Wednesday, June 9, 2010

thursday post 10b

hello again! firstly, sorry for the shrieking in my last post. >< secondly, calculated, i'll have been online for fifty minutes in total by the time my carer/life coach/support worker/whatever they're called now :p gets here, meaning i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TEN MINUTES online tonight, after i get home from bookclub. add that to the time i'm already owed, and that's FIVE HOURS and FOUR MINUTES that i'm owed! and i'll keep PROMISING that i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE I'M OWED!!
-righteo, my plodding total for thursday now stands @ 4125.
-this morning, dad dug me up. when i swung myself over to use the pot :P once, i saw the time was only 9am! "why are you getting me up that early, dad?" i asked him sleepily. 'physio doesn't start till 11am."
"yeah, well, they rang this morning and changed your appointment to 10am' replies he, "no time left, we gotta go.
-so dad got me kitted and made me walk out to the car. breakfast was just one mug of lukewarm milk.
-dad gleefully forced me to buckle my seatbelt all day, and he also decided we'd listen to kenny bee all day. happy erf got to sit sideways all day, too. :)
-dad parked @ UQ, made me walk up to the loo. of course, he gleefully forced me to dak myself.
-and did PIG mum tell him?! dad refused to pass me a gossip mag, and he wouldn't lemme ask the other person sitting in the waiting room to, either! >< so i just sat there, closed my eyes and sang my second-favourite song in my head and daydreamed some untilnadia came for me, walkbelt @ the ready and Forced me to walk into the gym.
-phew, again, no tilt table today. :P just lotsa sit-to-stands and weightshifting work.
-argh, why did dad refuse to take me out for lunch today? >< i mean, i understand that it gives PIG mum immense pleasure to restrict me to only one meal out per week, but while the parents have already gone out for yum cha this week, i still haven't had one single meal out yet! when i asked PIG mum about that, she said 'twas coz we'd need to save our money and send the money back to hong kong for grandma. sheesh, why the hell did you decide that AFTER you and dad ate out? *feels ripped off* ><
-meaning lunch was one mug of nesquik and lunch was 'cheung fun' (say that in canto)
-i was ready to tootle online afterwards, but no, dad forced me to bed instead. well, i don't need bloody arvo naps anymore, meaning i just cuddled bear bear and sang my favourite and second-favourite songs, the important numbers softly out aloud and opening my eyes. then i just daydreamed till PIG mum came inside my room.
-i used the pot :p once. she got me kitted, made me walk out to the computer desk, and i tootled online for around ten minutes until uncle stephen arrived.
-he Forced me to walk to the gobbling :p table. my session with him was basically standing, weightshifting and stepping. funny ... he always remembers to tell me to weightshift to the left, i wonder why he constantly forgets to tell me to weightshift to the right?
-i finally came online afterwards, and lyn (i think it's her today) should arrive in roughly fifteen minutes.
-and golly gosh, book club tonight! fingers crossed the ladies will head out for dinner tonight, that i'll be welcome too, and that PIG mum will agree! barring that, i'm still drooling after a tropicana pack from red roosters! i can safely say that PIG mum's refused to take me somewhere to pick up dinner for the past SIX MONTHS!!! :(
-PHYSIO @ YOUR :P TURN. AND TOMS'LL BE MY LAST CHANCE FOR LUNCH OUT THIS WEEK - LET'S HOPE IT HAPPENS! whoops, sorry, shrieking again! >< anyways, hope everyone has a great end to their week toms!
em. ^^

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