Friday, August 31, 2012

saturday post 106

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 77771 steps today (but about 6950 of them were done @ the footy last night; i've only plodded like a miniscule amount today, coz i haven't been out! XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's 'weathering the financial shake-up (2)'. righteo, let's continue with yesterday's events first!
~after physio, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then tootled me off to see naz for a kebab. :) luckily, we found a car park upstairs; you know PIG mum always refuses to check downstairs for a car park first. :(
-i tried asking naz again for some corn chips, but this time, he'd just plain run out! XD
-PIG mum also bought a pudding milk tea for us to share; i'm expecting that next time, she'll just restrict me to water. she set the rule herself: water one week, iced lemon tea the next, then pudding milk tea the third.
-after lunch, PIG mum tootled us off to the warrigal square woolies and gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all around the store to buy milk, before tootling us home.
-one more loo trip before i plopped briefly online. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything myself.
relief was when aunty lucia rang and told PIG mum that she could come help me with a shower!
-so a nice hot shower for me - hairwash today. also thanks to aunty lucia who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before aunty lucia flipped the nice hot water off, got dried, had another tinkle, then got creamed. aunty lucia rekitted me, and i had one final tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-BTW, joni's devotional topic for last night's 'ripe for harvest'.
-aunty lucia Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea, where i enjoyed that yummy but weird chicken sushi roll with cheese, plus one mug of cold milk, my official mug for friday to drink 'incorrectly'.
-before she left, aunty lucia took me once more to the loo.
-i plopped briefly online until the parents said 'twas time to leave!
-and i'll be writing a special blog post for that hopefully tonight, time permitting! so, events for today?
-unsurprisingly, what with last night's excitements, i slept soundly until 6:15am before nature called!
-after a pot :P trip, bear bear and i cuddled and snored until PIG mum came to kiss me good-bye before leaving for work. she hit me with the eye goo :P, i asked her please to buy a copy of the courier mail for me.
-after she left, more cuddlings and sleepings with bear bear until tess arrived, promptly @ 10am.
-she lemme sleep-in till 1`0:40 (actually, dad told her to lemme sleep, considering the adventure we'd shared last night!)
-after i called her, i used the pot :P for one more tinkle, just swinging myself back into bed when i realised i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable.
-tess got me kitted, then we linked arms and walked over together to the bathroom, where i brushed my teeth. thanks to tess who'd prepared everything for me.
-afterwards, i went and did a stinky unspeakable, also leaning briefly against the side rail and having a mainly silent chat to ercy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. 
-when i was finished, i went over to wash and dry era, before we linked arms and walked to the gobbling :P table together. 
-gosh, i was hungry! thanks to dad who fried some ham and eggs; thanks to tess who toasted the yummy bread in the saucepan! she also added some cheese and lightly buttered it. i enjoyed breakfast with one mug of tea, white and two, my first i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-afterwards, i played with tessa's iphone while she massaged ela for about forty minutes.
-at midday, she took me once to the loo for three tinkles and made me some horlicks.
-actually, i spoke with aunty nga while over the loo! XD the phone rang, tess answered it then passed the phone onto me.
-after yakking with aunty nga (who ended the call coz she had to take little mickey pig to math monkey), i went over to wash and dry era, then we linked hands and walked back to the gobbling :P table together, where i drank my warm horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-when i was finished drinking, i rang aunty lai and chatted with her for about eight minutes.
-before she left, tess took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. i signed her off, and she's now off to take jasmine bowling.
-dad came home like ten minutes later, but wouldn't lemme have lunch until PIG mum returned. instead, he clapped some earmuffs over my ears, then went about vacuuming the windowsill @ our kitchen window! XD
-when PIG mum finally came home, i had about half a bowl of fried rice with lotsa mung bean and some other asian vegetable for lunch.
-plopping online @ 1:58pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back around 3pm, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-well, if dominique's on time, she should arrive in like ten minutes.
-fingers crossed i can bbl tonight, else:
-just church toms, nothing special.
-actually, the special thing's that we'll have church luncheon toms for father's day! :D
-and after that, we've our fortnightly SHINE fellowship.
-righteo, hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

Thursday, August 30, 2012

friday post 105b

heylo again! em's new final plodding total for friday now stands @ 6184 (awesome, i don't pass six grand too often! XD). righteo, continuing today's events?
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD. we listened to lui fong all day and, of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to buckle my own seatbelt all day, too.
-as usual, once PIG mum left the driveway, i closed both eyes and had a mainly ercy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. opening both eyes somewhere along coronation drive, era helped ela stretch for five minutes, before she opened and closed her palm @ least fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-at the NAB clinic, PIG mum took me once to the loo. heading back out, we saw jess, who said i could head straight into the gym.
-physio today: 100 sit-to-stands in like seventeen minutes, ten laps walking along the hallway, a standing calf stretch and some work for ela to finish up with.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo for @ least two tinkles before she tootled me off to get some lunch from naz. once she left the NAB car park, era helped ela stretch for fifteen minutes, before she opened and closed her palm one hundred times, holding each for a count of five.
-physio today: 100 sit-to-stands in like sixteen minutes! (last time, it took me like one hour to complete 102!), ten laps walking along the corridor, a standing calf stretch and some ruler work for ela to end with.
-eep! time to leave for the broncos match now! just noting that i'm still owed TWENTY-EIGHT MINUTES online!!! ><
-hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

friday post 105

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 5715 steps today (awesome, i'm more than half a normal person XD); secondly, TWFT topic's 'weathering the financial shake-up (1)'; thirdly, the spam count for the week's fifty and most importantly, i'm still owed THIRTEEN MINUTES online if i'm still online after 4pm! (alas, cathay mightn't be able to send anyone over to help me with a shower this arvo ><) righteo, events for today?
~i used the pot :P three times last night, once this morning and once more when dearest dad left for work, coming into my room to kiss me goodbye. then i cuddled bear bear and stored with him, waking once more to use the pot :P before PIG mum came to poke me with "fifteen more minutes."
-hallelijah, i'm saved! aunty lucia can come help me with a shower!!! :D
-when PIG mum came back, i swung myself over to the pot :P for three more tinkles, PIG mum got me kitted, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was one slice of abbott's toast (i like this brand, coz the top crust comes with a layer of sesame seeds!) with the merest dab of butter and yummy lemon jam ever. breakfast was washed down with one yummy warm mug of horlicks, held 'incorrectly' while PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-before we left, however, PIG mum demanded i drain one full mug of water for her then go do a stinky unspeakable. me, being an obedient child, complied. XD
-hey, aunty lucia's here now, so fingers crossed i can bbl, coz i'm still owed ONE HOUR and THIRTEEN MINUTES online!!
-going to the broncos game tonight!
-tessa's coming toms morning and dominique toms arvo. righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

thursday post 105c

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 6235. nice, i don't pass six grand too often. :) righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-at 9pm i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-yay, PIG mum says i can stay online till 9;45pm tonight. :)
-toms: late morning UQ physio with jay.
-fingers crossed i can see naz for some lunch afterwards!
-aunty lucia/yvonne's coming to shower me toms arvo.
-and best of all, dad and i are gonna go watch petero's last home game toms night @ suncorp stadium! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

thursday post 105b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for thursday now stands @ 6087. score, pedro says i'm more than half a normal person today! XD oh, and joni's devotional topic's 'out-of-the-box thinking'. righteo, continuing today's events?
-annette arrived exactly @ 4pm today and Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed and rinsed my hair today.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped with era), mostly creamed myself (annette helped with my back and era), had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (annette helped with some of erf's footwear and elf's AFO straps) and had one final tinkle when annette was clipping pedro back onto my pants.
-annette Forced me to walk out to the kitchen to make my arvo toastie - and she lemme make a super- perfect one, with not only two cheese but two ham, too! :D wow, that's SEVEN times this month thus far! ;D with that, i also drank one mug of tea, sweetened with one spoonful of honey, 'incorrectly'.
-annette then massaged ela for twenty-five minutes. it would've been thirty, except that she wanted to massage era's fingers for five minutes coz she noted era's fingers weren't very co-ordinated when pulling out the tongue of the shoe when i was putting on.
-before she left, annette took me once more to the loo. she's not coming back till next tuesday, so i'm presuming dominique's coming on saturday. must check the roster to find out.
-sadly, i didn't get the time to return online, coz PIG mum was awake to gleefully force poor ela on ages of stupid exercises for her.
-that was followed by a painful fifteen minute standing calf stretch, which i endured while watching ABC's news.
-it all culminated with PIG mum gleefully FORCING :( me to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill.
-before dinner, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-dinner tonight: the yummy rice, lotsa choy sum, lotsa little tong vegetable, some overseas fish, some yummy chicken, and one little piece of crumbed fish and one lil chip that dad got from somewhere today. actually, poor dad - his van broke down somewhere today! some RACQ van had to drive him back to the warehouse!
-dinner was washed down with one mug of yummy mint green tea, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-then, i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-anyways, i need the loo once more now, so bbl with my final, final plodding total and events for toms soon, okies?
em. ^^

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

thursday post 105

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3779 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'questions about your vision' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed THIRTY-NINE MINUTES online tonight after annette leaves!!! righteo, events for today?
~awesome, second consecutive great sleep last night! nature didn't call until 7;20am, and after a pot :P trip, i spent the ten minutes till 7:30am having o percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-after that, bear bear and i just cuddled and dozed until dad left for work, coming to kiss me good-bye.
-once dad left, PIG mum was immediately inside my room with "fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back, i swung myself over to the pot :P once more for three tinkles, PIG mum got me kitted, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy toast with the merest dab of yummy lemon jam ever. (PIG mum 'forgot' the butter. XD)i also drank one mug of yummy warm horlicks 'incorrectly' when PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD then tootled me off to the garbo library for the creative writers group! she took me once to the loo when we arrived, then rocked off and did her own stuff.
-lol, i forgot: today, brian brought in a longer piece to be critiqued - homework 'in the park' isn't due till next fortnight!
-gabby chaired today, coz boyd's still on hols and harry was attending the funeral of some family membewr. which reminds me, mrs. gouchee's funeral was today; wonder why mr. hall never got back to me about it ... :(
-during the break, thanks to pat who helped me once to the loo. i managed fine there by myself, also letting era open the tap lotsa, lotsa and lotsa times. back out, pat kindly made me a cuppa, white and two, and passed me two cream bikkies to nibble opn.
-after group, PIG mum took me to the loo then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all the way to foodcourt.
-we rang dearest dad first, then PIG mum got me a yummy chicken katsudon from hanaichi for lunch. i asked for some chips, please and she came back with a small fries from maccas, but ate it most herself, only giving me about ten! lols. XD
-after that was pincushion practice, which went by uneventfully.
-back home, i did a stinky unspeakable before plopping briefly online.
-annette should arrive in about twenty-five minutes time, if she's punctual!
-fingers crossed i can bbl tonight, else:
-UQ physio with jay late morning toms.
-fingers crossed i can see naz for a kebab with some corn chips, or some fish and chips afterwards!
-can't remember if it's aunty lucia/aunty yvonne coming to shower me toms arvo.
-but the biggest thing; dad and i are going to watch petro's last home game toms night @ suncorp stadium!!! hope jess and josh will come visit!
em. ^^

wednesday post 115b

good evening! firstly, em's final, final plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 4510; secondly, joni's devotional topic's 'he carried our sorrows' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES online for another day!!! *sigh* the list grows ever longer ... >< anyway, super-quickly, events for today?
-MRI day! and super-duper thanks are for the nurse bec, who got the cannula in first time! last year, three needles were required, and the year before that, NINE! ><
-during the MRI, i had a mostly silent prayer/chat to god, telling him how much i absolutely DESPISED him for ruining my life. the MRI went for about five songs, BTW.
-after that, another x-ray to locate the shunt again, then began the long, long wait for the doctor to come reset the shunt.
-lol, woprd came around 5;15pm that it didn't need resetting! free to head home, then~
-we got stuck in the peak-hour traffic along the highway, though. it took us around thirty-five minutes to get home.
-i plopped online briefly while PIG mum rang the golden palace to make a reservation.
-and after i gave the parents their wedding anniversary presents, dad tootled us off to golden palace for dinner with aunty a!
-tonight, i got about 2/3 a bowl of rice, one chunk of quail, three of yummy sweet and sour pork and lotsa kailan. dessert was three slices of orange and one small bowl of col 'sai mai lol' (say that in canto).
-when we left, naughty aunty a ran a red light to cross the road and get to her car! XD o_O
-back home, i went to the loo once then plopped online.
-toms: writers group! followed by pincushion practice, which will then hopefully be followed by lunch @ maccas: i haven't had any chips this week yet!
-annette's coming to watch me shower toms arvo; hopefully, she'll arrive on time! righteo, hope everyone having a smashing week!
em. ^^
P.S. argh @ PIG mum who just came over to nag about my NECK posture, of all weird things! XD

wednesday post 115

good evening! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 3380 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'committment and courage, but i'm still owed ONE HOUR and FIFTY-FOUR MINUTES online when i get back home tonight!! >< righteo, hopefully bbl!
em. Z^^

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

tuesday post 103b

good evening! em's final, final plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 5517 (score, i'm more than half a normal person today XD) and joni's devotional topic's 'living under the curse'. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-annette came five minutes late today, citing school issues with her daughter that needed sorting out.
-a nice hot shower for me today - i washed and rinsed the hair myself.
-after getting dried, creamed and rekitted, arvo tea was the yummy chicken sushi that PIG mum had kindly bought me, plus one mug of english breakfast tea sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey.
-then, annette tootled me off to toastmasters!
-tonight,anthony did a speech, rita did her ice breaker and amy gave an educational on how to give evaluations.
-best of all, anthony baked cookies for everyone! i happily munched two~
-then, i was chosen for table topics! tonight's theme being 'the mind', my question was, "what would you give to the computer?" i said my perfect pitch. ;)
-when toastmasters finished, annette took me once more to the loo then tootled us home. i still haven't figured out; how come there are always roadworks happening along the highway? and tonight, there was even a police car with lights flashing on warrigal road!
-but we made it back home around 9:20.
-dinner tonight for me was leftover beef rice and some water.
-then, one loo trip for me before i plopped back online.
-toms: i haveta complete my writers group homework! 'in the park's the topic.
-aunty wendy's coming @ 10am; PIG mum's doing groceries @ aldi and woolies.
-in the arvo, i'm going for my yearly MRI. fingers crossed for a good result.
-also hopefully i'll get home in ime for carol to watch me shower!
-and best of all, it's dessert night toms night! dunno if there's any house, though ... righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

Monday, August 27, 2012

tuesday post 103

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 4535 steps today and secondly, TWFT topic's 'standing in the gap'. righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P thrice last night, once again this morning and once more when dearest dad left for work @ like 8:40am. then i just cuddled bear bear and spent some tummy time with him, knowing PIG mum would be in with "fifteen more minutes" soon enough.
-after she was, i swung myself over to the pot :P once more for three tinkles; PIG mum got me kitted, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy helga's bread with the merest dab of butter and yummy lemon jam ever, and one mug of yummy warm horlicks, which i drank 'incorrectly' when PIG mum was upstairs changing.
 -PIG mum gleefully forced me to drink one full mug of water for her, then ordered i go and do a stinky unspeakable for her. me, ever the obedient child, complied. XD
~afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the 4WD.
-of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; she also chose to listen to the chimes first, too. i didn't listen, though, coz i was too busy having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. opening both eyes somewhere along coronation drive, era helped ela stretch for five minutes, then she opened and closed her palm @ least fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo when we arrived, then left me with some brochure to read while she went back downstairs to pay margit.
-lol, some male student came over and asked me, "are you edith?" i laughed, replying, "well, my name has five letters and starts with an 'e', too, but sorry, i'm emily." XD
-karen finally brought over some student called jay, who has a hyphenated surname.
-jay lent me a walkbelt (argh, karen has already told jay no walking pole for me, ever. ><) and Forced me to walk into the gym. physio today, sixteen-odd sit-to-stands in four minutes, about seven part-practice sit-to-stands, four laps of walking down and back along the hallway, a quick thumb war with jess and some ruler work for ela @ the end.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo afterwards, then agreed to take me to little singapore for lunch! unsurprisingly, though, we'd haveta share one plate.
-coz i'd been craving some ho fan, we shared a combination one, delicious. :) PIG mum drank some coconut drink, while she lemme enjoy an iced chocolate! (she had the cream, though).
-before we left, PIG mum popped into sushi train and bought me one chicken sushi for lunch. she bumped into kyoko, who said to say hi to me! turns out she's got three children, who all fell sick one after the other, meaning she couldn't work coz she was looking after them.
-after PIG mum tootled us home, i went once to the loo before plopping online.
-i also took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo around 2:30pm, rising above god's hatred and not pushing me over.
-annette's taking me to toastmasters tonight!
-toms: oog, big event: it's time for my yearly MRI! fingers crossed it hasn't hit a growth spurt or sth similarly stupid. :S
-meaning aunty wendy will come early @ 10am. i'll be doing my writers homework then, before we head off to the hospital. hopefully, the doctor will quickly reset my shunt, and i can be back home in time for carol to watch me shower! righteo, fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

monday post105d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for monday now stands @ 8759. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-after leaving, PIG mum tootled me off to sunni cafe to meet mrs. dent and nana for lunch!
-lol, nana sat beside me, but i asked next time we met up, could she please sit on my right hand side and not left, coz i couldn't see her unless i was facing her! XD
-mrs. dent and nana had toasted sandwiches; PIG mum and i had chicken parmigiana, just drinking water.
-we just all chatted away. :) nana's first great-grandchild's due on the parent's wedding anniversary! :D
-forgot to add, before lunch with mrs. dent and nana, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all around coles to buy milk.
-before we left, PIG mum lemme buy a pork floss and shallot bun! aunty carol was working today; we had a brief chat. :)
-then, PIG mum tootled us off to the dentist, where she had an appointment with kelvin leung. she took me once to the loo first, then kindly left me with the most recent woman's day mag to browse.
-kelvin came outside to say hi to me afterwards! lol, he complimented me on my shoes again, sending me into paroxysms of laughter.
-all done with the dentist, PIG mum tootled us home and i plopped online until carol arrived, just before 4pm.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today, rinsing it out myself too.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (carol helped with my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, carol helped me with my back and era), had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (carol helped with elf's AFO straps) and had one final tinkle when carol was pinning pedro back onto my pants.
-carol Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea, where i enjoyed my yummy shallot and pork floss bun plus one mug of tea, white and two, my official mug for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-lol, carol had never tried pork floss before, so i handed her a chunk! she slowly chewed it, then told me, "it's amazing." i replied, "amazingly delicious or amazingly disgusting?" carol grinned, then replied, "amazingly delicious! next time i go to my asian grocery store, i must ask where i can buy some!
-then, while i read apollo 13, carol massaged ela for twenty-five minutes, telling me she's having  lasagne for dinner tonight.
-before she left, carol took me once more to the loo. she's back on wednesday; hopefully the neurosurgeon will come quickly and reset my shunt after the MRI!
-i returned briefly online until PIG mum awoke from pigland, immediately and gleefully booted me offline.
-thus followed 25+ mins of exercises for poor ela, 15+ mins of stick exercises, a painful standing calf stretch for fifteen minutes, all culminating with a gleefully FORCED :( twenty minutes on the treadmill.
-one more toilet trip for me before dinner. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything, but i rose above god's hatred and didn't let him push me over.
-dinner; the yucky rice tonight, with lotsa little tong vegetable, one sweet chunk of carrot and several lil chunks of tasty beef. dinner was spooned down with a bowl of soup, and i even had a strawberry, on dad's request, before i walked myself slowly and safely back to the computer, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-the same thing happened again when i went once more to the loo @ 9pm.
-coming back, i reminded PIG mum that she still hadn't plodded yet. she's doing so now.
-toms: late morning UQ physio, with a new block of students. wonder if kat remembered to find a 'hot' one for me? XD
-fingers crossed PIG mum'll take me to little singapore for lunch! i'm craving some ho fan, for some reason ...
-and annette's taking me to toastmasters toms night! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

monday post 105c

good evening! em's new plodding total for monday now stands @ 8611. cool, i'm even over 8.5 grand today! :) righteo, continuing today's events?
-physio today: two attempts before staying seated, then just work for ela. actually, ela didn't get swosh correctly today, but vincent let that pass coz he said my technique had been correct.
~actually, when he went to answer the phone, PIG mum, who had somehow scored babysitting duties of baby kayla, brought her in to say hi! she wasn't asleep, era just pinched her chubby little cheek very, very gently. XD
-before i left, PIG mum took me once to the loo, and vincent let ela grab a lolly. :) i also bent down to stroke baby kayla's cheek and say bye; i wasn't afraid of falling forward coz i knew vincent the physio dad would've been keeping very close watch on his precious. XD
em. ^^

monday 105b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for monday now stands @ 5496 (lol, almost 5.5 grand XD) and joni's devotional topic's 'a gift for a gypsy girl'. righteo, continuing today's events?
-actually, no time, coz horrid PIG mum'a gleefully booting me offline to do more stupid exercises for her. >< *sigh* but i'm still owed FORTY-FIVE MINUTES online!!! >< fingers crossed i can bbl!
em. ^^

Sunday, August 26, 2012

monday post 105

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 5014 steps today (score, i'm just over half a normal person XD); secondly, TWFT topic's 'satan is defeated (5)' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed FIFTY-NINE MINUTES online tonight after carol leaves!!! righteo, events for today?
-woohoo, second consecutive great sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:05am, and after a pot :P trip i spent the ten minutes until 6:15am having  mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then bear bear and i cuddled and went back to sleep, me waking up briefly to use the pot :P once more and kiss dearest dad good-bye when he left for work. more sleepings with bear bear followed, until PIG mum came and poked me with 'fifteen more minutes."
-when PIG mum came back, i swung myself over to the pot :P for one more tinkle, just swinging myself back into bed when i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum got me kitted, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth (poor ela), before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the loo and ordered me to do a stinky unspeakable immediately, else she'd gleefully FORCE :( me to plod on the bloody treadmill for thirty minutes first before ordering me back to the loo to do one for her. even worse, she wouldn't gimme any breakfast! ><
-luckily, my body performed when necessary. XD i also leaned briefly against the side rail and finished off my mostly silent chat to percy the angel/saint.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
~breakfast was one slice of yummy helga's toast with the merest dab of butter and yummy strawberry jam ever. while PIG mum was upstairs changing, i also drank one yummy mug of warm horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD and tootled me off for a torture session with vincent the bloody physio.
-anyways, carol should arrive soon, so just fingers crossed i can bbl, okies? else i've got UQ physio toms, then annette's taking me out to toastmasters toms night!
em. ^^

sunday post 105c

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 5129. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-at 9pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-*sigh* well, PIG mum's decided a 9:30pm bedtime for me, even though i don't haveta see vincent the bloody physio until like 11:30!
-yup, that's what i've got toms. >< and i can't remember: are we meeting mrs. dent and nana @ sunni cafe for lunch toms? if so, fingers crossed PIG mum will lemme buy a bun from sunni bakery for arvo tea with carol, who's coming to watch me shower! and if not, fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me for lunch @ calamvale BBQ and chinese restaurant, and i'll take back a takeaway container for arvo tea with carol!
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

sunday post 105b

heylo again! em's new final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 5058. yay, i'm half a normal person today. XD oh, and joni'd devotional topic's 'behind the scenes miracles'. righteo, continuing today's events?
-i got my naruto fix and was happily reading fanfiction when PIG mum awoke from pigland, gleefully and immediately forced me offline.
-today being sunday, i was spared the bloody treadmill; instead, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do 20+ mins of mat exercises for her.
-the funny thing was that afterwards, she ordered me to nap on the mats! i didn't, coz (1) i was busting XD and (2) the floor's too bloody hard to sleep upon! XD instead, i just sang all my favourite song, all my original second-favourite song, and most of my shorter second-favourite song silently, opening my eyes for all the important numbers.
-before dinner, i took myself slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-dinner tonight: yummy rice, lotsa choy sum, two big chunks of sweet soup carrot, a few shreds of soup pork and a lil delicious ham, egg and onion. dinner was spooned down with another bowl of 'ching bol leung' (say that in canto) soup, then i walked myself slowly and safely back online, again rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-well, i'll need the loo once more after 9pm, so fingers crossed i can bbl with my final, final plodding total and events for toms.
em. ^^

Saturday, August 25, 2012

sunday post 105

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 4726 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'satan is defeated (4) and thirdly, the spam count for the weekend's six. righteo, events for today?
-yay, another awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:25am, and after a pot :P trip i spent the ten minutes till 6:35am having  mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-cuddling bear bear, i dozed with him for about one more hour, when PIG mum came and poked me with 'fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back, i swung myself over to the pot :P for three more tinkles; PIG mum got me kitted for the day, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy toasted helga's bread with the merest dab of butter and yummy strawberry jam ever, plus one mug of yummy warm horlicks, which i drank 'incorrectly' whilst PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-after breakfast, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD and dad tootled us off to church. i spent this trip finishing my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk all the way to the little house and took me once to the loo before leaving to attend the canto service.
--today, aunty a led bible study from john 15:35 - 16:33 (or sth like that. XD) thanks muchly to mel mel who helped me once to the loo halfway through.
-afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the main hall for service.
-wow wow wow!! pole and joey went to the ekka and they bought me the domo showbag!!! :D
-i stayed seated for worship again today, singing the harmony for three songs.
-after uncle/pastor chong led communion, pastor chris spoke.
-after service, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then pole drove me, letty and janice to the garbo pancake manor for lunch!
-she dropped us off first, coz we'd forgotten to ask for the disabled parking permit.
-luckily, there was only a short wait till we were seated.
-i got a breakfast deal (one more dollar when ordered for lunch), the other three ordered lunch ones. thanks to pole who cut up my pancake, bacon and egg for me. she drank coke, i drank orange juice, while janice and letty just had water.
-i finished my breakfast meal for lunch just when they finished their dessert pancake. XD
-after that, we all went for a walk to SES, where janice found a top for me to wear to B1's wedding!
-then we all went back to pole's car.
-first, pole dropped letty off 9we all said our byes, coz we won't see her again till the end of the year) then pole dropped me off back home.
-i went once more to the loo while PIG mum paid pole for lunch and janice for the top. huge thanks to pole who shouted me the ekka showbag! :D
-anyways, i'm off to finally get my naruto fix now, third time lucky!
fingers crossed i can bbl after dinner tonight, else;
-torture session with vincent the bloody physio toms. >< actually, him, kat jie jie and baby kayla bumped into the parents @ dong fong/sunnybank oriental this arvo!
-fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me to the calamvale BBQ and chinese restaurant afterwards; then carol's coming to watch me shower toms arvo. righteo, hoping everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

saturday post 105d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total now stands @ sth significantly below 2054, but hey, i can say i passed two grand today! XD righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-at 9pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over. *sigh* sometimes i really think more and more that "i can do all things WITHOUT the one who only tries to hurt me. ><
-toms: just church, nothing special, but fingers crossed that we can hit plaza for lunch and i'll get some visitors toms arvo!
em. ^^

saturday post 105c

good evening! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ sth significantly below 2450. righteo, continuing today's events?
-lol, today annette arrived precisely @ 4pm! she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today, and did you know, i rinsed it out too! what with PIG mum demanding that i keep leaning forward and what not, i just lent forward, held my right eye tightly shut with era, then turned my head sideways to let the spray flush out all the shampoo. see, i'm not afraid that i'll fall forward here, coz the wall's right in front of me!
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped with my back and era), mostly rekitted myself (again, annette helped with my back and era), had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (annette helped with erf's sock and elf's AFO straps, and had one last tinkle when annette was washing my glasses for me.
-annette Forced me to walk out to the kitchen to make my arvo toastie - but she lemme make a perfect one! :D that's the SIXTH time this month!
-i also drank one mug of tea, white sweetened with one spoonful of honey, 'incorrectly'. annette helped herself to a green mint tea.
-while i munched away, annette massaged ela for approx. thirty minutes. i say approximately, because PIG mum wandered downstairs and started yakking with annette! XD
-meaning annette prolly went a lil past 6pm before PIG mum noticed and ordered her to stop. XD
-i went once more to the loo, then plopped back online briefly just to record my new plodding total and joni's devotional topic, before PIG mum gleefully forced me offline and gleefully forced me on like 30+ mins of mat exercises.
-lol, i was saved by the bell, with aunty aarriving for dinner. XD
-i went once more to the loo for three tinkles, only coming back out when aunty a inquired from outside had i fallen into the toilet bowl. XD
-so i walked myself slowly and safely back to the gobbling :P table, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-while PIG mum cooked (aunty a beat some eggs XD), i continued reading apollo 13.
-dinner tonight: tessa's yummy fried rice, lotsa yummy wombok, a few small slices of chewy beef, and one small but delicious chunk of yummy chicken that dad had taken from dinner with all his classmates after class. dinner was spooned down with some soup called in canto 'ching bol leung' with carrot, then i returned online. huge thanks to dad who walked behind me, PIG mum couldn't have cared less.
-anyways, i'll need the loo once more @ 9pm. fingers crossed i can bbl with my final, final plodding total and events for toms.
em. ^^

saturday post 105b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for today now stands @ sth significantly below 1886, and joni's devotional topic's 'a lesson from atlas'. alas, however, i've no time to continue with today's events, coz PIG mum's ordering me offline now to do even more stupid exercises for her. >< *sigh* anyways, fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

Friday, August 24, 2012

saturday post 105

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding sth significantly less than 1351 steps today (i haven't been out; how can i plod more than 1000 steps today? well, obviously pedro just loves me heaps XD) and secondly; TWFT topic's 'satan is defeated (3)'. righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P once last night around 1:30am and again @ 6:25am. then i had a  mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-cuddling bear bear, i returned to sleep with him, waking to use the pot :P once more @ 7:45am when PIG mum left for work.
-then, @ 9am, aunty winnie came over when dad left for his course! i murmured a sleepy good morning to her. XD
-then i snored away with bear bear, waking to use the pot :P once more shortly before 10am. when tessa arrived and knocked on our front door, i called out, "aunty winnie, tessa's here!" and almost immediately i heard her footsteps flapping along the hallway, saying "i'm coming, i'm coming!'
-before she leaves, though, aunty winnie comes into my room to say bye, telling me that she'd read the bible and prepared some stuff for an upcoming OT conference.
-once she leaves, i get up, having already used the pot :P shortly before aunty winnie left. actually, aunty winnie says she'll make some dumplings for me! *starts drooling @ the very thought* XD
-tess gets me kitted for the day, and we walk together to the bathroom, where tess has already prepared everything for me.
-after brushing my teeth, i go once more to the loo for two tinkles, leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to percy the angel/saint.
-i go to wash and dry era, then tess and i walk out together to the gobbling :P table.
-yay, thanks to tess who brought me this hot dog roll! i had dad's yummy ham and eggs with that, along with some cheese and drank one mug of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-after breakfast, i played with tessa's iphone while she massaged ela for almost fifty minutes. the really cool thing her iphone shows that my computer doesn't is how many people are following your story and how many ppl have added it onto their favourite's list!
-around midday, tess took me again to the loo for two tinkles and made me one mug of warm horlicks, my second to hold 'incorrectly'. oh, i also did a stinky unspeakable then.
-back @ the gobbling :P table, i rang aunty nga. annie jie jie answered, and told me that yes, little mickey pig had been listening to her and was being well-behaved! when i professed my astonishment, she laughed. XD
-anyways, i chatted with aunty nga for like twenty minutes!
-before tess left, she took me once more to the loo for three tinkles. she's off to take jasmine bowling now. and i never knew this, but apparently rodel's on a disability pension for depression!
-after she left, i read the book club novel for about fifteen minutes until PIG mum arrived safely home. when she asked me had i been scared by myself, i replied, "i was fine. elf's little toe was kinda scared, though." XD
-lunch was about half a bowl of tessa's yummy fried rice with lotsa yummy wombok. i also drank one mug of yummy mint green tea 'incorrectly', giving the teabag a suck. :P
-then i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.  reminder to self, though: must not say any of this out aloud, less PIG mum refuse to take me to sizzlers.
-anyways, annette's coming to watch me shower @ 4pm; let's see how late she'll arrive today. XD
-yay, twenty minutes of reading time for myself, now~ fingers crossed i can bbl, else:
-aunty a's coming over for dinner tonight.
-toms: just church, nothing special.
-fingers crossed i can have lunch @ plaza and some visitors in the arvo!
em. ^^

friday post 104d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for friday now stands @ 9055 (lol, pedro says i've plodded more than nine grand steps today! well, methinks that he just loves me heaps. XD) and the final, final spam count for the week's thirteen. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-at 9:10pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-toms: sleep-in! :D tess doesn't come till 10am; annette hopefully punctual @ 4pm (but i doubt it. XD)
-fingers crossed tess will bring her iphone for me to play with, and that she'll make me some fried rice, too. i really miss when she used to bring other food to share with me.
-oh, and unless PIG mum gleefully FORCES :( me to plod on the bloody treadmill for twenty minutes, i mightn't even make 500 steps (unless pedro loves me heaps; he often feels sorry for me XD), coz i'm not going out anywhere toms.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

friday post 104c

good evening! em's new final plodding total for friday now stands @ 8945. righteo, continuing tonight's events?
-alas, i never got the time for my naruto fix, coz horrid PIG mum awoke from pigland, immediately and gleefully booted me offline. well, hopefully i can get it toms arvo, then!
-thus followed ages of stick exercises and a painful standing calf stretch, culminating in PIG mum gleefully FORCING :( me to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill.
-one more loo trip for me before dinner. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything.
-dinner tonight: the yummy rice, lotsa yummy wombok, several slices of yummy beef and several baked beans. do they really make you fart? XD dinner was spooned down with a bowl of soup, then i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-well, it's 9;45pm right now, and i'm waiting for PIG mum to plod her own twenty minutes, but she seems too intent on watching the broncos game. think we're playing manyly, and right now, we're losing by sixteen points. ><
-anyways, bbl shortly after 9pm, maybe 9;15pm with my final, final plodding total.
em. ^^

friday post 104b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for friday now stands @ 5199. hah, pedro says i'm more than half a normal person today. XD righteo, continuing today's events?
-once PIG mum left our driveway, i closed both eyes and had a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.opening both eyes somewhere along coronation drive, era helped ela stretch for five minutes, then she opened and closed her palm @ least fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo upon arrival, then left me with the australian geographic mag and two blocks of lindt chocolate (one for josh, the other for jess) and went back downstairs to pay margit.
-lol, i must've been too immersed into reading and didn't notice anthony saying hello! that is, until he waggled his fingers over the pages. XD
-when josh came for me, i handed him the chocolates and he Forced me to walk into the gym.
-physio today: twenty-six sit-to-stands in five minutes, work for ela, standing calf stretch, weight shifting and stomping for elf.
-afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then i sat and browsed some manual about self-rehabilitation.
-the pizza arrived! did you know, jess was that awesome, when she was ordering, she looked over @ me and asked, 'emilah, you don't like capsicum, right?'! anyways, katrina passed me one slice, but i didn't get anytime to eat it, coz the photographer and some speechie lady arrived to take photos!
-katrina held ela and i walked well into her office. the photographer repositioned us around the table, then started clicking away. while he was snapping shots, i taught the speechie lady (jo?) the 'red lorry yellow lorry" tongue twister. XD
-after the photos, katrina held ela and i walked well back into the NAB clinic. this time, i was smarter and immediately wolfed down my slice of pizza and started on another before kat came back and said time for more photos.
-turns out the photographer's name's hans, and he's from germany! i poked my tongue out for one shot; hope that gets chosen for the ad. XD
-i got to have one more slice before PIG mum decided that was enough for me. i'm slightly pissed, coz jess said that i could have as many as i wanted! *sigh*
-but someone came with cake, and PIG mum let jess carve a slice for me before i left!
-i also used the loo once more before PIG mum tootled us home. shame she wouldn't take me to see naz for a kebab. :(
-anyways, i rang dearest dad for a brief chat before PIG mum started driving. he was funny, asking if there'd been any makeup artists around for the photoshoot. XD
-while PIG mum drove, era helped ela stretch for fifteen minutes, then she opened and closed her palm  100 times, holding each for a count of five.
~back home, i tootled online to await aunty lucia's arrival.
-she came shortly after 4pm and Forced me to walk outside for my nice hot shower - hairwash today. also thanks to aunty lucia who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before aunty lucia flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me, i had another tinkle, then got creamed. aunty lucia spread aloe vera over my body then rekitted me, me having one last tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps.
-aunty lucia Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table, where i enjoyed not my chicken puff (guess i didn't buy one last night after all. XD) but half this chocolate one! (dad had taken the other half for himself this morning). thanks to PIG mum who poured me a mug of plain milk, i used that as the cup for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-before she left, aunty lucia took me once more to the loo. she's having steamed fish for dinner tonight.
-me, i'm off for my naruto fix now! fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. joni's devotional topic's 'closer to the other side'.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

friday post 104

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 4759 steps today; secondly, though i haven't received it yet, i'm presuming that TWFT topic's 'satan is defeated (2)', thirdly, joni's devotional topic from last night's 'reasons!' and and fourthly, the spam count for the weekend's twelve. righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
~dominique arrived just before 4pm, and after a quick shower - no hairwash today - we were off to garbo!
-i know PIG mum told dominique to walk me up to the library then return for sparkless, but me pushing him up still means i'm walking, saves dominique from having to make another trip and most importantly, means i get more reading time! thankfully, dominique agreed with me, and that's how we rolled.
-like last fortnight, i grabbed orson scott card's 'shadow puppets' and read another fifty pages by the time 6:30pm rolled along.
-dominique took me once more to the loo, then i pushed sparkless and walked to KFC.
-afterwards, we went to stacks where i found a perfect father's day card for dearest dad. :)
-next was to woolies to buy the horlicks, although silly me forgot @ first and went to get some flossettes instead! XD
-then we went to dicksmiths where i gave another fortnightly update from an ipad~
-next we went down to jayjays but unfortunately, there wasn't anything worth looking at.
-after that, dominique said she was tired and needed to sit down. i checked my wallet, disappointed that i only had twenty cents. "would you please shout me ten cents?' i tried asking dominique. 'i've only got twenty cents left, but a soft serve costs thirty." she replied, 'sorry, your mum said i wasn't allowed to lend you any money.' well, duh, that's why i asked if you'd SHOUT me ten cents! *sigh* no ice cream for em then, maybe next fortnight. :(
-after awhile, we went to kmart, where i looked @ all the teddies. :) then, suddenly a loudspeaker announcement came on! "if you want a free gift, please head to the front of the store.' we did, and got prime seats, too! i was behind a lady in a wheelchair who was holding a young child, around two years old, in her lap.
-lol, this guy, wearing a kmart visitor sticker, was promoting some kinda knife that promises never to dull, else you get a free replacement! he sliced a tomato, and was slicing a stainless steel hammer, but i never got to see whether he actually cut through the hammer nor did i get a free gift,, because dominique decided that 'twas suddenly time to leave!
-meaning i was rather cranky when we wheeled me back out, i saw a clock and saw 'twas only 8:35pm! 'argh, dominique, we don't haveta get home until 9:30," i grumbled to her, 'are you trying to get home early?'
-so i went to the loo once more, then sat over the seat until dominique told me to get up. XD
-before we left, i asked could we please see if toys 'r' us was still opened, coz 'twas only 8:45, but again dominique refused.
-i realised why she'd been refusing and was so eager to leave: she didn't know the way back to the car park! XD i let her take me to one entrance, then the other entrance. we even went downstairs, but she didn't even know her car was just behind the wall! XD dominique even went back upstairs and asked two randoms where her car was! XD
-finally, @ 9:15pm, our usual leaving time, i took charge. "dominique, head back down the lift. your car's just there." XD
-the other hilarious thing was that dominique didn't listen to her GPS! she shot straight pass gaskell st. instead of turning into it, and only drove me back home when i asked her, "umm, dominique, where are you going? your GPS just said turn left, but you went straight ahead instead." XD
-also, it turns out that dominique owns a disabled parking sticker herself! PIG mum said 'twas for when she had to mind clients who needed, but didn't have, one.
-and again, horrid PIG mum gleefully booted me off to bed without giving me any milk. :( i'll see if aunty lucia will give me some this arvo, but if horrid PIG mum won't let her, i know tess will on saturday. :)
-today: yay, awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:50am (when the rubbish truck came along, actually) and after that, i cuddled bear bear and fell back asleep with him, waking to kiss dearest dad goodbye and use the pot :P once more when he left for work around 8am.
-cuddling bear bear and successfully falling asleep again, i got up and used the pot :P once more for three tinkles after PIG mum had given me fifteen more minutes.
-after getting me kitted, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out and have breakfast.
-breakfast was the delicious cookie de crunch bun i bought from breadtop last night, plus one mug of warm horlicks, which i drank 'incorrectly' while PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-i also downed one large mug of water 'incorrectly' before going and doing a stinky unspeakable. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD.
-of course, she gleefully forced poor me to buckle my own seatbelt all day; we also listened to ruth tsang all day, too.
-once PIG mum left our driveway, i closed both eyes and had - hey, aunty lucia's just arrived, so fingers crossed i can bbl, else expect a mega-pissy plodding total toms, unless pedro loves me heaps, coz i'm not going anywhere. tessa's coming for three hours and 10am, then annette to watch me shower @ 4pm. righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

thursday post 104

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2738 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'satan is defeated (1)' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed FORTY-FIVE MINUTES online when i get home tonight from garbo!!! but goodness knows PIG mum would rather disembowel me than lemme return online after i get home tonight from garbo, so i guess the list just keeps on ever growing longer ... >< *sigh*anyways, events for today?
~i used the pot :P once last night and once more when dearest dad left for work. then i must've been tired, coz i slept, and slept, and slept! nature called once more just after 11am, after one more pot :P trip, i spent the ten minutes till 11:15am having  mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-PIG mum was shortly inside after that, with "fifteen more minutes," and when she came inside once more, i swung myself over to the pot :P one final time for three tinkles. PIG mum got me kitted for the day, gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy helga's toast with the merest dab of butter and yummy lemon jam ever. i also drank one yummy warm mug of horlicks 'incorrectly' when PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-time to leave for pincushion practice, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD and tootled me off to good health medical centre. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to westlife's 'unbreakable vol. one' all day, too. while she drove, era helped ela stretch for ten minutes, then she opened and closed her palm @ least fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-at pincushion practice, i bemoaned to dr. lin how the poor broncos has lost by one bloody point; she also laughed her head off @ me when she came into flick the needles and i whispered to her, 'next time you come in, can you please lemme go? coz i'm BUSTING!" XD 'five more minutes, i promise," she chortled.
-afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, then i sat outside the good price pharmacy while we waited in line to buy eye gel.
-finally, we were served and could leave. i persuaded PIG mum to take us to the warrigal square maccas for lunch, only on the condition that i wouldn't have any chips. *sigh* she's like that, but i'm used to it.
-we both had a chicken and mayo burger, and a new drink! mine was a bananaberry bash, while PIG mum had a wild berry smash!
-we read the day's courier mail while we munched away; after we finished, PIG mum tootled us home.
-one more toilet trip for me before i plopped online.
-dominique's taking me out to garbo tonight! :D
-toms: UQ physio late morning. it's the last session for josh and i! but i'm staying behind to star (XD) in some promotional thing for the NAB clinic, and jess says i'll be paid in pizza! :D
-guess that means PIG mum won't take me to see naz for any lunch toms, so hopefully i'll have enough to buy myself two buns @ breadtop tonight; one for breakfast and the other for arvo tea toms!
-and aunty lucia's coming to shower me toms afternoon.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

wednesday post 114d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 6395. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-at 9;15pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo and back, once more rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-then PIG mum demanded i come over to the oven, where she was baking for me not a custard puff, but an apple crumble! *drolls* alas, we don't have any custard @ home, coz that would've been perfect!
-toms: sleep-in, hopefully. pincushion practice isn't until midday, after all, and fingers crossed PIG mum will take me somewhere yummy for lunch, like dong fong/sunnybank oriental, afterwards!
-best of all, dominique's taking me out to garbo toms night! can't wait! :D righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
em. ^^

wednesday post 114c

good evening! em's new final plodding total now stands @ 6121. yay, i'm over six grand today! :) righteo, continuing today's events?
-i took myself twice more to the loo slowly and safely, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over, before PIG mum awoke from pigland, gleefully and immediately forced me offline.
-at least poor ela was spared from the stupid exercises tonight! just a painful standing calf stretch, followed by PIG mum gleefully FORCING :( me to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill.
-before dinner, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-dinner tonight; the yummy white rice, lotsa yummy wombok, some soup carrot and potato and some beef. dinner was spooned down with once bowlful of the usual potato, carrot, onion and tomato soup, although there was lotsa tomato in this batch, i could tell!
-then i walked myself slowly and safely back to the computer, again rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-yay, PIG mum says i can stay up till 9;45pm tonight, so i'll bbl with my final, final plodding total and events for toms just after 9:15pm, okies?
em. ^^

wednesday post 114b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for wednesday now stands @ exactly 3016 (yay, i'm just over three grand XD) and joni's devotional topic's 'reasons!' righteo, continuing today's events?
-carol arrived eight minutes late today, citing some accident near the mt. gravatt exit of the motorway.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today, but carol didn't need to rinse it out for me coz PIG mum gave me a pair of goggles! :P originally, PIG mum forbade carol from rinsing my hair out for me, and era held my stupid right eye shut while i leaned forward and ducked my head underneath the shower to rinse it off. carol pointed out that there was still shampoo stuck in my hair, but era wouldn't release my eyelid to rinse it out; that's when PIG mum came up with the fancy idea of wearing goggles! XD
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (carol helped with my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, carol helped with my back and era), had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (carol helped with elf's AFO, when i had one last tinkle) and stood up @ the end for carol to cream my bum and back of my thighs.
-carol Forced me to walk to the kitchen to make my arvo tea; hey, i thought PIG mum agreed to buy me a sushi roll! whatever happened with that?!
-sadly, carol only ever allows one slice of cheese, which was ENTIRELY too thin, but she helped me spread mayo, so yay, @ least this week's been satisfied twice. :)
-with the toastie, i also drank one mug of irish breakfast tea, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
 -much thanks to carol who started massaging ela when i was still eating. when i finished eating, though, i only had ten minutes left for reading. :(
-before she left, carol took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. she's back next monday, and will be having the last of her overseas (morrocan? can't remember XD) chicken pasta for dinner tonight.
-i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo @ 6:30pm, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-and dearest dad's just returned home! :D
-anyways, fingers crossed i can bbl tonight, else i've already said what's happening toms in wednesday post 114.
em. ^^

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

wednesdaypost 114

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2339 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'how to defuse conflict' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES online after carol leaves tonight!!! righteo, events for today?
~i used the pot :P three times last night, once more this morning and once more when dearest dad left for work around 8:20am. then i cuddled bear bear but didn't fall back asleep again, just using the pot :P twice more before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-using the pot :P quickly once more before she came back, i used it once more for three tinkles after she did, before PIG mum got me kitted for today then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy helga's bread with the merest dab of butter and yummy lemon jam ever, plus one mug of warm horlicks, which i held 'incorrectly' when PIG mum was upstairs changing.
-i obediently downed an entire mug of water for mother before going and doing a stinky unspeakable. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself, but i also leaned briefly aainst the side rail and had a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to westlife's 'unbreakable volume one' all day, too.
-when PIG mum tootled me off to vincent the bloody physio's place for a torture session, era helped ela stretch for ten minutes before she opened and closed her palm fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
--physio today: work for ela, bending to pick things from the floor. horrid vincent wouldn't let poor ela grab a lolly afterwards, but i did wander over to her cot, peep in, stroke her cheek gently and say hi. :)
-PIG mum tootled me home after that, and aunty wendy arrived soon after, just in time to hear PIG mum chuck some unholy cow @ me. ><
-aunty wendy served me one large plate of yummy pear and fairly sweet strawberries, before lunch was one yummy can of chunky chicken and vegetable, although i've decided that i prefer the beef more.
-after lunch, i rang dearest dad, who told me he was in the valley. sadly, he also confirmed that he couldn't find anyone to buy me a showbag this year. :(
--aunty wendy took me once to the loo once around 1pm for around five tinkles, also changing my pad for me (monthlies arrived this morning, see).
-back @ the gobbling :P table, i kept reading my newest book club novel.
-at 1:30, after smearing my face with aloe vera, aunty wendy did the rubbing for ela until about 2:30, while i continued reading.
-she took me once more to the loo when PIG mum came home.
-anyways, carol's arriving in just over twenty minutes to watch me shower, so fingers crossed i can bbl, else:
-sleep-in toms! :D i've just got acupuncture late morning; and fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me to sunnybank oriental/somewhere yummy for lunch afterwards!
-best yet, dominique's taking me out to garbo toms night!
-righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
em. ^^

tuesday post 104d

one final good evening! em's final, final plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 6654. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-shortly after 9pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-toms: mid morning torture session with vincent the bloody physio, gah.
-but then aunty wendy will come and mind me for three hours; i missed her last wednesday! ('twas people's day public holiday last wednesday; that's why she didn't come)
-and carol's coming to watch me shower @ 4pm.
-best of all, it's ice-cream/dessert night toms night! :) righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

tuesday post 104c

good evening! em's new plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 6504. nice, i'm over 6.5 grand. :) righteo, continuing today's events?
-annette arrived five minutes late today, and Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today, but thanks to annette who rinsed it out for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped with my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, annette helped with my back and era) and had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (annette helped with erf's footwear and elf's AFO straps), and had one last tinkle when annette was refastening pedro to my pants.
-annette Forced me to walk out to the kitchen to make my arvo tea - but she lemme make the perfect toastie! :D that's the FIFTH time this month, wow! annette also peeled and cut a pear for me, and i drank one mug of tea sweetened with one spoonful of honey 'incorrectly'.
-today, annette massaged ela for about thirty-five minutes. there was enough time for a forty-five minute massage, but she spent like ten minutes in the bathroom yakking to PIG mum about sth.
-before she left, she took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. dunno when she's back ... saturday, maybe? must check the roster.
-i returned briefly online, only for PIG mum to boot me off.
-so i went to the loo and did a stinky unspeakable. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself, but i also leant briefly against the side rail and asked percy please to help me through the rest of the evening.
-when i was done, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the gobbling :P table.
-and so began a long time of forced exercises for poor ela, posture exercises, stick exercises and a painful standing calf stretch, culminating in PIG mum gleefully FORCING :( me to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill.
-i went once more to the loo before dinner; of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything.
-dinner tonight: the yummy rice, lotsa soup potato, carrot and tomato, lotsa choy sum, littl shreds of diced chicken and even little shreds of diced BBQ duck! dinner was spooned down with one bowl of carrot, tomato, onion, potato and pork/beef soup, then i walked myself safely and slowly back online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-anyways,  will need the loo once more @ 9pm; fingers crossed i can bbl with my final, final plodding total and events for wednesday.
em. ^^