Sunday, September 12, 2010

sunday post19b

good evening! em's final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 4210, and the final spam count for the weekend's twenty-four. righteo, final events for today?
-PIG mum smeared aloe vera all over my face. but she says not to wash it off until toms.
-PIG mum took me to the toilet once before dinner, of course gleefully forcing me to do everything myself. then she made me walk over to wash and dry both hands. actually, as always, she only bothered to wash ela for eight seconds, but i was fair and then washed era for eight seconds also. :) then PIG mum made me walk over to the gobbling :P table.
-rice tonight, plus korean BBQ! thanks to dad who served as master chef. :)oh, and lotsa yummy cauliflower and one tiny slice of chicken. thanks to PIG mum who squirted me (literally) three drops of tomato sauce, but zero thanks to her who gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever. i've learnt to apologise to ela inside my head now, not saying anything out aloud or even moving my lips. what i say is:"poor poor ela, i'm so sorry my HORRIBLE PIG mum is FORCING you to hold the bowl. but than-you for being such a brave girl for me." :)
-dinner was washed down with one yummy mug of aloe vera drink, which i grabbed the opportunity to quickly scull 'incorrectly' coz dad was fiddling around in the kitchen and PIG mum had gone down the hallway to do something.
-PIG mum made me walk back to the computer desk, and i popped back online. yes, she's seated me in that backrest-less piano stool again, meaning my poor back's starting to ache, but i'll endure. :)
-almost forgot: PIG mum recently claimed that she doesn't read my boring blog anymore, and if that's the case, starting from next thursday, i'm returning to typing "gleefully FORCED :( that is, unless she sends me some e-mail saying i can still only type boring old 'made'. e-mail's
-toms: physio @ UQ @ 11am. but no acupuncture toms, coz dr. lin's taking her mother for some cataract operation. hope all goes well~ but does that mean we'll haveta come home and eat lunch with dad? coz if yes, i've gotta ask him toms if we can please buy pork salad rolls back for lunch. oh, and we're going to aunty anna's for a haircut toms! one high-class mushroom style hair cut for me! PIG mum can have a high-class shh-muck cut. :P righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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