logan: When you were my age, you were sick.
Chris Bradley: I'm not afraid of you, Victor. I'm afraid of dying.
Victor Creed: Well, how do you know? You've never tried it before.
[kills Chris]
Logan: I thought you were the Moon and I was your Wolverine. Turns out you're the Trickster, and I'm just the fool who got played.
Victor Creed: Nobody gets to kill you but me!

Logan: Do I look like a man who exaggerates?
[Logan confronts Weapon XI, AKA Deadpool]
Logan: Wade? Is that you?
[close-up of Weapon XI's face shows his mouth has been completely sealed off]
Logan: [snorts] Looks like Stryker finally found a way to shut you up.
Victor Creed: [to Logan when they are about to get executed] Wake me when it's over.
Kayla Silverfox: Walk until your feet bleed. Then keep walking.

William Stryker: [to Logan and Victor] I heard you were supposed to be executed by a firing squad at 1000 hours. How did that go?
Logan: It tickled.
Logan: [as he's fighting Gambit] Nice stick.
[cuts Gambit's bo staff in half]
Logan: My whole life, I've felt like an animal - but I've ignored my instincts.
Logan: I ignored what I really am.
Logan: But that will never happen again.
-last thing - the soundtrack was great! even PIG mum liked it! i wonder how/where i can get my hands on a copy of it?
-once the movie wasover, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk to the loo. thanks to uncle slam who got us the keya to the disabled toilets (i wonder why they're locked?) PIG mum forced me to dak myself before i had a tinkle, then she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, before she made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back down to the car. thanks to uncle slam who stood in front of me down the escalator lest i tumble to my death on top of him. :P
-PIG mum tootled uncle slam home first, then tootled us home, listening to westlife's unbreakable.
-susan was already there - so she Forced me to walk into the bathroom, also forcing me to dak myself before i took a seat for my shower - hairwash today.
-i got dried, creamed, redressed, then susan handed me my stick and Forced me to walk out to the dining hall.
-arvo tea: a toasted cheese - poo poo, only one slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin. >< - and ham sandwhich, cut into 4 triangles, and a cup of rooibos red tea, sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey. but the tea is naturally sweet!
-at 6:45pm, susan Forced me to walk to the toilet, also forcing me to dak myself. thanks to her who stuck a new toilet roll in for me. then she Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to the dining room.-i signed her off, but she stayed to trounce me 2-0 in connect 4 before rocking off 10mins early. sory, PIG mum says she actually stayed till 7pm.
-coz i had arvo tea at like 5:30, i skipped dinner. PIG mum just made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk online.
-phew, i finished!
-oh yeah, almost forgot! i drank a bowl of soup that aunty tiffany boiled. of course, i checked ther wasn't any ginsenf\g first.i'm not really a fan of spurting blood noses! :P
-anyways, i don't think PIG mum will allow me to put up all the cool ytivia/quotes from the wolverine movie today, so i'll prolly have to leave that till toms. physio at UQ and hydro toms. *sigh* ah well, i'll survive. goodnite, all!
em. ^^
P.S. there's no way i'm gonna check my post tonight, what with all the movie quotes and trivia i got, courtesy of imdb. so yeah, apologies if there's heaps of mistakes.
P.P.S. almost forgot! hope everyone has an AWESOME week!