Tuesday, August 14, 2012

tuesday post 101b

good evening! firstly, em's final, plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 5722 (awesome, i'm more than half a normal person today! XD) and secondly, joni's devotional topic's 'the question of good'. righteo, final, final events for tonight?
-annette didn't arrive until 4:04pm, but explained that she was blocked in our driveway from aunty shuk lai.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today, but thanks to annette who rinsed it out for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before annette flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped with my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, annette helped with my back and era), had another tinkle. i mostly rekitted myself (annette helped with my bra, erf's footwear and elf's AFO straps) and had one final tinkle when annette was washing my glasses for me.
-annette Forced me to walk out to the kitchen benchtop to grab my sushi for arvo tea. she also poured me a lil plate of soya sauce for dipping, and i also enjoyed one mug of tea, sweetened with a heaped teaspoon of honey, 'incorrectly'.
-annette gave ela a brief massage and tried forcing her to hold the therabrush until PIG mum came downstairs and said 'twas time for us to leave.
-so off annette took us to toastmasters, taking me once more to the loo when we arrived.
-only, a fire drill happened just when monica was about to lead our warm-up session! the fire alarms wailed, and after they'd gone on for several minutes, shane decided we'd better evacuate. "eighteo, everyone down the stairs." he ordered. only i raised era and said, 'umm ... how do i make it down the stairs?" thankfully, shane said, "i'm @ fire warden where i work; i'll take you out to the balcony. shaun joined us; only then did i notice that he has quite a limp! anyways, a security guard with a three-letter name, came and took our names. "i'm shane." said shane, then shaun piped in with "i'm shaun." well, then, "i'm semily." i grinned. XD the funny thing, while we were waiting for the all-clear, annette appeared! 'gosh, i've been looking all over for you!" she exclaimed. turns out she'd gone to Q601 looking for me, then went and found a security guard when she didn't locate me, checked the room again for me, and finally found all the toastmasters huddled somewhere, but without me!"where's emily?!" she wailed @ them, and they pointed her to where she finally found me. XD oh, and during break i took myself once more to the loo. "come, knock down the door and rescue me if i'm not back within five minutes," i told sharon. XD
-actually, we made up for lost time by having a super-brief table topics session! glenn did one and i was picked for the other! best of all, viktor did the evaluation, and said i was awesome as always! :D
-when toastmasters ended, annette took me once more to the loo then tootled me home. again, we ran into some traffic along the highway; annette guessed some road's being built underneath the highway?
-the parents weren't back home yet when we arrived ('twas only 9pm afterall; her shift technically doesn't finish until 9:30) so we did some marketing research (ie. browsed catalogues) until they did.
-for dinner, i had some leftover four treasure rice, though i only had two treasure, the salty egg and the charsiu. XD
-afterwards, i went once more to the loo (of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything) then i returned online.
-toms: it's the ekka public holiday! we're going down far away to visit reverend lam and his wife! dunno how long they'll spend there, but gosh, i hope reverend lam doesn't make his 'special' chocolate coloured cake again! XD righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^
P.S. hungry's mourning that neither carol nor aunty wendy will come feed him toms. XD

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