Sunday, January 25, 2009

sunday post

good evening! parents gleefully made em plod 2759 steps today. that's equivalent to 820m, according to my pedometer. :p firstly, regarding last night:
-repeat everything i typed out on thursday, bar one thing:
-after i did a stinky unspeakable and wiped myself, PIG mum took pity on me and helped me yank my daks up.
ok, here comes the spotty points for today! :p
-PIG mum dug me up this morning, got me kitted, then gleefully made me walk out to the gobbling table.
-breakfast was a slice of toast with some marg and jam, plus a plain glass of milk.
-time to go, parents gleefully made me walk out to the car, where off we tootled to church.
-on arrival, dear dad rocked off to the canto service, leaving PIG mum to gleefully make me walk in.
-i needed to go to the loo, but PIG mum decided to make me wait until the sermon had started to gleefully make me walk in. then she gleefully made me walk over to wash my hands, b4 she gleefully made me walk back outside. actually, coz my stick makes such a loud clicking noise everytime it connects with the ground, i held it up off the ground and unsteadily wobbled back to my chair :P
-speaker was a guy called les desmond, or des desmond. he spoke about why we should believe in god.
-after the sermon, dr. lee invited the speaker and his wife up for a quick chat. she's so cool!they lived in taiwan for years and years - and she speaks FLUENT mandarin! my hat goes off to you, lady.:)
-time to go, PIG mum gleefully made me walk back out to the car. dear dad tumbled in too, and he tootled us off to plaza.
-luckily, there was underground parking, meaning parents got to gleefully make me walk into plaza, me catching a ride up on the escalator.
-as always, i asked for a 2 piece feed, and no surprise, i didn't get it. like i've said, once i get it ( and by 2 piece feed, i mean 2 pieces of chicken, a regular chips, and a small potato and gravy) i will alternate with a yummy kebab every second week. as yet, i still haven't got it ... ah well. >< will perservere.
-PIG mum got that 3 vege 2 meat asian thing, dad got some hungry jacks, and aunty a some pork noodle soup.
-PIG mum kindly got me apudding milk tea to slurp on, coz she had made me stand while there was worship singing. thanks to aunty a who helped steady me also during that.
-time to go, parents gleefully made me walk out back to the car, and dad tootled us home.
-parents decided that i was to nap, so i complied, after going once more to the loo.
-my ursula birdie came! she plopped me to the showerchair, wheeled me in for a tinkle first, then gave me a shower - hairwash today. i stood up obediently during my shower so ursula could give my bottom a scrub.
-i got redressed, then handed my cane, making me hobble back out to sparky.
-arvo tea: a yummy pear - i shared a slice with my ursula birdie, of course! - and a toasted cheese - too bad, only one slice of cheese, meaning that it was ENTIRELY too thin, but oh well. a new week begins toms, surely i'll have some luck just ONCE this week with the cheese, same as last week - and ham sandwhich. oh yeah, another thing tok PIG mum: why aren't i allowed any mayo? i mean, i only have a little, and remember, it wasthe no/low fat kind . so, that just made the sandwhich TOO dry as well as being too thin! ><
-ursula grabbed me on approx 1/3 of an hour worth of left hand exercises, b4 she banished me to play piano, both hands.
-at 6pm, she flicked on 7's news for me, and fed me 2 or 3 crackers. news was read out by talitha cummins, sport by shane webcke, and weather by liz cantor.
-i needed a pee afterwards, so ursula made me walk to theloo. the trouble started after i'd walked over to wash my hands. i slipped. and fell. >< owieee~ ><" luckily, ursula grabbed me, and she fell down with me, me landing on her poor thigh. then, after checking i hadn't killed myself or anything :P she brought sparky back to me and i sat back down in it.
-ursula told my parents what had happened, of course, and she gave me a hug to soothe my frazzled nerves.
-i signed her off at 7pm with a smiley face, saying my thanks and byes.
-aunty a came for dinner! i think, apparently, you're supposed to have a big family meal on new year's eve and new year's day.
-so, dinner: rice and pork mince, plus a mushroom. parents didn't hand me any lettuce tonight, i was surprised. nor did they make my left hand hang onto th bowl.
-dad made me a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice to gulp down after dinner.
-i tootled back online, paents and aunty a watching dockic (i'm almost 100% certain i've spelt that wrong) play her opponent. she's the only remaining aussie - go her!
-anyways, so ends my post for today. toms, my tale of epic 2 blog gets an update - coz it'll be australia day!
- dad rang his mum - meaning i got a chance to wish her a very happy chinese new year too! i'll see if i can ring my other grandma tonight.
-trying for an episode of naruto now, g'nite, all!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 5 errors in my post tonight

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