Monday, November 15, 2010

monday post 28b

18good evening! em's final plodding total for monday now stands @ 1777. righteo, final events for today?
-when jeannine arrived, she led me to the bathroom for a nice hot shower - hairwash today. turns out she couldn't word two days ago coz she's got some faulty valve in her heart! she'll need to see some cardiologist for that.
-i had one tinkle before jeannine flipped the nice hot water off, dried myself and had another tinkle, got creamed. jeannine rekitted me. i had one tinkle when she was doing elf's AFO straps, and one last one when she was tying erf's laces. then she rinsed the floor for me before leading me to the gobbling :P table for afternoon tea.
-for arvo tea, i had one slice of aunty winnie's yummy sponge cake! jeannine also made me one cuppa, white sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of honey, my official cup to drink 'incorrectly'.
-when PIG mum came downstairs, sneaky jeannine led her away talking about my new AFO, meaning she didn't haveta start massaging ela till almost 5:50! but she painted her dark green with yellow/orange spots today.
-@ 5;55, she took me once more to the loo, then left me with seven's news playing. only i didn't watch any of it coz i was too busy trying to complete another sudoku - my aim is to have the entire book completed by week's end!
-PIG mum came down and forced poor em on 10+ mins of that UQ home program, then gleefully forced poor ela on 20+ mins of exercises. on the bright side, ela held the sword that aunty anne/smoky jie jie had found and enthusiastically decapitated her several times. :P
-dinner: rice, lotsa some kinda lettuce, and a few (literally, three!) chunks of yummy BBQ chicken. of course, PIG mum did gleefully force poor ela to hang onto the bowl while i ate, meaning i very deliberately held onto my yummy mug of fruit and vegie juice 'incorrectly'. then i ate some yummy jelly fruit cup! dunno where dad got that from!
-PIG mum took me to the loo once before i popped back online. of course, she gleefully forced me to do everything.
-only the extra mug of water i drank after eating that yummy jelly fruit cup all rushed down to my bladder! >, meaning PIG mum got to take me once more to the loo and gleefully force me to do everything again. ><
-toms: argh, save me, i've got a bloody torture session with vincent the bloody physio toms! >< but afterwards, we're eating japanese with aunty katherine for lunch! :D jeannine's coming @ 4:30 ... that's about all. righteo, i'm heading over to watch the episode of naruto i missed last week. hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^
P.S. almost forgot! em's final plodding total for monday now stands @ 1806.

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