Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tuesday post24b

good evening! em's final plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 3887. anyways, the rest of today's events?
-PIG mum tootled us off to some place to help me find a paid job and gleefully FORCED :( me to walk inside.
-directed towards some room, much thanks to the lady who offered me a cuppa and made me one. :)
-more talking to the lady we met the first time and another lady with a very interesting name! too bad PIG mum won't lemme type it here, though.oh well. we also met this guy who does like workshops with ppl trying to find work. he asked me if i knew how to work consoles.
-when we left, i was about to ask PIG mum if we could please try the potato thing from naz, when she suggested we have lunch @ maccas! i was cool with that~
-but the disabled carpark was already taken. >< luckily, the one beside it was free, and PIG mum parked there, before gleefully FORCING me to walk inside.
-i said i was happy to eat a chicken wrap if PIG mum would lemme drink a choc shake - i'm pretty sure i haven't had one all year! - but the big meaniepoo refused. :( oh well. we both ate this mcdouble instead, and shared a regular chips and also drank a medium orange juice each, too. PIG mum read the australian; i red the courier mail.
-after gleefully FORCING :( me to walk back out to the car, PIG mum tootled us home so i could do a stinky unspeakable. then 'twas time for my bloody torture session with vincent the evil physio. ><
-but crap, nature called! prolly coz PIG mum had given me two mugs of water when i last went to the bathroom. meaning vincent the physio Forced me to walk all the way to the loo - where there weren't any disabled toilets! >< so i screwed up my courage and walked in there myself. thankfully, the first cubicle was free, and i found that i could hold onto the giant toilet roll holder for some support. funny thing was, that after i'd sat down, vincent the physio called me! when i ignored him, he called me again! still i chose to ignore him, but when he immediately called a third time, i decided i'd better answer him. then i walked back out myself, skipping the hand-washing part (sorry!) "what," i teased him, "if i still didn't answer you, would you have summoned up your courage and barged into the girls toilets to rescue me?" :P 'of course not," he replied. 'but i saw like, seven women in there! were you all sharing the same toilet together?" i taught him that, unlike boys who share a public urinal, girls have separate cubicles each. :p
-anyways, he Forced me to walk back to his store, where he gleefully forced me to stand on that bloody wobble board for seventeen, maybe eighteen minutes! it was ten, but he added one more minute for every time my hands touched sth. i tried to explain to him that ela doesn't know where she is, but he didn't care, and just added another minute everytime she accidentally brushed against sth. ><
-PIG mum tootled us home and i tootled online until nobuko came!
-nobuko came and gave me a nice hot shower - hairwash today.
-i had one tinkle before nobuko flipped off the hot water, dried and creamed myself. nobuko rekitted me then led me out to the gobbling :P table for my arvo tea, saying she'd return to the bathroom to clean it up while i was eating.
-yay, thanks to nobuko who gave me the perfect arvo tea! a toasted cheese - yup, two slices - ham and mayo sandwhich, cut into four squares. i drank one cup of tea sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey 'incorrectly'. she made herself one cup of coffee, then sat down and had a yak with me.
-did you know, she met her hubby online! she's also a step-mum now, to two boys, one aged sixteen, the other seventeen. and apparently, 'step-mum' in japanese is 'mamahaha'?
-@ 5;30, nobuko gave ela a massage, painting her yellow today.
-then @ 5;55pm, she took me once more to the toilet. i tried to return online after that, but she explained the evil, horrible PIG mum had already ruled that i could only sit @ the table. ><
-but she turned on the television for me. firstly, i watched some lucky woman win seventy-five grand on deal or no deal, then seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by shane webcke and weather by john schluter.
-PIG mum awoke from pigland :P and took me once to the toilet, of course gleefully forcing me to do everything myself. i tried to return online again, but was still prevented by evil PIG mum, who gleefully forced poor em on 45+ mins of exercises for ela, the UQ home program plus calf stretching.
-eep, thirty minutes left! typetypetype~
-finally, dinner. pasta tonight, with lotsa yummy cauliflower, one truly disgusting mussel (which i spat out :P) and one tiny morsel of pork and beef each. of course, heartless PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, meaning i very deliberately held my yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice 'incorrectly' afterwards to drink.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo, again gleefully forcing me to do everything. but i'm finally online now, till 9;45pm. :)
-toms: sweet, no hydro! firstly, coz of my poor head midget (my 2IC third has offered to provide the last rites for it:P) and coz i've got my monthlies. think i'll try my chances of begging PIG mum to please take me to see a movie! then i can get that potato from naz! i've zero idea who's coming to shower me toms, but i must remember to ring alice! coz ngan's already said she can't take me to garbo on thursday - but surely someone will! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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