Friday, May 22, 2009

saturday post/150th post

heylo! welcome to the 150th post!no plodding total from me yet, as it's not even 3pm yet! but karol, my carer for today (it was supposed to be evelyn, but karol appeared instead)rocked up like at 2:40pm!not sure if she'll stay till 6;40 or until 7pm, but hey, we'll see.
anyways, i've decided that today is an 'event'! yeah, it's just an excuse for me to type everything out in full :P but yeah, today marks the day that i've been out from the hospital for a whole YEAR! :) fair enough, i had to go back in at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, but i'm just counting my release from BIRU, PA hospital. what has happened since then? well, hopefully, i'm now walking better than how i was one year ago. i think i've been told that my balance has improved, and while i'm still scared sh*tless of falling, i've been taught to only freak out inside my head, not to cause a commotion elsewhere. well, last week i already begged PIG mum if we could pretty pretty please go out to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for dinner to sunnybank oriental/dong fong for dinner, but PIG mum seemed rather disinclined. but she has promised she'd ring dear dad and ask him if we can go out for dinner. i really hope he agrees! anyways, showertime, so i'll bbl later tonight, ok? time is now ... 3:00pm
-good evening! time is now 7:46pm, and my final plodding total for saturday now stands at 2237. lol, and i just spent half an hour saying hi to everyone on my MSN contact list! :P
anyways, where was i?
so PIG mum gets herself up to go to work, and lets me use the pot once. i flop back into bed, say bye to her, then count all the way too 1000 (takes roughly half an hour, i think) before calling for dad coz i wanted to pee again. but he comes in, says, "mum's almost home, em," says he, "can you just wait until she gets back?" nani? how come it's suddenly past 12 midday? lol, i guess i must've counted, fallen asleep, then woken up to keep counting. :p
anyways, PIG mum returns home. i use the pot, she gets me kitted for the day, then she makes (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling table. breakfast was my hard-won-after microwave meal! can't really remember what it's called, sorry, but it was some chicken and hokkien noodle yummy thing, washed down with a plain glass of milk.
after lunch, vincent the physio came. >< first session:PT. i did lotsa left arm exercises, he forced me on laps and laps of walking. funny, he said if i can withstand 3 (or sth like that) sessions of him coming without getting teary, he'd buy me a prize! lol, actually, he was really nice when he came, coz he bought dad a magnum! and thanks to dearest dad who gave me a wee nibble. yummy. :)
when he left, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk over to the computer, and i tootled online for a few mins, until ding dong! it wasn't evelyn, it was karol! anyways, after she had a yak to PIG mum, she Forced me to walk to the laundry and gave me a nice hot shower - hairwash today. i got dried, creamed, bandaged and rekitted, before karol handed me my stick and Forced me to walk back out to the dining room. afternoon tea was a toasted cheese - yay, thanks karol! 2 slices! - sandwhich, cut into 4 squares/triangles. the ham was still defrosting, see. and a cup of tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of honey.
i read my book for awhile, before karol forced me on half an hour of hand exercises. i'm not sure ... i can't remember ... the theraplaydough :P exercises, are they for my left or my right hand? anyways, after that, karol Forced me to walk to the piano. my right hand supported my left hand in thunking out twinkle twinkle 5 times, then my right hand played every single major, minor, melodic minor and chromatic scale plus all the christmas carols i could think of. i shared my naughty lyrics with karol, too :P
after piano practice was done, karol Forced me to walk back to the dining room, where she kindly fed me an un-watered-down cup of orange juice and 2 full crackers. she told me that she lives in parkinson, and for dinner tonight, here sister will be making them fish. anybody know, do all aussies cook their fish in the oven?anyways, we did a crossword together until 7:45, when karol Forced me to walk to the toilet, Forced me to walk over and wash my right hand - but kindly dried it for me, thanks - and Forced me to walk back to the dining room. PIG mum checked my ouchy ankle, and we said our thanks and byes to karol. i hope she comes back soon! anyways, PIG mum kindly gave my dumb left ankle a rub, lecturing me on how i wasn't supposed to twist it. hey, not like it's a conscious thing!
anyways, when dear dad came home, i did ask him if we could please please pretty please go to sunnybank oriental for dinner to celebrate me being out of the hospital for a year, but he didn't want to. :( oh well. so, dinner tonight: rice, lotsa bok choy, and a small slice of BBQ pork. oh! dad had made yummy chicken and egg fried rice, actually. think i got roughly half a bowl. washed down with a glass of plain milk. it used to be that, around 6pm, i'd ask my carer for a milky drink, then after dinner, i'd have a cup of juice, but i think i'm going to szwap that around now. juice at 6pm, and milk after dinner. after dinner, PIG mum made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the beginning of friday's post to read what i REALLY want to type, but have unfortunately been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk back online, and i tootled back on.
anyways, so ends my post for today! me going to print out my bible study homework now, then go read a few news articles, if i find the time. fingers crossed for some yummy lunch toms, and hope to see everyone at church toms!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 2 errors in my post tonight.
P.P.S. oh! UF last night was a combined JUST and UF venture! JUST stands for Joint University Student Target, or Jesus and U Standing Together, BTW. anyways, amanda drove me to church, and Forced me to walk in. thanks to joey who helped me put on my walkbelt. lucky amanda got to rock off 20 mins early! anyways, letty sat next to me, and hauled me to stand up for a prayer and one song. after we split up into groups, julz and janice helped me to hobble/stagger/limp to our meeting room. we were doing a skit! we got a murder mystery. i got to play the queen! too bad, no-one listened to my demands of some maccas for supper :P but i got murdered by julz a.k.a. president shrub :P i died of his/her FARTING, BTW :P anyways, once UF was over, charlsy and julz helped me limp/stagger/hobble out, and they handed me back to my parents. dear dad tootled us home, repeat the usual nightly routine, then i hit the sack :P cuddling up to my darling bear bear. righteo, news time. bye!

1 comment:

Kwany said...

Congrats in your 150th post!