Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday post

good afternoon!no TWFT email has arrived in my inbox yet, and i think i've still got a couple of mins left to me after we come back from dinner with mr. hall tonight to put up my final plodding total for monday. my copy and paste function still hates me :P ><, so toms (being the 1st december) i'll type it all (ie. everything that i used to stick up once every thursday) out once.
righteo, what happened today?
-firstly, go em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot :P once last night without plummeting to her death. :p
-when dearest dad woke up for work this morning, em swung herself around to use the pot :Ponce more. dad took off that bloody annoying hand splint off, that keeps ela's thumb from tucking in gently at night for eight hours of sleep, same as era gets. ela was going to put her thumb back in, but bear bear kindly offered his paw to hang onto, so ela happily held hands with bear bear as i went back into some heavy-duty snoring. :P
-i swung myself over to use the pot :P once more sometime after dearest dad had left for work, then kept snoring away. :P
-PIG mum came to poke me awake a few hours later. i swung myself around to use the pot :P once more, only felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so much thanks to PIG mum who rolled me into the bathroom, handed me a mug of water to drink - which i was very careful to hold 'correctly', of course - and helped me wipe afterwards. i got kitted, washed and dried both hands, and went for one more tinkle before PIG mum rolled me back into my room. oh, and today being the last day of november, i chewed short the fingernails on my right hand. the left ones aren't long enough to chew off yet.
-PIG mum made ! (anytime the symbol ! appears after the word 'made', it tells you to PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of last thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><) me walk out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-two yummy weet-bix with half a dab of honey.
-thanks to PIG mum who popped me my drugs :P afterwards. one fish oil, one bilberry and one cranberry. i think PIG mum said we're out of garlic tablets, or sth?
-PIG mum made ! me walk out to the car. of course, she forced me to buckle my own seatbelt (sth she's gleefully forced poor em to do all day), then tootled us off to UQ for physio, listening to my car CD (what we listened to all day).
-oh dear, no parking available for us. >< so PIG mum just quickly made ! me walk to the loo, made ! me walk over to wash and dry both hands, and made ! me walk to the waiting area. somehow, she got pissed with how i sat down, and refused to hand me a mag, just flounced off to pay. so much thanks to the elderly gentleman who passed me an issue of woman's weekly.
-abirami and malika came for me. they lent me a walkbelt, then Forced me to walk inside the gym.
-first i lay down on a plinth and they did some sort of sensation test on me. then we did more than twenty sit-to stands.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo before driving us home, unsurprisingly snapping a no at my polite requests to go to naz for a kebab for lunch.
-but dearest dad was already home when we arrived!
-lunch: rice, lotsa bok choy, a few strips of ... lol, i've forgoten! >< beef, pork, chicken? well, some meat. of course, PIG mum forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl as i ate, oh well.
-sorry, correction:PIG mum popped me my drugs :P after lunch, not after breakfast. again, i was extremely careful to hold the cup 'correctly'.
-PIG mum kindly helped me change the dressings on my hands.
-PIG mum made ! me walk over to the computer switch, gleefully forced me to bend awkwardly down to flick it on, before she made ! me walk back to the computer.
-after writing out an xmas card to mr. hall first, i tootled online. yay, janelle says i can come visit her toms!
-anyways, am going to surf the net now, do other things. chrissy's coming in the arvo, and taking me to bloody hydro. argh. >< but tonight should be fun! dinner at the glen with mr. hall!
em. ^^

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