Tuesday, January 20, 2009

tuesday post

good evening! em plodded 3516 steps today. 350 or so were at hydro. and my poor dad ... my PIG mum is bashing him up! >< ok, first, regarding last night:
-just repeat everything that i typed out on thursday. still the same. ><
anyways, eep i have so much to catch up on, and so little time! *sigh* oh well. so let's continue, starting from sunday arvo, ok?
-alma gave me a shower first, then dried and redressed me. i clung onto my stick for dear life and walked back out to crash into sparky.
-i tootled over for arvo tea: a cup of tetley's tea sweetened with a single spoonful of honey, and a toasted ham, cheese and mayo sandwhich. too bad, i only got one slice of cheese, meaning that it was ENTIRELY too thin, but oh well. still 6 days left in the week - surely i'll get 2 slices on ONE day! that's all i ask.
-i honestly can't remember what we did; my guess would be lotsa hand exercises and piano practice, both hands.
-TV was flicked on at 6pm, we watched the news.
-after the news, alma took me to the loo once more then i signed her off. we said our thanks and byes.
-i honestly can't remember what dinner was, but i'm sure it consisted of rice, lotsa vegies, some meat, and a cup of yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice.
-then i just tootled online for awhile b4 PIG mum decided to kick me to bed. i did the usual nightly rotine, then hit the sack. zzz. :P
tuesday: PIG mum dug me up, made me put my own crop top and shirt on, then happily extorted me to walk out to the gobbling table. :P
-i did the usual routine, b4 settling down to my yummy breakfast of coco pops coco rocks.
-PIG mum kindly popped me my pills for the day.
-time to go, PIG mum happily extorted me to walk out to the car.
-off we tootled to the PA, listening to westlife.
-luckily, we found a carpark close to the entrance. PIG mum hopped out and happily extorted me to walk into the day physio.
-PT with dom dom started. mrs. mouse popped along for a yak, and i told her that i knew her husband's name was bernard, her son's was phillipe, and her daughter's was ... poop, i've already managed to forget it! >< she laughed, then told me they had a beagle, too, whose name was sniffy. cute!
-basically, just lotsa walking with dom dom. oh, and a few left hand exercises.
-at midday, PIG mum came to pick me up, and happily extorted me to walk back to the car. we bumped into uncle wilbur too, and had a yak.
-PIG mum tootled us off to sunnybank oriental. sadly, there were no disabled parking spots available, meaning PIG mum happily parked further then gleefully extorted me to walk in.
-kylie was already there!so we took a seat and ordered. i got my favourite spaghetti meal with chicken and onion and a cold milk tea, PIG mum got the (i think) B meal and a cold lemon water, while kylie just got some spicy noodles. turns out she knows one of the workers there!i think she said they'd worked at the convention entre together. i made the mistake of calling him 'uncle', only to be told by PIG mum i should only call him 'older brother'. oops, sorry, mate! ><
-thanks to kylie who'd gotten us some souvenirs from the UK! when i have time, i must remember to put them up on my LJ. lol, i haven't even put up my xmas presents yet! ><"
-ai, PIG mum is booting me off to bed now. i've been on for ... what? 30mins of my MEASELY 2hr limit?
-oh well, goodnite, all! i'll be going to the library toms! hope it'll be fun! and cool - maybe i can get a new library card?
em. ^^

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