good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1023 steps today and secondly, TWFT topic's 'lessons from lazarus (1)'. righteo, let's continue on from where i left off last night!
-i had my second half of the sausage donut for arvo tea. thanks to PIG mum who poured me half a glass of milk; i took that as my cup for today to drink 'incorrectly'.
-aunty lucia took me once more to the loo, before she left, i returned online, and got my naruto fix. XD
-mother then gleefully forced poor ela to practise piano for absolutely ages. i'll keep saying this, but i don't really mind, coz piano playing's always been something i've loved doing, even after the unfaithful god snatched that ability away from me.
-alas, after that, she gleefully FORCED :( poor em to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill.
-only she didn't plod herself while i was having dinner! ><
-after dinner, i went to the loo once, then dad took me to church for SHINE fellowship.
-nice; the moment i arrived, michael offered me a lolly! "i bought them when i was in hong kong," he explained, opening the soft, squishy lolly for me. :)
-last night's warm-up activity wasn't as fun as the one from last week; we were required to draw what 'fellowship' represented to us. i drew 'fellows aboard a ship XD', dr. dr. tai drew us as a bunch of almost-ripe grapes, both thomas and aunty rowena drew us sharing a meal around a big round table'.
-last night, kathy led us in another bible study about what 'church' was.
-also thanks to claudia who helped me once to the loo around 9:30pm. i managed alright by myself, also letting era open the tap lotsa times. turns out laurence brought her to our church, and she's a nurse, just like PIG mum!
-uncle kelvin also gave me two more lollies from michael's bag. :) nomnomnom~
-dad drove me home, chucked some spectacular cow @ me. >< whatever. i just cuddled bear bear and went to sleep.
-today: i used the pot :P once last night and once more this morning around 5:50am. then i spent the ten minutes till 6am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied, before cuddling florence and returning to sleep, waking briefly to kiss PIG mum good-bye and use the pot :P once more when he left for work.
-then i slept happily with rainbow until tess arrived.
-awesome, tess lets me sleep-in for another THIRTY MINUTES! lol, i only ask her for ten~ XD
-i got up, used the pot :P once more for one tinkle. tess got me kitted, then we linked arms and walked over to the bathroom together, where i brushed my teeth. thanks to tess who squirted me some toothpaste.
-after brushing my teeth, i went and did a stinky unspeakable.
-breakfast afterwards was some egg, ham and cheese on toast, one mug of tea and four crackers from yuen's market with some strawberry jam. yum! tess also kindly poured me half a mug of milk, which made up for dad refusing to pour me any last night. :)
-after munching breakfast, tess massaged ela for about forty-five minutes while i wrote my letter out to nana.
-around midday, tess took me to the loo once then made me some warm milo sweetened with a lil sugar. then she even shared some of her taro milk tea with pearls with me! the pearls were crappy, though. XD
-while tess cooked some fried rice for my lunch, i rang aunty lai and we chatted for about ten minutes. she said she was watching some television drama.
-tess took me to the loo once more before she left.
-lunch was about half a bowl of fried rice plus lotsa cucumber and tomato.
-PIG mum took me once more to the loo before i plopped online. of course, she gleefully forced me to do everything.
-but yay, now i'm online, with just over one hour left for myself. :) i'm just reading some news articles now~
-think sharon's coming to shower me @ 4pm.
-anyways, fingers crossed i can come back online, else it's just church toms, nothing special. i've more or less given up hope that dad will take us to plaza for lunch anymore. :( but hopefully i'll get some visitors in the arvo!
em. ^^
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