Saturday, January 7, 2012

sunday post78b

hello again! em's new plodding total for sunday now stands @ 2537 and i'm still owed FORTY-FIVE MINUTES online after i have a shower (poor ela ><)!! righteo, continuing today's events?
-when pole and christy jie arrived, they sat on the couch and we just chatted, until dad wandered over and said he'd made 'foo jook' (say that in canto) sweet dessert soup for us! so, after i went to the loo once, we all settled down to a bowl each. mine came with half a boiled egg, which of course i saved for last.
-the parents have invited pole, christy jie and a whole heap of other people over to our place for a BBQ next sunday! mayhaps that can double up as an early birthday bash for dearest dad?
-when they left, PIG mum ordered me to walk them out, then i went to the loo once more before plopping back online.
-*sigh* think i'll really haveta contact SUFY and see if they can organise anyone who can come help me with a shower on sunday; jenny's totally useless. :( righteo, hopefully bbl tonight!
em. ^^

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