Wednesday, January 28, 2009

wednesday post

`Good afternoon! PIG mum made em plod 1121 steps today.that's equivalent to 330m, or 37.9 calories. :P Well, poo. Firstly, I’m having to type this in a word document, coz the net’s not working. >< PIG mum has loudly claimed that she has already turned the modem on, that it can’t be her fault … oh well. Guess I’ll just haveta keep trying. Anyways, regarding last night (i type it all out in full once every thursday, so that'll be toms.:
-just repeat everything that I typed out on Thursday. Still the same. >< oh, bar one thing:
-after a tinkle, PIG mum took pity on me and helped me to yank my daks up.
Anyways, today’s an EVENT! (my dearest daddy’s bday!) so I get to type it all out in full!
Well, I noticed that cousin teresa, uncle dick and franco made it to our place at 12:20am. Cousin teresa did pop in to bid me a happy hello, and franco raced in too, for a few seconds. Then I snored my head off, with my chilli PIG sausage snoring louder. PIG mum came to dig me up this morning, (again, no surprise here, apparently she had such a PERFECT sleep she never woke up to let me go to the loo), got me kitted, then gleefully made me walk out to the gobbling :P table. I kissed my beloved dad a very good morning and a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Then I settled down to breakfast – much thanks to dear dad who’d made us all some ham and eggs on toast, which I had with a plain glass of milk. Uncle dick made his way downstairs, so I could greet him properly, then their family started getting ready for their day out at dream/movieworld.PIG mum kindly popped me a fish oil, a bilberry, a cranberry, and 2 panadol, coz I was moaning of a headache. Then, time to go, she gleefully made me walk out to the car, where off to the logan north library we tootled, listening to jacky cheung’s ‘black’ CD. When we arrived, PIG mum transferred me to sparkles, and I wheeled myself in, PIG mum kindly providing some steering. Once in the meeting room, PIG mum gleefully made me walk in, and I took a seat. Thua began our second session. I took lotsa notes – the funniest thing was when the speaker told me he’d buy me 10 pairs of nike shoes if I’d just give him the winning lotto numbers. :P morning tea time, I wanted to pee, so PIG mum got to happily make me walk back to sparkles, and I wheeled myself into the loo. After a tinkle, I wheeled myself over to wash and dry both hands as PIG mum used the loo herself. Then I wheeled myself back to the meeting room, and snacked on 4 bikkies. PIG mum kindly made me and herself a cup of coloured water, and the session recommenced. When it finished, we broke up for the week, and I wheeled myself once more to the loo. Actually, another lady also in the STEPS program also wanted to use the loo, so she took the disabled toilets, even though she can walk just fine. Meaning PIG mum gleefully made me walk into the ladies loo and gleefully made me walk back out. I pushed myself back to the car, and PIG mum tootled us home, this time listening to westlife.of course, PIG mum gleefully made me walk in once we’d arrived, and I sat back down into sparky and rang dear dad. lunch was my favourite thousand-year-old-egg congee from aunty anne, and i washed that down with a glass of plain milk. after lunch, PIG mum decided that she was kicking me to bed, so i complied. i set the alarm to go off after an - argh, i've just lost heaps of my post! >< hour, but trust PIG mum to be SNEAKY and flick it off after i'd fallen asleep. i woke up though, around that time, and called for mum to allow me online, but she refused. >< oh well. so i slept until bernie came, and PIG mum told bernie to let me sleep till 5pm. so i snored happily away, until bernie prodded me up at 5pm. she switched me to a showerchair, and wheeled me in for a shower - hairwash today, plus a nice comfy scalp massage. so yeah, my brain's all been sucked out now. :P i went for a tinkle afterwards, then got redressed and swapped back into sparky. i tootled over for arvo tea - a toasted ham, cheese - score! bernie was a legend and gave me 2 slices! so this week has been satisfied. anymore i can get will just be a bonus. and mayo sandwhich, cut into 4 triangles. i also had a cup of australian breakfast tea, sweetened with a single spoonful of honey. bernie made herself a toasted cheese sandwhich and a cup of tea herself. as i was eating, it was already 6pm so she flicked on 7's news for us, read out by rod young and sharyn ghidella, sport by shane webcke, and weather by talitha cummins. bernie took me once more to the loo after the news, then i came out and signed her off. teresa, uncle dick and franco came home soon after, franco wearing this really cool red hat which i promptly asked him for permission to try and took a photo with! then i tootled back online as they all went for showers and cousin teresa started showing us what gifts we'd received from our family. dear dad called dinner, so i tootled over. rice tonight, with a piece of lettuce (i think) a mushroom and a yummy piece of chicken, which i of course saved for last. then mum popped me my pills which i drank down with a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice. then i tootled back online.
well, i'm waiting for when parents will call me over to cut dad's birthday cake for him!i'll go put this into my taleofepic2 blog, then go read the news, i guess. goodnite!
em. ^^
P.S. i found and corrected 1 error in my post tonight.

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