Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday post 102c

Good evening! Em's new plodding total for Sunday now stands at 8533. Righteous, continuing today's events?
-There were eight little kiddies here today! I remember once, there was only two!
-after aunty Anita led worship, I told the story. I started off with asking them,"who's the oldest person you know?" and one of the little girls said that her grandma was like 106!
-when aunty Michelle led craft, I started scooting my chair towards the craft table, only for aunty Anita to simply stick her leg out and kick my chair to the table. xD
-today, aunty Michelle made this cardboard teddies with us! She already had the template cut out, we just decorated them. Huge thanks to aunty Michelle who helped me decorate mine,
-the little kiddies all ran away at12:30, I waited another five minutes until PIG came to get me.
-after one more loo trip, I joined SHINE fellowship for lunch! 'twas yummy~
-afterwards, Karen told me, "just wait here; we just haven't a cleanup first. Then, huge thanks to uncle kelvin who led me into the room.
-daph led worship today; the longest number of canto words I could read consecutively was seven. XD
-today for prayer, I prayed with Thomas, Vicky and chef dude (vincent?)
-after that, Vicky led our bible study about the woman who committed adultery but Jesus saved her from being stoned.
-I tootled happily online for about 1.45 hours, until PIG mum gleefully forced me offline and gleefully forced poor Elaine on 55+mins of exercise, before gleefully forcing me on an extra 10+ mins of posture exercises.
-hey, I just realised that this post has gone kinda outta order; sorry, ipaddy does oh,  found me again, no, oh, there I am! Righteous, continuing with where I was?
-I went once more to the loo before dinner, then enjoyed about 2/3a bowl of dad's yummy sticky rice, lots a little tong vegetable, some fish and two Chinese mushrooms. Dinner was spooned down with one bowlful of soup.
-hey, PIG mum says lee is finished with the mainframe and I can return to it. Apologies for the disjointed ness of this post!
Em.^^ have where am I?
-aunty a came for dinner. I gave her a big hug; I missed her!
-uncle kelvin got PIG mum for me afterwards. She took me once to the loo then tootled me home. Oh, and I guess I don't need to add that she gleefully forced me to buckle my own seatbelt all day, of course.
-back home, PIG mum fed me the other half of the toastie I had made yesterday meaning I ended up getting a perfect toastie anyway, just over two days. xD

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