Wednesday, June 2, 2010

thursday post 9b

good evening! i just had a meeting with marg and mariana, and have just come back online. lisa's just arrived, but dad says i can stay online for thirty minutes, so i'm still owed EIGHT HOURS and THIRTEEN MINUTES!!
and my final plodding total actually stands now @ 2019. righteo, just really quickly:
-three weetbix with one spoonful of honey today.
-physio @ UQ. I played the wii fit!
-then, posture exercises and stepping exercises with erf.
-dad dropped me off @ patsy's place, who tootled me and margaret off to mount cotton!
-i drank pineapple juice and ate rabbit sausages and duck poo for lunch. :p okay, it wasn't that, really, but i've forgotten what that stuff was really called. :P
-patsy tootled me home, and i tootled online till mariana and marg arrived!
-we had a meeting; talking about my goalsa and stuff.
-when they left, i tootled online - just as lisa arrived.
-she's taking me out to garbo tonight! too bad, dad's already decided what i'm to eat, but i'll still try for some potato and gravy and/or some chippies tonight. :)
em. ^^
P.S. physio @ your :p toms, then @ night it's uni fellowship finale! i'm gonna bring bear bear! :D

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