Friday, September 14, 2012

saturday post 108

good afternoon! firstly, i've been hard @ work plodding 995 steps today (it's always a tiny plodding total on saturdays, coz i stay @ home all day; in fact, i think pedro is just trying to show how much he loves me, coz i kinda doubt i've walked almost a thousand steps today! XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's 'gracious words'. righteo, events for today?
~i used the pot :P once last night, once again this morning and once more when PIG mum left for work @ 7:50am. then i spent the ten minutes till 8am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-cuddling bear bear and returning to sleep with him, i woke once more to use the pot :P but successfully fell back asleep again before tessa arrived @ 10am.
-only i called out to tessa to please help me up @ 10:25am (usually, she lets me sleep till like 10:40! XD) coz i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable!
-so tess got me kitted, we went over together where i brushed my teeth (thanks to tess who'd already prepared everything for me), drank one tall mug of water 'incorrectly' then went and did a stinky unspeakable, also leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to percy.
-afterwards, i went over to wash and dry era, before tess and i headed out to the gobbling :P table together.
-even though the horrid parents have forbidden tess from bringing any cool/yummy food to share with me like she used to, saturday's are still my favourite breakfast days coz dad makes ham and eggs! today was a special plus, coz he used thinly sliced spam ham! :D tess also fed me an extra half slice of bread from aldi with some butter and strawberry jam. :) oh, and i drank one mug of tea, sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey, 'incorrectly'.
-afterwards, i read fanfiction on tessa's iphone while she massaged ela for one full hour!
-at midday, she took me once more to the loo for three tinkles and made me one mug of warm horlicks, my third mug to hold 'incorrectly'.
-i rang little mickey pig, and he answered! mickey said aunty nga had gone to sai wan ho and that he was attending a birthday party tonight! when i asked him who's birthday it was, he said, "mine" even though his birthday's not until the 20th!
-aunty lai answered that question, though, when i rang her next. "oh, we're going out to a buffet dinner to celebrate his birthday early."
-before she left, tess took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. she's going to mind jasmine for three hours now. oh, and rodel rang tesa's phone around 12:45; dunno why he's got a private number, though. i answered it for tess, coz she was outside with the washing.
-shortly after tess left, dad rang to reassure me that he'd be home soon.
-but then a funny thing happened! PIG mum returned home, then realised she'd forgotten her keys! i heard her banging against the door, and was just about to get up, walk to the door and let her in, when she rang!
-walking out to the door's easy, coz the wall's on my right hand side and the right's my good side; walking back into the gobbling :P table, however, is harder, coz the wall's on my left! PIG mum had left to check our mailbox, but i walked myself slowly and safely back to the gobbling :P table, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-lunch was about half a bowl of tessa's yummy fried rice, with lotsa yummy wombok. the only thing that PIG mum and i both discovered, however, is that tessa adds PEPPER into the fried rice! ugh. XD
-thanks to PIG mum who made me one yummy mug of mint green tea. yes, i couldn't resist and sucked the teabag once. XD
-afterwards, i walked myself slowly and safely back to the computer and online, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-anyways, i'll need the loo once more @ 3:30pm, but then i've got free reading time until dominique arrives @ 4pm, yay!
-must remember to complete the bible study homework that thomas so kindly translated into english for me this arvo, BTW.
-and alas, dad's restricting me to just half a bloody toastie again, ARGH. ah, hopefully he'll remember to leave me the second half for toms arvo when i get back from SHINE fellowship!
-the slams and aunty a (if i can find her) are coming over for dinner tonight!
-as for toms: just church, definitely nothing special.
-well, SHINE fellowship after lunch @ little singapore's pretty special!
-righteo, fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope to see everyone @ church toms!
em. ^^

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