good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 710 steps today; secondly, TWFT topic's "don't worry about it" and thirdly, i'm still owed THIRTY-FIVE MINUTES online after carol leaves!! righteo, today's events?
-lol, i was an idiot last night! PIG mum forgot to put the pot :P in for me, and i forgot to check before i went! XD meaning poor PIG mum had to come downstairs and mop up the mess around 2am.
-but then i slept like a pig/log, not waking to use the pot :P again until dad came to kiss me goodbye before leaving for work @ 8:05.
-then i spent the ten minutes till 8:15am having a mostly silent to percy the saint/angel asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i'd need to get through today, giving all the happiness and all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied, before cuddling florence and sleeping all the way until 10:30!
-after PIG mum gave me fifteen more minutes, i used the pot :P once more for two tinkles, just swinging back into bed when i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable.
-PIG mum got me kitted, then gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen, where she gleefully, pointlessly and therefore spitefully forced poor ela to open the tap five times before letting me sit.
-but she made chocolate porridge with egg for breakfast! :D i enjoyed that with one slice of toast. horrid PIG mum, of course, gleefully forced poor ela to hold onto the bread before era teore it into shreds, but era kept her promise to ela by combining with the spoon to tear it into more bite-sized, manageable pieces.
-when aunty wendy arrived, PIG mum announced that i had to watch some video that reverend lam had lent me when we visited his place for dinner awhile back.
-aunty wendy took me to the loo once first for a stinky unspeakable, though.
-the movie was in canto ... some christian movie about that lady who became totally paralysed after she dived and broke her neck. joni eareckson (sp?) tada.
-cherish rang and said she was dropping by. we chatted while i munched lunch, just last night's leftovers.
-after she left, i rang dearest dad, who was somewhere northside. then aunty wendy massaged ela while i finished watching the video. she told me that david had lost his left eye.
-when PIG mum got home, aunty wendy took me once to the loo then i plopped online. she's going now to buy herself some more oats for breakfast. she told PIG mum that i still seemed very tired; i admit, i am, but after getting another night's good rest tonight, i should be all good.
-well, carol should arrive in twenty minutes, fingers crossed i can come back online afterwards, else:
-another torture session with vincent the bloody physio toms. ><
-fingers crossed that PIG mum'll take me somewhere yummy for lunch!
-and toms night, cathy's taking me out to garbo!
righteo, hopefully bbl!
em. ^^
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