Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ednesday post

good evening! today, em was hard @ work plodding 2420 steps. anyways, i've just realised that the stuff i typed earlier was all under the title "monday's post". whoops! ><" but here's the rest of today's events:
-PIG mum tootled us off to unique physiotherapy. argh, torture session with vincent the physio. >< even worse, PIG mum was mean and refused to buy me any sushi for lunch. >< "you can just have banana on bread, declares she." ><
-PIG mum tootled us home, and i let erf sit sideways for the last trip of the day. PIG mum hauled me up the stairs, aunty wendy took me to the loo once, then i sat in aunty a's room.
-awesome, aunty wendy brought me lunch! thanks to herrwho made yummy fried rice - with apple! 'twas yummy, indeed. :)
-then i read my bookclub novel, did sudoku and chatted with aunty wendy.
-aunty wendy took me to the loo once more before i tootled online and waited for chrissy's (late :P) arrival.
-funny thing, aunty anne and PIG mum had both disappeared! which left chrissy to lead me down the stairs. i enjoyed my one opportunity to hold onto the side rail. much safer. :)
-a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had a tinkle before chrissy flipped off the hot water, dried and creamed myself, had another tinkle. chrissy rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle as she was jamming on elf's AFO.
-chrissy Forced me to walk to the freezer to get the bread, Forced me to walk to the fridge for the cheese - too bad, she only allowed one slice, so it was ENTIRELY too thin - ham and mayo, Forced me to walk to the benchtop to make myself a cuppa, then Forced me to walk back to my seat.
-she asked permission to pour herself a mug of milk, then we just sat down together. i got to hold the cuppa 'incorrectly', and we just yakked away.
-as always, i asked chrissy to please give ela a massage @ 5:40pm, today, she refused to start till almost 5:50. then i got painted silver today.
-before chrissy left, she turned the television on for me, and Forced me to walk over to the couch. seven's news was read out by rod young and kay mcgrath, sport by pat welsh (i think :P) and weather by john schluter.
-when i flipped channels to watch SBS's world news, PIG mum came downstairs to gleefully force poor em to plod thirty minutes on that bloody treadmill. ><
-then i sat opposite dearest dad and completed my second sudoku for the day while PIG mum claimed to plod her own thirty minutes.
-dinner: rice, lotsa cauliflower, some chicken. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-dinner was washed down with a mug of fruit and vegetable juice, then a mug of water, coz i told PIG mum i'd felt like doing a stinky unspeakable.
-so she hauled me up the stairs. thanks to dad who passed me a second mug of water.
-afterwards, PIG mum made me walk over to wash both hands, made me walk over to dry both hands, and made me walk to my old room, where i tootled online.
-thanks to PIG mum who took me to the loo once afterwards.
-dearest grandma rang!!!!! i'm so worried for her; i can only pray god will keep her safe and well ...
-anyways, toms: flu jab in the morning, UQ physio in the arvo. then evelyn's taking me out to garbo! yeah~
-anyways, sorry for any mistakes tonight; i want to quickly grab my facebook fix before PIG mum forces me off to bed. hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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