Sunday, August 19, 2012

monday post 104

good afternoon! firstly, i've been hard @ work plodding 3012 steps today (lol, juast over three grand XD0; secondly, TWFT topic's 'lifting those who fall' but thirdly (and most importantly), i'm still owed FORTY-SEVEN MINUTES online after i get back home from arvo tea with perky!!! righteo, events for today?
~i used the pot :P twice last night and once again this morning around 6:50am, before spending the ten minutes till 7am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her when she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.then i just cuddled dearest bear bear (who i'd picked up from the floor this morning, the messy sleeper must've rolled himself straight outta bed sometime last night/this morning XD) and dozed, waking to kiss dearest dad good-bye and use the pot :P once more when he left for work around 8am.
-moew happy sleepings with bear bear and one more pot :P trip for me before PIG mum comes in and pokes me with 'fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back, i used the pot :P once more for three three tinkles, PIG mum got me kitted for today, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush my teeth before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-but thanks to PIG mum who'd made chocolate porridge! sadly, she did gleefully force poor ela to hold onto one slice of toast while era quickly ripped it into shreds, but era kept her promise to ela by combining with the spoon to tear the toast into bite-sized, more manageable pieces. zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who wouldn't pour me a mouthful of milk to wash down breakfast with, but i'll try get that mouthful back before the week's out.
-i also downed the mug of water PIG mum had placed before me, and went and did a stinky unspeakable before leaving. of course, horrid PIG mum did gleefully force me to dak myself, but i also spent some time leaning against the side rail and finishing off my quiet chat to percy the saint/angel.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD.
-of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to westlife's self-titled first album all day, too.
-when she drove, era helped ela stretch for five minutes before she opened and closed her palm twenty-five times, holding each for a count of five. 
-physio today: stomping for eld and erf then work for ela.the cool thing was that i finished with ten minutes to spare; i asked vincent could i please give my remaining ten minutes to PIG mum, coz she's got a bung back, and he said yes!
-so while she was in there, i read the latest edition of the who magazine! i was very impressed, coz i remember once complaining to vincent, "how come you never get any new magazines?! i've been reading the same bloody one for nine months!" XD then i just felt syper-loved coz both vincent and kat jie jie told me that he'd bought the magazine specifically for me! XD
-two people (a couple, obviously), came in, each holding a baby. i started chatting with the lady, asking her how old bubba was, to which she replied, "three months." i laughed and said, "gee, is this a physio/accounting place or a childcare! there's another three month-old inside that room, also! XD BTW
-hey, alice has arrived, so fingers crossed i can bbl! 
em. ^^

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