Thursday, February 23, 2012

friday post 78

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1424 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'suffering because of...'; thirdly, the spam count for the week's eight (lol, not even double digits! two years ago, it'd have been in like the triple digits! XD) and lastly, i'm still owed THIRTY MINUTES online after aunty lucia comes and helps with my shower!! righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
-my new carer from workpac was jess! and she's my first worker from workpac who's australian!
-while i showered, we just chatted. she's twenty-seven, engaged and studying nursing!
-after my shower, we left for garbo! huge thanks to PIG mum who lemme use sparkless all night coz i still wasn't feeling 100%.
-@ the library, i read chapters three and four from servant of the empire. surprisingly, jess stayed with me and read gossip mags!
-after going to the bathroom once, we wheeled me down to the crepe cafe. only, it's gone! instead, some new crepe place called 'gr8' had taken over.
-much thanks to jess who read out the menu for me, coz i couldn't see them from my height.
-i picked some aussie crepe with egg, bacon and chese! nomnomnom~ also much thanks to jess who got me some salt (she offered, i didn't ask for any) and cut it up for me after i ate all the vegetables with it(lettuce, tomato and onion). she only got herself a coke and after, a coffee.
-suddenly, her fiancee plopped along! we shook hands, although i've forgotten his name, sorry. >< either adrian/damien.
-after dinner, jess took me to the loo once more. this time, i let era open the tap lotsa, lotsa and lotsa times.
-then we went to that fruit shop near coles and bought the tomatoes/onions that PIG mum had requested.
-after, i tried buying bread from the downstairs breadtop for the first time! i got myself a sausage bun for breakfast today and some kinda COOKIE bun for arvo tea this arvo!
-shopping all done but still with several bucks in hand, our last stop was maccas for a mcflurry. :) and i tried some new one! caramel crunch, yumyum! only i gave myself brain freeze twice coz i ate too fast. XD
-while i ate, jess told me(and showed me mobile photos of) cakes she had made; apparently, she's an accomplished baker! i laughed, and put my order down for a birthday cake. XD
-some more strolling around and window shopping. lol, jess bumped into one of her old schoolmate's mum! she was selling the great bargains available @ zelow's, some jewellery store. we shook hands, and she told us that she's finished in one more minute. "in that case, i said, "stop chatting to me and market this ring you're holding to me!" she laughed, and did! XD "see this beautiful ring," she spoke into the microphone but looking directly @ me, "it was $1600 but now it's only $600! definitely a bargain, hey?" XD
-one more loo trip, then 'twas time to go home. jess said she'd add me on facebook! good, coz i've forgotten her surname; sth like 'alfee'. XD
-back home, repeat the usual nightly routine, zzz.
-this morning: another great sleep, yay! nature didn't call until about 5:50.
-only after a loo trip, i realised my throat was really sore!! ><
-hearing dad move around the house (he's an early riser) i called out to him and asked please for a strepsil. dad asked me, "is your throat sore, or just dry?" i replied, "maybe just dry, but right now it's also really sore!" so dad got me one mug of water, then popped me a lemon and honey strepsil.
-hey, aunty lucia's here now, so fingers crossed i can bbl, else i'm off to SHINE fellowship tonight and tessa's coming @ 10am toms. righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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