Thursday, March 24, 2011

friday post 42

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1820 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'insights into ageing (2), thirdly, em's still owed ONE HOUR and TWO MINUTES online after hina leaves tonight!!! but i've already recorded that down into my spreadsheet, so all's good. :)oh, almost forgot; and forthly, the spam count for the week's twenty-nine. anyways, today's events?
-another great sleep last night! :D i only got up and used the pot :P when dearest dad came and kissed me good-bye before leaving for work. :)
-once dad left, @ 8:05a,. i immediately went back to sleep, coz i wanted the chance to fall back asleep before PIG mum poked me awake, and i realised i prolly wouldn't have enough time for that if i had a silent chat to percy the angel/saint first.
-after PIG mum gave me fifteen more minutes, i swung myself over to the pot :P for two tinkles, before PIG mum got me kitted for the day. finally, she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen, where she gleefully forced poor ela to open and close taps taps several times, gleefully forced her to pour milk and gleefully forced her to get weetbix. era helped by scooping me one heaped spoonful of honey. :) but trust PIG mum 2b a party pooper and snap that i got too much and that next time, she'll do that herself. *sigh* i'm prepared for one exceedingly thin spoonful of honey come monday. :(
-after breakfast, i took one small mouthful from the required mug of water 'incorrectly', and i also took my drugs - one fish oil, one bilberry, one cranberry and one garlic - with another mouthful of water, cup still held 'incorrectly'.
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her seatbelt all day, and we also listened to the corrs all day.
-PIG mum tootled me off to UQ for physio.
-*sigh* PIG mum wouldn't even TRY park in the closest car spot coz 'the other car's too close'. then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk up to the loo, where she of course forced poor em to dak herself. finally, @ the waiting area, she flounced off to pay without passing me a magazine. >< luckily, some random guy passed and handed me the woman's weekly magazine with julia gillard gracing the front cover. :) meaning i got MAJORLY dissed by PIG mum after she got back from paying, but hey, like the saying goes:"sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me."
-sophie came and Forced me to walk into the physio gym. well, @ first i was walking well, holding onto her hand, but she shook my hand off hers and i walked like crap the rest of the way. :(
-i did some sit-to-stand practice with wally, and i also walked two lengths up and back down the hallway, in that 'physio behind you while you hold onto her hands' position, meaning erf went past elf with every step, no problem. :)
-i ended with about five minutes of standing practice and some work with ela.
-PIG mum took me to the toilet once more, then tootled me off to plaza to see naz for a kebab. :)
-actually, i got a spud off him. i also rang dearest dad, who said he was @ geebung. then aunty catherine and joey came and had lunch with us! PIG mum got aunty catherine to buy her a chicken wrap from hungry jack's for her, while aunty catherine got a whopper stunner deal and joey got a kebab.
-we yakked and chatted happily, PIG mum incessantly ordering to eat faster coz she didn't wanna be late for my acupuncture session.
-once @ the good health medical centre, PIG mum took me once to the toilet. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to dak herself. then i went outside to wash both hands and dry ela while she went herself.
-back outside, thanks to PIG mum who handed me a copy of woman's weekly, which i read until dr. lin called me inside.
-there was some med student with her today that spoke canto! think her name was phylis. (sp?)
-dr. lin must've been very busy today; she never came back to flick the needles! also, PIG mum claims i fell asleep!
-before we left, PIG mum took me once more to the loo.
-in the car, i opened my belated birthday present from dr. lin - a new wallet! :D
-and i popped online once we got home.
-well, hina should arrive in about fifteen minutes; hope she remembers my card and present! :D
-also fingers crossed i can come back online tonight!
em. ^^

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