Thursday, March 22, 2012

friday post 82

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2389 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's "caring for god's creation"; thirdly, the spam count for the week's sixteen and lastly, i'm still owed FIFTY MINUTES online after aunty lucia leaves tonight!!!! righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
-a shower for me, then we left for garbo~
-i pushed sparkless into the library, grabbed orson scott card's 'xenocide'(an ender novel) and read happily for the next seventy minutes. mainly, though, i'm just digusted with myself it took that long to just read a pissy fifty pages! ><"
-anyways, after cathy took me to the loo once (where era opened the tap lotsa, lotsa and lotsa times), i pushed sparkless and walked to foodcourt.
-i got my usual. lol, i'm not gonna get anything else when i know that it'll be my only chips until the next fortnight! XD cathy got some prawn salad thing from sumo salad, eww. XD the chirpy girl who served me forgot to gimme just a gravy, though. no biggie.
-we yakked away during dinner. cathy never knew her name could be spelt 'kathy', her hubby's doing his final (third? but i'm pretty sure when smelly did it, that course took four years!) year of an engineering course, they live @ woollongabba(sp? too many double letters! XD) and she's got two cats, cafe latte! XD
-after dinner, cathy took me once to the loo, then we went to redeem my instant scratchie! XD
-with that two bucks, i went to buy bread from breadtop for breakfast and arvo tea today, after we'd hit woolies to buy the flossette things.
-sadly, i didn't have enough change for a mcflurry or even a sundae. :( cathy offered to lend me the money, but i didn't wanna risk PIG mum's wrath when cathy asked for her money back. a soft serve was good enough, thanks. :)
-then we hit jayjays! think i finally remember: it's downstairs, near kmart. but there weren't any decent shirts. :(
-only, with two bucks spare, i enjoyed a yummy chicken cheeseburger! :D cathy got herself a green tea from hanaichi, then got another straw and lemme try a sup. :)
-one more loo trip, one final chance for era to open the tap lotsa, lotsa and lotsa times, then cathy tootled me home.
-repeat the usual nightly routine, immediate bed. zzz.
-today: i had a 9am appointment @ UQ! meaning this morning, after i'd gotten fifteen more minutes, used the pot for three tinkles and went and brushed teeth, PIG mum fed me one warm mug of horlicks and the sausage donut i'd bought last night, then tootled me off to UQ.
-sorry, bbl!
em. ^^

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