Wednesday, November 24, 2010

thursday post 29

good afternoon! firstly, TWFT topic's "don't play the fool", secondly, em's been hard @ work plodding 2061 steps today, and thirdly, em's still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES online after the DSQ worker leaves!!! but i may not get the time back tonight, coz mr. hall's coming over for his birthday! but i've noted that down into my spreadsheet, and i can only keep SWEARING that i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE THAT I'M OWED!!! righteo, today's events?
-i used the pot :P thrice last night.
-this morning, when dearest dad came and kissed me good-bye, i reminded him that mr. hall was coming over for dinner tonight!
-then i snored my head off :P with bear bear - og! i almost forgot - aunty wendy gave him a new cantonese name yesterday! he's usually called 'bol bui hong' ('beloved bear' in canto, but aunty wendy called him 'chan dai hung' ('big bear chan' in cantonese! :P)- until PIG mum poked me awake with 'fifteen more minutes.'
-i used the pot :P - and i've suddenly come down with an awful case of the hiccups! >< - right after PIG mum called me, which prolly explains why i couldn't tinkle again when PIG mum returned. actually, i felt like doing a stinky unspeakable, so i just went back to the bed.
-hey, the DSQ lady's here now, so i'll try to bbl with the rest of today's events, okies?
em. ^^

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