Sunday, September 23, 2012

sunday post 111c

good evening! em's new final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 3992 (lol, i promise i'll pass four grand with my final, final plodding total later tonight XD) and joni's devotional topic's "mrs. sherman's treasures." righteo, continuing today's events?
-unfortunately, i didn't get the chance to try nine's news, coz PIG mum ordered i go shower. poor ela. :(
-obviously, i washed and rinsed my own hair today. PIG mum also gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts about forty times, and afterwards, i dried and rekitted myself, PIG mum only helping with only elf's AFO.
-alas, back outside, 'twasn't time for dinner, coz PIG mum was eager to gleefully force me on those wall exercises that the guy @ the STEPS lunch taught us, followed by ages of stick exercises, then finally culminating in fifteen minutes of a painful calf stretch.
-one more toilet trip for two tinkles. of course, PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything.
-dinner tonight: the last remnants of tessa's yummy fried rice, lotsa lettuce, onion, and three strands of that chicken and cucumber sticks minus the sticks. dinner was spooned down with another bowlful of that mega-disgusting celery soup, then i returned online.
-yay, PIG mum says i can stay online till 9:45pm tonight! will bbl after one final loo trip with my final, final plodding total and the events for toms.
em. ^^

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