Friday, March 18, 2011

friday post42b

good evening! em's final plodding total for friday now stands @ 3968. righteo, today's events?
-breakfast was my yummy sausage bun i'd bought last night with hina. :)
-physio @ UQ. PIG mum was her usual horrid self who flounced off to pay without passing me a gossip mag to read; much thanks to the old guy that told me his wife sees the physio coz she's got a bung knee/shoulder then passed me that woman's weekly with julia gillard on the front cover.
-sophie came, Forced me to walk into the gym.
-with wally in front of me, they took off elf's footwear then i did several sit-to-stands.
-katrina came behind me, lemme hold her hands then Forced me to walk two laps of the hallway. erf passed elf no probs each time, coz ela and era were holding onto kat's hands.
-back inside the gym, i did some work in the parallel bars.
-finally, i ended with some work for ela.
-PIG mum took me to the loo once before she tootledme off to see naz for a kebab and a milkshake. :)
-i told him that i was turning twenty-four on sunday - he told me he was only turning sixteen! :Pand he gave me one of those lychee lolly cube as a bday present! :D
-i rang dearest dad when PIG mum went to get her own lunch; he told me he was eating lunch @ strathpine.
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk back to the 4WD then tootled me off to pincushion practice. >< o_O :P she also took me to the toilet once before and after.
-back home, i tootled online until hina arrived - five minutes late today.
-one nice hot shower for me - hairwash today. thanks muchly to hina who rinsed my hair for me, leaving era to hold my right eye closed.
-i had one tinkle before hina flipped off the nice hot water; hina dried me and i had another tinkle, then i got creamed. hina rekitted me, then i had one last tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps. lastly, hina rinsed the floor once for me, then i held her wrist and walked out to the gobbling :P table for arvo tea.
-yummy! i got one slice of that delicious orange and poppyseed cake that uncle stephen made for me! :D i also drank one cup of tea, white sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey, 'incorrectly'.
-hina started giving ela a massage just after 5:20pm, painting her white with orange spots today.
-hina took me once more to the loo just before 6pm, before i signed her off, said my thanks and byes. maybe she's back on tuesday.
-i'm just listening to the end of nine's news simulcast on river 94.9FM.
-SHINE fellowship tonight! :)
-toms; tess comes @ 10am. there's zero chance the parents will let us hit sizzlers for lunch to celebrate my birthday. prolly not even coffee club. :( but jack can't come for tutoring toms; hopefully i can spend a couple of good hours online! :) well, the final spam count for the week's still forty; hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. i'll post about hitting garbo with hina last night toms.

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