Sunday, June 30, 2013

sunday post 126b

heylo again and one final greeting for sunday! em's final, final plodding total for today now stands @ 2003 (ha, i'm just over two grand xdadigi's final, final report: 1793 steps also equals 590m (ha, i'm @ least over 0.5km XD) or exactly twenty-seven kcal 26.6kcal XD) alas, however, i'm still owed THIRTY-EIGHT MINUTES online!!! >< righteo, final, final events for sunday?
-when kwany arrived around 2:45pm, i walked myself slowly and safely to the front door and let him in, rising above the cruel and unfaithful god's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting him push me over.
-pole hadn't arrived yet, so we sat back down @ the computer table and kwany introduced me to candy crush. doubtless, PIG mum will be pissed; she has thus far adamantly refused to play it. XD
-before pole tootled us out for drinks @ sakuraya, i went once to the loo.
-i got my usual favourite, the yummy okinawa chocolate milk tea with pearl, normal sugar but no ice. "it's too cold for ice!" i told the girl manning the counter, who laughed. XD
-kwany got himself a coffee frappe, while pole got herself a hot honey lemon green tea. i would've thought those two ingredients cancelled each other out, but pole says she can taste them both.
-we just drank and yakked about random things. kwany says education queensland's trying to send him far away to work!
-afterwards, pole tootled me back home. both kwany and i needed the loo, but i told kwany, "ladies first. go upstairs if you can't wait; the downstairs bathroom's mine." XD
-they both left just after 5pm, although i'll SEE POLE AGAIN @ 7:30PM, WHEN OUR SMALL GROUP MEETS @ RAY'S PLACE FOR HOTPOT! HOPE JEFF REMEMBERED TO BUY UDON AND THAT THERE'S E3GGS AND PORK BALLS ... woah, sorry, shrieking!! ><"
-both the parents are home now; PIG mum's obviously doing the pig business (i.e. sleeping XD) while i can hear dearest dad banging around the laundry doing goodness knows what ...
-toms: PIG mum's working the morning shift! meaning it'll be dad who takes me to UQ for physio. i presume i'll go delivering with him afterwards ... obviously i won't be able to help him like i did before the cruel and unfaithful god so wantonly destroyed my life, but still, i'm looking forward to being with him. :o)
-dad'll drop me back to PIG mum once she finishes work in the early arvo; fingers crossed i can have some udon for lunch @ the warrigal square sushi train for lunch afterwards!
-and carol's coming to supervise my shower in the arvo. so fingers crossed PIG mum'll lemme bring back an inari for arvo tea with her.
-righteo, farewell financial near (june 30th today!) and hope everyone has a smashing week ahead!
em. ^^

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