Sunday, September 2, 2012

saturday post 106

good afternoon! firstly, i've been hard @ work plodding 4245 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's 'father's day: if you don't - who will?' and thirdly, the spam count for the weekend's five. righteo, events for today?
-actually, just events very briefly today, coz we're expecting reverend lam, his wife and dr. dr. tai over for dinner tonight!
-breakfast was one slice of toast with a dot of butter and yummy lemon jam. i drank a mug of warm horlicks 'incorrectly'.
-dad tootled us off to church; aunty a took bible study from john.
-for service, i sang the harmony for the response song and the bridge for another that split into boys and girls parts.
-pastor chris spoke today, but said uncle/pastor chong will speak next week about the crucifixion and squeaky ross farley the week after that!
-after that, the cantonese congregation piled in for father's day sharing! mel cheung spoke first, then some random boy.
-i went downstairs to the loo, then pushed in line and got my one level plate of food for the church luncheon.
-dunno where the parents sat; i sat with a group of SHINE fellowship people - and alfee was back! :D
-after lunch, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then left me with all the SHINE ppl. lol, earlier, she'd picked up baby karis, and managed to endear herself to the lil bub so much that when grandpa uncle peter cheung tried to take her into his arms, her mouth twisted into a scowl! XD poor uncle peter's prolly heartbroken, now. XD
-dad also had a turn carrying her around; indeed, thomas told me, "you can have her tonight. remember, she stays in your room and sleeps in bed with you!" i simply retorted, "and if dad comes banging on our front door in the middle of the night, wailing for his daughter's return, can i simply slam the door in your face?" XD
-alfee wandered over for a chat; useless me got slightly teary. >< but she and dr. dr. tai both prayed for me, then alfee helped me into the fellowship room.
-lol, i was just in time to sing amazing grace for my most beloved grandma. :)
-today, we did bible study from john chapter seven, i think. i discussed questions with vicky, bernard and chef dude (vincent?); many thanks for bernard who simply pushed my chair into position when we were reforming for thomas to wrap up.
-after fellowship, PIG mum tootled me home then demanded i shower, poor ela. ><
-after my shower, i munched the second half of my yummy toastie - lol, combined with yesterday's half; it means i've had a perfect one! :D
-afterwards, i walked myself slowly and safely online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over. i also drank one yummy mint green tea 'incorrectly'.
-doubt i'll come back tonight because of our dinner guests!
-toms: FINALLY! PIG mum's allowing my attendance for a STEPS lunch! actually, it's just a talk, but hopefully, there'll be lunch afterwards.
-and carol's coming in the arvo to watch me shower.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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