Tuesday, January 27, 2009

tuesday post

good evening!
so, em plodded 3085 steps today, or 0.92km, or102.6 calories :P firstly, regarding last night:
-just repeat everything i typed out on thursday. still the same. >< ok, spotty points :P for the day, incoming!
- i was a happy pig this morning, until PIG mum came in, dug me up, got me kitted, and gleefully made me walk out to the gobbling table. :P
-breakfast was nutri-grain, i got 10 spoonfuls, score! of course, it goes without saying that PIG mum gleefully made me do this and that (e.g. left hand holding milk carton, right hand uncapping milk, right hand holding bowl, left hand pouring milk, left hand holding milk carton, right hand recapping milk, etc etc etc.)
-PIG mum kindly popped me mypills for this morning, ie. a bilberry, a cranberry, a fish oil, and a garlic, coz she said that my nose was leaking quite terribly. ><
-time to go, PIG mum gleefully made me walk out to the car, and off we tootled to the PA, listening to westlife.
-fortunately, we got a park, and PIG mum gleefully made me walk in, me stopping once to rest my weary limbs on a chair.
-PT with dom dom started at 11am. just lotsa walking today, with some left arm exercises chucked in.
-PIG mum picked me up at midday, and gleefully made me walk back outside. i went once to the loo (i forgot who did the dakking and un-dakking, :P sorry), then PIG mum gleefully made me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, b4 she gleefully made me walk back to the car.
-irang dear dad, who was at banyo, as we were leaving. PIG mum pulled over the car so she could have a yak to him too.
-PIG mum tootled us to the maccas outside times square. she gleefully made me walk in, then went to order.
-i ordered their new chicken burger deluxe, and a chocolate milkshake. hence the surprise, when PIG mum thunked an OJ down in front of me. oh well. guess i'll try for it ext time. PIG mum got herself a chicken burger classic. the difference? mine had cheese and tomato, PIG mum's only had lettuce.
-time to go, PIG mum gleefully made me walk out to the car, where undergound we tootled.
-PIG mum swapped a grateful em into sparkless and i wheeled myself up to the sunnybank medical centre.
-hehe, go me! i remembered that daphne is bronnie's mum!
-mum handed me a new idea gossip mag to browse for while, until my name was called and i wheeled myself in.
-i bid dr. mor a happy hello and explained to him my woes - i don't want to have appendicitus!(sp?) ><
-he got me lying down on the bed, and poked me around a bit, b4 getting me back down and writing 2 antibiotics for me.
-we said our thanks and byes - dr. mor is such a nice guy - he told PIG mum to ring him on thursday and tell him if i'd gotten better/worse/whatever.
-i wheeled myself to the chemist/pharmicist (what's the difference, anyway?) - and picked up my pills. actually, the lady offered mum some cheaper pills that were effectively the same (like panadol vs. heron). the lady that served us, her name was heidi, and she's canto, too! she offered mum some cheaper pills that did the same thing, and PIG mum accepted.
-i wheeled myself back out to the car, and PIG mum tootled us home.
-she gleefully made me walk inside oce we got back. so i went to the loo (PIG mum made me dak myself, of course), did a stinky unspeakable, and wiped myself, too. PIG mum gleefully made me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, then gleefully made me walk bac to sparky.
-ding dong! karen arrived, so shower first. PIG mum gleefully made me walk into the laundry and also made me dak myself. and, i'm now owed TWO showers in the showerchair with the wheels, coz i thought that we'd decided to have a shower in each one every day, e.g. one day in the showerchair with the wheels, the next day in the one without, but apparently not. oh well. i guess i'll just have to keep count in this blog.
-no hairwash today, but karen did kindly leave the water on for me so i could have a tinkle b4 i got dried and redressed.
-i hobbled back out to sparky after karen redressed me, and tootled over for some arvo tea.
-a toasted cheese sandwhich - too bad, only 1 slice, meaning that it was ENTIRELY too thin >< but oh well, there's still 5 days left in the week, surely i won't be THAT unlucky! i mean, come on, i'm only asking for it ONCE a week, not SEVEN! turns out that we're all out of ham too, so i must remember to ask PIG mum to buy me some more when she gets the chance.
-karen grabbed me for roufghly half an hour of hand exercises.
-at 6pm, we sat down to watch 7's 6pm news, read by rod young and sharyn ghidella, sport by shane webcke and weather by talitha cummins. i think brisbane will be 20-30degrees toms.
-karen kindly cut me up a pear and fed me 1 1/2 crackers (or 3 half ones).
-karen took me once to the loo after the news, then we sat and did a crossword together.
-i signed her off at 7pm, and we said our thanks and byes.
-i quickly wrote dad's bday card for him b4 he came back home to us. :)-dinner tonight: the yummy tomato fried rice that dad had whipped up for us yesterday, plus one mushroom and some fish. lol, i just realised that i forgot to eat any lettuce tonight! oh well, will make up for it toms if i remember. all washed down with a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice. of course, no surprise here, it also goes without saying that PIG mum made my left hand hang onto the bowl as i ate.
-ankle colbert came to visit! well, actually, to give dear dad sth. anyways, dad got him to sit down and eat fruit - i had a few grapes and a cherry, myself - and he told me that his chinese name was - sorry, PIG mum's just barred me from writing that online, too. *sigh* i am SO censored! ah well, nothing to be done but get used to it.
-i tootled back online. PIG mum's been eagerly awaiting to boot me off. huh, i don't even know if i've used up my MEASELY 2hr limit yet, but oh well.
-anyways, i'm excited! tonight, at like midnight, my cousin teresa, uncle dick (poor guy, yeah, that's his real name:P) and franco will be all coming to visit us! meaning poor dad has to wake up at like midnight to pick them up. sorry, i'm not that good, i'm gonna be sleeping and will see them toms. :P
-actually, toms we're also going to the library for that class ... no idea what it's called, sorry. but i hope that there'll be cake for morning tea! everything is also crossed that i can geta real cuppa, not another cup of coloured water, but hopes aren't up. oh well.
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 4 errors in my post tonight.

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