Friday, April 24, 2009

saturday post

good afternoon! no plodding total from me yet, coz it's only like 2pm, so how about i start off with last night first?
-after watching the news, amanda Forced me to walk to the gobbling table :P where she whipped up one of those chicken maggi noodles, 97% fat free with vegies, and the last of the apple mango juice for my dinner.
-she Forced me to walk to the loo for a tinkle, Forced me to walk over to wash my right hand - but kindly helped me dry it - and Forced me to walk to barry, her car.
-PIG mum climbed in as well, and amanda tootled us off to church, listening to B105.PIG mum proving her usefulness by providing some wrong directions :P but we got there in the end.
-PIG mum and amanda Forced me to walk in, and after changing seats a few times, i was seated. dear pole plop came and took a seat next to me.
-wilfreddy took UF worship today. luckily, he didn't ask us to stand, and i sang the harmony for the song "the potter's hands."
charlsy and sam priestly shared some show and tell, before we broke into groups for the night's activity.
-pole helped me limp/stagger/hobble to our allocated room, and i took a seat in between letty and tina.
-much thanks to letty who lent me a pen as our bible study on daniel started.
-we took turns reading out the bible passages, and also at sharing. thanks to whoever who brought a packet of lollies for us to share - i got 3 yummy ones.
- session all done, hannah helped me put my walk belt on, and helped me limp/stagger/hobble back out to the main hall.
-thanks to letty who helped me write a question to put into the box; next wee's topic is question and answer night, see. my silly question: "did adam and eve have bellybuttons? :P"
-PIG mum returned for me, and made (PLEASE! GO NOW! to the top of thursday's post to see what i REALLY want to type, but have sadly been TOO HEAVILY CENSORED by PIG mum. ><)me walk back out to the car.
-dear dad tootled us home, listening to anthony callea.
-the usual pre-bedtime routine followed, then i hit the sack. zzz. :P
em. ^^

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