good evening! TWFT topic is "what's your vision for the new year (4)" and em was hard at work plodding 1926 steps today. eep, PIG mum's forcing me off to bed in like, twenty minutes! typetypetype~
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot once last night and once again this morning without plummeting to her death! :P o_O
-this morning, when PIG mum got up for work, i swung myself over to the pot once more, took off that bloody annoying splint, tucked ela's thumb back in for some happy sleep, then cuddled emperor egg :P (i keep forgetting his name; PIG mum keeps reminding me that his name starts with the letter 'e', so my first guess is always 'umm ... egg?") and counted/sang myself back into some heavy-duty snoring. :P
-when tess arrived, the first thing she did was poke me awake and shove some plastic container of food under my nose to show me what she'd brought me. but since she didn't say anything other than to poke me awake and shove the bag for my eyes to see, i didn't say anything either, until she took it away. besides, without my glasses on, i wasn't really sure of what i was staring at, anyway. :p
-tess got me kitted, Forced me to walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. i enjoyed my once a week opportunity/luxury to balance the toothbrush on the cup and just squirt the toothpaste out like that, how i used to do it EVEN BEFORE GOD STRUCK ME DOWN WITH A BRAIN TUMOUR.
-tess Forced me to walk to the toilet. i did a stinky unspeakable, wiping myself too. tess came back, Forced me to walk over and flush the toilet; i clung to the towelrack and sidestepped to wash and dry era, then tess Forced me to walk out to the gobbling table. still no armchair, but i got to sit on one of those chairs that has the thin sticks for a backrest that i can grip tightly to. so i felt safer, if not entirely safe. :)
-thanks to tess for breakfast! she gave me two blueberry pastries! (i wonder why blueberries are actually reddish? :P) i also drank a cuppa, white and two, 'incorrectly'.
-tess Forced me to walk over, sit on the couch and play an entire hour of wii. i ended up playing four games of bowling, and scored 94, 98, 124 and 128, my new PB!
-tess took me once more to the loo, then handed me one of her library books to read out aloud. i forgot the title, sorry, but it's on what to say to someone going through difficult times in their lives. she gave ela a short massage, said i was being painted white.
-tess bought her daughters a giant LCD for xmas! lucky elsa-jane and carlem!
-when she left, PIG mum came home, and lunch was half a bowl of two min noodles with lotsa cos lettuce and a few small chunks of meat. chicken? pork? lol, either one.
-i tootled online till chrissy arrived. less than five mins late, today.
-she Forced me to walk to the laundry for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today. i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped the water off, one more while i was drying myself. i got creamed, rekitted, had a last tinkle when chrissy was jamming my AFO on.
-arvo tea was two gingerbread bikkies PIG mum had picked up at work from one of her colleagues (sp?)!there was one with green icing and a pink smartie, and another with pink icing and a green smartie. chrissy made me a cuppa, also white and two, sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of sugar, my second and last cup of the day i cpould hold 'incorrectly'.
-we both read our novels. as always, i asked her to please give ela a massage at 5:40; today, she refused to start till just after 5:50! ela was being painted orange today, BTW.
-i signed chrissy off, said my byes and thanks. PIG mum made me walk over to the couch, where i sat and watched seven's news, read out by sharyn ghidella, sport by rohan welsh, and weather by talitha cummins. the most interesting surname i found was 'harlem'.
-PIG mum and dearest dad went for a date-walk! :P dad left me the walkie-talkie and i told him to hold hands with PIG mum, for a 'proper' date. :p
-ONE MORE LOO TRIP BEFORE WE HAD DINNER; NO GUES - sorry, shrieking! >< - no guesses as to who forced who to do everything.
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsal ittle tong vegetable, and a little bit of yummy mushroom and chicken. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the bowl as i ate, whatever. sunday's the hardest day for poor ela; usually, i get at least two hours a day to tuck her inside when the carer's here, but on sunday, with no bible study or carer ... >< i think the only few minutes poor ela can sneak in for a few minutes of respite is the few mins we're in the car. :(
-dinner was washed down with a yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice, which i was very careful to hold 'correctly'.
-PIG mum made me walk back online, stuck the paintbrush for ela to grasp onto. but she'll be forcing me off to bed soon ... ai, it really is unfortunate that she fins that much perverse pleasure in restricting me to a PISSY two hours online while she can stay online till 3am, if she so chooses! ><
-toms: just church. think the combined services are over, meaning PIG mum will get to gleefully force poor em to walk the long way down to the hall, and also gleefully force poor ela to hang onto the rail when i go to the loo after the service ends.
-but here's the first thing on my birthday wishlist! i NEED a two piece feed from KFC! i can honestly say that i haven't had one since SEPTEMBER, 2009! unless naz is working toms, then i'll go to him for a kebab. :)
em. ^^
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