Sunday, January 25, 2009

monday post9

argh, 3rd time lucky. >< my silly left hand keeps falling on the escape button and wiping everything out. ><
anyways, today, PIG mum gleefully made em plod 325 steps. not a lot, i know, but i promise that there will be more toms! and, regarding last night:
-just repeat everything that i typed out on thursday. still the same. ><
anyways, today's an EVENT ( australia day AND chinese new year!), so i get to type it all out in full!
so em was a happy pig this morning, snoring along with my chilli PIG sausage. :P dear grandma rang to wish us all a happy new year, and she told me over the phone that i had a red pocket waiting for me when i got back to HK at the end of this year. i told her to just give it to baby mickey, to which she replied, 'nah, he's already got one. this one's all yours." after our phone chat, PIG mum dug me up, got me kitted then gleefully made me walk out to sparky, as ding dong! the whole fong family (haha yeah, all 3 of them) arrived to pay us a visit. so i plopped my bum into sparky and tootled over to bid them all a very happy australia day as well as a very happy chinese new year. and they'd brought me breakfast too! muesli (sp?) bars! some berry flavour, that jessie recommends. so i munched one down, with a glass of plain milk. then mum told us to go play wii. last time jessie came over, she'd already made a mii, so we jumped right into it! first, i saved myself a little dignity by beating her in the tennis, then she well and truly got me by WHOOPING me the bowling! by, like, 50 points. ><" we played 4 players, so i had myself and slam (uncle stephen) and jessie had herself and kwany. we traded red pockets b4 they left; i told dad that i was starving, so he sent me to watch the tennis as he whipped up some western fried rice. i had that with another glass of plain milk, while PIG mum gleefully made my left hand hang onto the bowl as i ate.
PIG mum rocked off to pig land, leaving me to watch some tennis - the g-string-wearing rafael nadal against ... lol, i can't remember! i watched until rafa had taken the first set, then much thanks to dad who flicked the net on and allowed me online briefly. PIG mum awoke from her snoozings, and gave me a barely-lukewarm shower, hairwash today. i was rather surprised, i admit, that she only made my left hand scrub various parts of my body 40-odd times. i rolled back online, and our guests for dinner soon started arriving. uncle tyrone was the first one, soon followed by dear pole, who had bought a grape cake, or sth like that, to share. then aunty a arrived, and last of all yancey's family, a little late coz yancey had to go ice-skating. uncle tyrone and dad fired up the BBQ, and soon we started eating. pole and some adults had the most REVOLTING :P red wine i had ever tasted, and i had some chicken wing, pork, beef and lamb. oh, and some potato salad, pasta salad, and some fresh lettuce. thanks to PIG mum who poured me a yummy, if unfortunately HEAVILY watered-down pear juice. then i joined pole and yancey to watch the tennis. not for long, coz i felt nature calling me, so i told PIG mum, who immediately stopped me in my tracks, and happily made me walk to the bathroom. she also made me yank my own daks down, then left me alone to do my business, so i delivered a stinky unspeakable :P and wuped myself, b4 i called PIG mum, who happily made me walk over to wash and dry my right hand, then happily made me walk back to sparky, where she plopped me back into the couch and i watched some more tennis with pole and yancey. and, according to yancey, tsonga looks like a monkey. :P cake time, PIG mum and pole helped me back to sparkless, and i tootled over for the cake ceremony. we sang happy bday to dad and pole, (i did the hip hips, of course :P), took photos, then aunty a divied(sp?
) up the cake and served it out on yellow napkins. then, yancey set to thrashing her dad, my dad and myself in wii tennis, while i got pole to follow in yancey's stead and draw sth on our fast-filling-up whiteboard. time for everyone to go, i made pole walk along the 2 red lines dad had stuck up for me to make sure that she was still sober. :P i've rolled back online to finish my blog, then i guess it's pig time for me. :P oh, i've sent victor upstairs to keep PIG mum company at night, i'll swap her a new one every month.
anyways, so ends my post for today - we're back to the spotty points :P toms, but not for long, coz the 28th is my dearest dad's bday! goodnite!
em. ^^

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