Friday, January 23, 2009

good afternoon! spam count for the week is 160, BTW.
on second thoughts, i won't be able to start a new blog after all; because 1. PIG mum won't allow me to write sth that her prying eyes can't read 2. umm ... i only have one reason. i did offer to just keep it in a word document but just password it, but PIG mum refused that too. oh well ... ><" - umm, door bell's just rang. i think that's my new carer! so i'll bbl after 7pm, ok? time is now ... 2:57pm
evening, all! time is now 7:37pm, and my final plodding total for today stands at 3570. i reset my pedometer after that, but trust PIG mum not to trust me and take a look for herself. firstly, regarding last night:
-repeat everything that ityped out on thursday. oh, bar one thing:
-i did a stinky unspeakable, and wiped myself too! but much thanks to PIG mum who helped me yank my daks up coz i was sweating pretty badly, it was so hot/stuffy.
-thankfully, another dry night~
-oh, one last thing: this morning, i managed to take myself to the loo without requiring any assistance at all from PIG mum! yay, go me~~
-funny thing is, whenever i remember, i usually ask PIG mum to come in and let me have a tinkle in the loo, if it's after 3 hrs. she says yes every single time, but inevitably, i'll wake up at like 7am with a full bladder that's just about to burst. when i ask PIG mum about why she didn't get me up to go to the loo, she answers:" oh, i had a great sleep last night. didn't wake up at all until you called me." fair enough, but i KNOW for a fact that PIG mum ALWAYS wakes up during the night. it seems a little suss that she has such a PERFECT sleep night after night ... oh well.
righteo, here come the spotty points :P for the day!
-PIG mum dug me up this morning, got me kitted, then happily made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk out to the gobbling table.
-i did my usual routine(ie spitting out mouth splint, washing and drying both hands, drinking half a glass of water).
-breakfast was nutri-grain - i honestly consider myself very lucky that i got 10 spoonfuls of cereal! coz usually, PIG mum stops me after 7 or so spoonfuls.
-PIG mum kindly popped me my pills for the day: a fish oil, a bilberry, a cranberry, and a garlic, coz she said i was exploding quite dreadfully. ><"
-time to go, PIG mum gleefully made (i would use 'FORCE', but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk to the car. off she tootled us to hydro, listening to the ROTK soundtrack.
-we parked, then PIG mum gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk in.
-my turn, and i was PLUNGED :P (ant-slow, remember? :P) into the water.
-left-arm exercises, cycling, walking forwards and sideways. kind ann consented to let me dunk my head in once at the end. yay!
-i got winched out, swapped to a showerchair, then PIG mum kindly wheeled me in for a sprinkle.
-i went and did a stinky unspeakavle afterwards, so much thanks to PIG mum who helped me to wipe. then i got redressed b4 PIG mum gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?)me walk back to the car.
-off we tootled to sunnybank oriental for our lunch date with letty!
-i got my favourite 'E'meal, my got her favourite 'H' meal, and letty got the breakfast with the vermicelli. i drank a hot horlicks (thanks to PIG mum who kindly let me put a smidgenof sugar into it), PIG mum had a cold lemon tea, and i can't remember what letty drank, sorry. she will go to work toms at calamvale central toms, though. and her older sister zelda works as a computer programmer.
-PIG mum kindly shouted letty, then, time to go, she happily made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk back to the car.
-off we tootled to garbo to pick up my new glasses!
-PIG mum let me thankfully switch back to sparkless on arrival, and i heeled myself in.
-first stop, a loo trip. but tell me, why do perfectly capable people use the disabled toilets? i plan to ask PIG mum that question next time that happens again. LOUDLY :P
- i wheeled myself to wash and dry both hands as PIG mum used the loo herself.
-then i wheeled myself to the glasses shop. success! i just got PIG mum to take a pikkie with my mobile of me wearing my old glasses for the last time.
-next stop, big W. i wheeled myself there, so i could get bday cards and presents for my beloved dad and dear pole plop.
-PIG mum also picked up some bean bag beans to stuff that cushion that aunty june wong had kindly sewed for my left arm.
-we paid, and i wheeled myself to woolies, coz PIG mum wanted to pick up some groceries.
-time to go, i wheeled myself back out to our car, and off we tootled home, still listening to ROTK.
-PIG mum gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk back into the house. i went to the loo, so of course she made me dak myself. after i'd delivered a stinky unspeakable and wiped myself, PIG mum made me yank my trousers back up, then she gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, b4 she gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk back to sparky.
-i tootled briefgly online until my new carer for the day, susan, arrived. she's a white zimbabewean!
-showerfirst, meaning PIG mum gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk into the laundry.she also made me dak myself b4 i took a seat on my shower chair. hmm ... maybe i could use the rolly showerchair one day and the wheel-less one the other?
-i introduced my oven mitt :P to susan, and she gave me a surprisingly hot shower - hairwash today.
-i had a tinkle b4 she flicked the water off, got dried and redressed. turns out she's studying to become an OT at uni!
-i staggered back out to sparky, then rolled over for arvo tea.
-a toasted cheese - too bad, only one slice, meaning that it was ENTIRELY too thin, but oh well. this week has already been satisfied. and a cup of some tetley tea/hot water - PIG mum only gave me half a teaspoon of honey. >< i don't understand - is it really such a terrible SIN to take your tea white and two?
-susan made herself a nice cup of rice green tea - the poor thing; she's lactose intolerant! ><
-i then went to practise piano, both hands.
-PIG mum let susan go when aunty peggy arrived; i hope she'll come back again! she's a nice lady~
-we made shallot-flavoured pancakes! PIG mum enjoyed herself the most making my left hand do all sorts of task.
-dearest daddy arriced home as wewere making - he even helped me squash the dough of the last piece.
-PIG mum then showed off her skills as a cook by frying the pancakes. we taste-tested some, deciding that it was umm, well, tasteless :P so aunty peggy suggested that we dab it in soya sauce or sprinkle some salt on it.
-PIG mum gleefully made (i would use FORCE, but PIG mum says i'm forbidden to use that word anymore. then i used the word 'contort', but then she said i wasn't allowed to use that either, and that i could only use 'made'. so i used 'MADE' until she told me that i wasn't allowed to do it all in caps, it had to be ALL in lowercase. well, what can i do but comply?) me walk over to the bathroom to wash and dry both my flour-encrusted hands. i went for a tinkle afterwards, b4 going back to sparky.
-we said our thanks and byes to aunty peggy. dear dad soon called dinner after that: a piece of my yummy shallot-flavoured pancake, with a truly TINY smattering of salt, a single piece of lettuce, and a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY, watered-down pear juice.
- i tootled back online, and so ends my blog post for today! dear dad's gone to uncle ching's or uncle tyrone's to watch the blockbuster safin/federer match. PIG mum and i are in agreement - go safin! hope everyone has a great weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 3 errors in my blog tonight.

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