heylo again! em's new plodding total for friday now stands @ sth less than 4207 (please refer to my previous post for the reason why). righteo, events for today?
-yay, second consecutive awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:25am again, and after a pot :P trip i spent the ten minutes till 6:35am having a mostly silent chat to percy the
saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience,
perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day,
giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just
suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy
and/or satisfied. cuddling bear bear and returning to sleep with him, i woke briefly to use the pot :P once more and kiss dearest dad goodbye when he left for work around 8:20am.
-more happy sleepings with bear bear followed until PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes." when she came back, i swung myself to the loo for three more tinkles, PIG mum got me kitted, then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to brush my teeth (poor ela) before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was three yummy weetbix with the shortest and thinnest stream of honey ever, plus all my usual drugs. :P
-after breakfast, PIG mum demanded i go do a stinky unspeakable for her. me, being an obedient child, complied. XD but i also leant briefly against the side rail and continued my mostly chat to percy the angel/saint.
-that finished, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to wash and dry both hands, before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to ronnie jie jie's car. she drives a subaru, too!
-ronnie jie jie doesn't to any music in the car, but i'm just laughing coz PIG mum helped me with my seatbelt all day! i note that she didn't come over and help me buckle it until ronnie jie jie was inside the car herself and could see PIG mum doing it. XD
~once ronnie jie jie exited yvonne road, i closed both eyes and finished my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel. opening both eyes somewhere along coronation drive, era helped ela stretch for five minutes, before she opened and closed her palm fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-at UQ, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then left me with ronnie jie jie in the waiting room while she went back downstairs to pay.
-kat came for me today! turns out lauren had a bung arm/leg/back and had been sent to see the doctor!
-some student with a two-syllable name gave me physio today. i did a six minute walking test (I walked about 150m, an improvement on last year's test - only 66m!), @ least twenty sit-to-stands and cone work for ela.
-afterwards, we all went to the loo, then ronnie jie jie tootled mother and i off to see aunty anna for our haircuts!
-aunty anna cut my hair first, telling me that business had gone down slightly coz of the ten dollar haircuts now available @ warrigal square.
-when she cut PIG mum's hair, i browsed a new idea mag from one year back (october 2011)
-afterwards, ronnie jie jie tootled us off to sushi train for a late lunch!
-lol, when PIG mum was gleefully FORCING :( me to walk into sushi train, she saw kyoko leaving and told me; i yelled, "sayonara, kyoko-san!" and she stopped, turned around, laughed, waved and called back "ja mata!" XD
-well, i wanted my usual kaarage udon, but PIG mum refused coz my throat was still slightly phlegmy. >< instead, i chose a vegetable tempura udon, which was quite yummy - especially the sweet potato! PIG mum and ronnie jie jie both ate sushi, and we all drank green tea. i also rang dearest dad, who told me to tell PIG mum that she had to shout ronnie jie jie.
-actually, ronnie jie jie paid for our meal, but PIG mum insisted on paying her back once she got back into the car. XD
-back home, ronnie jie jie said bye, and i used the loo once before plopping online.
-aunty lucia arrived shortly after 4pm today, and Forced me to walk into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my own hair today, but thanks to aunty lucia who rinsed it out for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before aunty lucia flipped the nice hot water off, got dried, had another tinkle, then got creamed. aunty lucia spread aloe vera over my face, back and legs, and i had another tinkle. when she rekitted me, i had one last tinkle when she was repinning pedro onto my pants.
-aunty lucia Forced me to walk out to the gobbling :P table, where i enjoyed the second half of my yummy chicken puff bun. sadly, PIG mum would only lemme drink water with that, but i held it as the cup for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-before she left, aunty lucia took me once more to the loo. and ew, she's having chicken wings in black bean sauce for dinner tonight! *pukes* XD
-when she left, i returned online. PIG mum came over to de-footwear elf before going upstairs into pigland. dad's outside working in the garage.
-as for me, i'm off to get my naruto fix now! :D fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^
P.S. joni's devotional topic's 'the fear of the lord'.
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