Wednesday, March 17, 2010

thursday post 4

good afternoon! righteo, if PIG mum plays fair, i've still got ONE HOUR and THIRTY MINUTES left online for me tonight, but just in case she won't let me back online, em was hard at work plodding 5836 steps today. actually, i haven't even nrought forward the other times she's owed me ... anyways. evelyn should arrive in fifteen mins, five or take, so just
-breakfast was my new nesquik cereal! yummy!
-kyabra failed toturn up ... dunno why? so i spent like forty-five minutes trying to read. 'twas somewhat difficult, coz PIG mum 1. wouldn't let me rest against the back rest, 2. encouraged poor ela to place up on the table top, and 3. wouldn't let me rest my legs up. so it was fairly difficult to enjoy my book club novel, but i managed.
-PIG mum made me walk to the car. today, she 'encouraged' poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to chris tomlin all day. PIG mum's still hogging the CD player all for herself. ai, whatever.
-off to buranda so i could be turned into a pincushion! o_O :P PIG mum encouraged me walk in. i took a seat, browsed a gossip mag, until dr. lin came and turned me into a pincushion! o_O :P no new places today, though.
-back outside in the sitting room, i browsed another new idea mag as PIG mum kindly rocked off to buy some sushi for our lunch.
-she encouraged me walk back to the car, tootled us off to UQ for physio.
-a toilet trip first, then i sat and waited as PIG mum flounced off to pay.
-nelson and kirsten came for me, Forced me to walk inside.
-lotsa sit-to-stands today, also some cone reaching for era. i met a new student called ... lol, i forgot. but they walked me back down at the end, and much thanks to nelson who helped me with my seatbelt.
-PIG mum tootled us home. after flicking on the computer switch, i toortled online.
-well, it's right on 4pm, evelyn should arrive shortly. and she's taking me out to garbo tonight! no doubt PIG mum won't allow me to do this, or eat that, but oh well. i'm sure i'll have fun withevelyn tonight! iplan to pick myself up a packet of frosties - yum yum! and maybe a bread roll from breadtop for tomorrow's arvo tea ... awesome.
-anyways, will try my hardest to come back with the rest of tonight's events after i get back from garbo!
em. ^^

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