Monday, December 19, 2011

tuesday post74

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1658 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's "don't be afraid of failure (1)" and thirdly, i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-FOUR MINUTES online tonight after amanda leaves!!!! righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P three times last night and once more @ 5:50am. then i spent the ten minutes till 6am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then i cuddled john doe2 and successfully fell back asleep with him, waking briefly to kiss dearest dad good-bye and to use the pot :P once more when he left for work.
-then i snored, and snored, and SNORED! XD i also used the pot :P @ least three more times, before PIG mum came to poke me with "fifteen more minutes."
-the funny thing was that she actually gave me THIRTY more minutes! usually, after giving me "fifteen more minutes," she's back before i reach the eighteen minute mark!
-when i swung myself over to the pot :P once for three more tinkles, PIG mum explained that she'd been reading the bible.
-after she got me kitted, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table, where she gleefully, pointlessly and therefore spitefully forced poor ela to open the tap five times.
-hey, amanda's here, like seven minutes early! bbl, then~
em. ^^

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