Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tuesday Post 327

 Good afternoon! Firstly, today I've been hard @ work plodding 3618 steps (ha, last night I said I was positive I'd crack 3.5 grand some other day, and I've immediately done so! XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's "Don't Spread Discouragement' but thirdly and way most importantly, I'm really still owed SEVENTEEN MINUTES online after watching Nine's 6pm news!! Anyways, events for today?

  • For my first game of Bejeweled ending @ 4:41, I lasted 5:24. Now, lemme play one more game of Bejeweled lasting in between six and seven minutes, and I'll promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • Yay, awesome sleep last night! Nature didn't call until 6:20am, and after one pot :P trip I spend ten minutes beginning a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I need to get through today with, giving PIG mum all the pleasure, all the satisfaction and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she can be happy and/or satisfied. It doesn't sound very fair, but she's taught me through her actions, if not through her words, that it's enough she's happy and/or satisfied, and I guess whenever that happens, I've just got to grit my teeth and endure. >< *sigh*
  • Then I have a massive snore and don't wake again until PIG mum comes to gimme some eye goo just before 9am! I use the pot :P once again and wait for Hannah's arrival @ 9am~
  • Promptly @ 9am, Hannah announces her arrival. After PIG mum lets her in, she knocks on my door, pushes it open and says "Good morning, Em. Fifteen more minutes?" Somehow Tim has fallen off Era's shoulder and I can't wave him @ her, instead, Era just waves 'shoo' @ Hannah,  who gets the message and withdraws. XD
  • When Hannah comes back, I use the pot :P for one tinkle and she gets me kitted for the day. After I head over to the bathroom to brush teeth (thanks to Hannah who squirts me some toothpaste; Ela enjoys her first break this week), I sit over the loo for one tinkle, coming out when I realise I feel like doing a stinky unspeakable.
  • Breakfast is one bowl of bird food (what Dr. Ku calls All-Bran XD), all my usual drugs :P and one full mug of water. Thanks to Hannah who turned on the television for my viewing pleasure and made me one mug of white tea with two sugars after the parents left for shopping! XD Over breakfast,  I spent another ten minutes continuing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay. I find it's exceedingly important to constantly remind the cruel and unfaithful God that He has no bearing  on  my good day whatsoever, that I am perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him, because my good day's dependent on my own good attitude. If only God would remember that ... *sigh* He created the phrase 'live and let live', so why the heck can't He lemme live the free, independent life that I deserve? Okay, fair enough, we all only deserve death because of Him, but why can't He just lemme live the life that nearly everyone else gets to live?? *sigh*
  • Now @ 7:28pm I've finished another game of Bejeweled lasting 6:06. That's today's quotas satisfied, and now I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD Actually, I also promise not to play again until toms, coz I've actually played one more memorable game lasting 7:26 and a fourth lasting 9:43!
  • Breakfast finished, I get myself cutlery for lunch and dinner before going and doing a stinky unspeakable. I also lean fully against the side rail, finishing  my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!
  • After washing and drying Era, I climbed into Hannah's tank and she tootled me off to Underwood Marketplace.
  • Mother randomly said I had like thirteen/fifteen bucks leftover to buy myself a belated Christmas present with? Since Santa hadn't brought me a teddy bear for Christmas, I went to Kmart and bought myself a medium
  • Cheers,

  • Em. ^^
    P.S. Just watched Nine's 6pm news for the 155TH time! All the interesting surnames I saw: Hegarty, Wheeler, Diklich, Saul, Naturn (first name), Auld, Palaszczuk (heard, Berejiklian, Paine, Trump (heard), Biden (heard), Maxwell, Epstein (heard), Navalny, Van Der Kloosetter, Cawte, De Brenni, Calbert (heard), Dry, Hill, Kearsley, Cavallaro, Proctor, Ruston, Goldie, Loughlin, Gyte (heard), Greer, Valerius, Hay (heard), Torvill, Siraj, Rahane, Starc, Burns, Umesh, Jedega, Pucovski (heard), Muling (heard), Pant, Rashid, Federer (heard), Kokkinakos (heard), Thansi (first name), Bolt, Sock, Carney, Shearer and Woolley 1AUD = 75.96USc..Ebony Cavallaro read the weather report. Brisbane was 22-31 today. Mt. Gravatt toms: 22 -27 . Sunrise 4:54am Sunset  6:46pm

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