Wednesday, August 29, 2012

wednesday post 115b

good evening! firstly, em's final, final plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 4510; secondly, joni's devotional topic's 'he carried our sorrows' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and THIRTY-SEVEN MINUTES online for another day!!! *sigh* the list grows ever longer ... >< anyway, super-quickly, events for today?
-MRI day! and super-duper thanks are for the nurse bec, who got the cannula in first time! last year, three needles were required, and the year before that, NINE! ><
-during the MRI, i had a mostly silent prayer/chat to god, telling him how much i absolutely DESPISED him for ruining my life. the MRI went for about five songs, BTW.
-after that, another x-ray to locate the shunt again, then began the long, long wait for the doctor to come reset the shunt.
-lol, woprd came around 5;15pm that it didn't need resetting! free to head home, then~
-we got stuck in the peak-hour traffic along the highway, though. it took us around thirty-five minutes to get home.
-i plopped online briefly while PIG mum rang the golden palace to make a reservation.
-and after i gave the parents their wedding anniversary presents, dad tootled us off to golden palace for dinner with aunty a!
-tonight, i got about 2/3 a bowl of rice, one chunk of quail, three of yummy sweet and sour pork and lotsa kailan. dessert was three slices of orange and one small bowl of col 'sai mai lol' (say that in canto).
-when we left, naughty aunty a ran a red light to cross the road and get to her car! XD o_O
-back home, i went to the loo once then plopped online.
-toms: writers group! followed by pincushion practice, which will then hopefully be followed by lunch @ maccas: i haven't had any chips this week yet!
-annette's coming to watch me shower toms arvo; hopefully, she'll arrive on time! righteo, hope everyone having a smashing week!
em. ^^
P.S. argh @ PIG mum who just came over to nag about my NECK posture, of all weird things! XD

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