Saturday, January 17, 2009

saturday post

heylo, and welcome to my new blog! if you made it here, well, that's quite amazing, really. :P i didn't expect you to find it! but yeah, we'll see how long i can keep this one going, yeah? :P anyways, regarding last night:
-just repeat everything i typed out on thursday.
oh yeah - i've decided that i will only update my old blog (taleofepic2) every EVENT - which, i think, the next one will be on jan 26th, australia day. anyways, here comes the spotty points! :P for today!
-first up, em plodded 2875 steps today.
- i was a happy pig all morning, until dad dug me up, coz aunty katherine and uncle wallace were coming over. he got me kitted, and aunty katherine arrived just as he was about to make (coz i've hereby been banned from using the word 'forced') me to walk out to the dining hall. so she gave me a hand, and i went to crash into sparky.
-dear dad kindly made me a piece of toast with yummy ham and egg. i gobbled that down, with a glass of plain milk.
-aunty katherine was a champ, and gave me a comfy massage while i had my breakfast and we had a yak. lol, i told her that she gives a better one than vincent the physio! :P shh... :P
-uncle wallace arrived, and aunty katherine had me walk into the laundry to check out some railings dad wanted to attach to the tiles. so i stood and grasped onto things as ordered, then aunty katherine had me walk back out to sparky.
-uncle wallace had a chat with me - telling me stuff like what 'hypertenacity' means. lol, but trust me, i've already forgotten. >< he also decided with me that he'll come once a fortnight, starting with next saturday. i hope he keeps his word, and doesn't come until the FOLLOWING saturday afterwards! :P
-dad made me to walk into the bathroom, but was very nice and helped dak me. i delivered a stinky unspeakable, wiped myself - and in the correct way too! as demanded by PIG mum - and i was even more surprised when he helped me yank my daks back up. then dad made me to go wash and dry my right hand, b4 he made me walk back to sparky.
-aunty katherine and uncle wallace wrote down their email addresses for me, aunty katherine saying that she expects a weekly report from me, like, what i've done, how many steps i've walked, etcetcetc.
-we said our thanks and byes, and they rocked off. dad grabbed me to sign a belated card he'd gotten for PIG mum, and i got him to sign his name with a smiley face too! and he even drew a nose :P
-PIG mum returned home, and we settled down for lunch - last night's leftovers, so: rice, 5 or so pieces of kailan, a piece or two of ham, and the same again of chicken. PIG mum kindly poured me a glass of plain milk to go with my lunch, and of course, it goes without saying that she made my left hand to hang onto the bowl as i was eating.
-i tootled online briefly until my ursula birdie arrived. so i wished her a very happy new year. and turns out today, the 17th jan, is her son, clinton's, 20th birthday! happy birthday, mate. :)
-PIG mum gleefully made me to walk into the shower, and my ursula birdie gave me a surprisingly hot shower. thanks, ursula!
-it was my first time sitting on the new showerchair, and i'm relieved to say, i didn't fall off. :P
-i had a tinkle as ursula got a towel to dry me and then redress me. oh, and a hairwash today. i introduced her to my oven mitt. :P
-once i was redressed, ursula made me walk out back to sparky, and i tootled over for some arvo tea.
-a cup of tea - PIG mum's just told me it's from the tetley line, thanks - - sweetened with one spoonful of honey, and a toasted ham, cheese and mayo sandwhich, cut into 4 squares. of course, i nibbled off all the crusts first, but then didn't feel like being dainty and so gobbled the squares all up in big gulps. :p too bad, it only had in it a single slice of cheese, so it was ENTIRELY too thin, but the pack's all finished, maybe better luck toms! oh, and it'll be alma/aman coming toms. i hope i won't need a nap again!
-oh, ursula tore me off a small bunch of grapes for arvo tea as well. she nicked 2 herself, i might add. :P
-shortly b4 6pm, ursula poured me half a glass of milk and handed me my chocolate freddo to eat. i just took 3 chomps out of it and saved the rest for another day. i mean, hey, it's gotta last all the way till friday!
-ursula flicked off the aircon and flicked on the TV at 6pm, to watch 7s news, read out by talitha cummins, sport by ben davis, forgot who did the weather, sorry, and beach by liz cantor.
-after the news, ursula made me walk to the loo. i dakked myself, sat for a tinkle, stood back up, and yanked my trousers back up. ursula then made me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, then made me to walk back to sparky.
-we watched funniest home videos for awhile, laughing at what IDIOTS some people were. :P
-PIG mum and dear dad came home at 7pm, just as we started to watch ABC's news.
-i signed my ursula birdie off at 7:30 pm, she'll come back again next saturday.
-i tootled over for dinner as dear dad took the computer, looking for hotels on for cousin teresa and her family when they come to visit over!
-dear dad prayed with me first - then i tucked in! rice tonight, with lotsa kailan and a few peices/pieces (i've forgotten how to spell, sorry. ><) of yummy chicken. all washed down with a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice. no surprises here, PIG mum made my left hand hang onto the bowl as i ate.
-i waited until dad had finished with the net and went to watch tennis with PIG mum to tootle back online.
-am going for an episode of naruto now, and the news, if there's time. i hope to see most of yous at church toms!
em. ^^
P.S. haha, you know how my dad calls my chilli sausage chilli PIG sausage? lol, well now my PIG mum just calls him 'fat pig pig'! lol, the poor thing :P

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