Wednesday, June 30, 2010

wednesday post13b

good evening! righteo, just noting down that i'm still owed THIRTY MINUTES online tomorrow, coz PIG mum's gleefully forcing poor em off to bed @ 9:30. and yes, i'll continue to PROMISE that i'll try my very HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED, I SWEAR!!!
-anyways, em's final plodding total for wednesday now stands @ 5271. righteo, today's events?
-when dearest dad got up for work this morning, i swung myself over to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some desperately-needed sleep, then cuddled my darling bear bear and snored my head off with him. :P
-ouchies. >< when PIG mum poked me up later, i had a sore throat. so i begged PIG mum to have a heart and please cancel my torture session with vincent the physio so i could sleep until aunty wendy arrived to look after me for three hours. ZERO thanks to her who refused. >< she just got me kitted and made me walk out to the gobbling :p table.
-breakfast was just one slice of bread without condiments. see, originally, PIG mum had gotten out the butter, but i'd refused it after she was all for gleefully forcing poor ela to brace against the plate while i spread. but hey, plain white bread tastes fine. :) plus, i got to drink one warm mug of milo 'incorrectly'.
-PIG mum made me walk to the car. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to westlife's 'face to face' all day.
-PIG mum tootled us off to unique physiotherapy, and made me walk inside. i sat down and browsed a famous mag. what i don't like about them is that the first paragraph is ALL IN CAPITALS, LIKE THIS. IT'S MUCH HARDER TO READ, SEE?
-vincent the physio saw PIG mum first, then 'twas my turn. ><
-thankfully, no falls today. :) just me walking un-aided around, sitting on that chair with wheels and some exercises for ela. vincent the physio also got me to show him that exercise he taught me to deal with the inevitable back pain i got from sitting on some backrest-less and arm-rest-less thing. i also did several sit-to-stands, before he finally lemme leave.
-PIG mum tootled us home, and i let erf sit sideways for my last car trip for today.
-aunty wendy was already waiting when we got back. she took me to the loo once, then i sat down @ the gobbling :P table.
-and thanks to aunty wendy who'd brought me lunch! what's 'fun see'(say that in canto) in english? with carrots, and dried beancurd and some fish balls. yummm! :)
-i also ate one pear and drank one mug of chocolate nesquik 'incorrectly'.
-then i sat down with the third twilight novel and aunty wendy gave ela a massage. she burps really loudly, BTW. :p
-aunty wendy took me once more to the loo before she left, then i tootled online to await trace's arrival.
-when she came, she Forced me to walk to the bathroom. i used the loo before trace gave me a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the water off, dried myself and had another tinkle, got creamed. trace rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was doing erf's laces.
-trace Forced me to walk back out to the gobbling :p table. arvo tea was the two yummy chicken sushi rolls PIG mum had kindly picked up for me when i was being tortured by vincent the physio. but 1. zero thanks to horrid PIG mum who wouldn't pour me out some more soya sauce (the little fish ones you get are only enough for one roll) and 2. not only did she restrict me to just one teaspoonful of honey in my tea, she even said no milo or nesquik! >< meaning i just drank one plastic cup of fruit and vegie juice.
-trace flipped on the television, and we watched ten's news together. she started giving ela a massage around 5:40.
-trace took me once more to the bathroom before she left. she's taking me out to garbo toms night! actually, she says we might try and catch a movie!
-i started watching seven's news, only to have PIG mum come downstairs and gleefully make poor em plod thirty minutes on that bloody treadmill, before 'claiming' to do the same herself, while i worked on one sudoku. this time, zero thanks to dad who 1. wouldn't lemme prop my feet up on the footrest, and 2. forced me to sit on the piano chair (again, no backrest><)
-dad and PIG mum decided to gang up on me and gimme my rant of the week. ><
-dinner tonight: rice, lotsa cauliflower and sweet carrot, and several small chunks of roast pork. of course, awful PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, whatever.
-after dinner, PIG mum made me walk all the way to the door before making me walk back to the computer, where i tootled online.
-eep, thirty mins left! typetypetype~
-toms: UQ physio @ 11am. i'm goona try my luck and ask PIG mum to please take me out to 7-8, where i think she went with aunty anne today. but toms night should be awesome! trace's taking me out to garbo! so i'm gonna check my e-mail quickly, then see what movies are now showing. anyways, sorry for any mistakes, i'm outta time to check my e-mail and see what movies are showing! hope everyone's having a great week!
em. ^^

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